Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1792: In search of emperor

Hearing what Xue An said, Hu Ye wanted to refute, but couldn't find any reason, so she could only shut her mouth sullenly.

Because he knew that what Xue An said was the truth.

If you just take A Rou back, then the elders will definitely kill A Rou at all costs.

"Huh! These great elders are absolutely broken!" Hu Ying also said irritably.

Xue An shook his head, "This is not because they are bad, but as the guardians of the Tianhu clan, they must do this!"

"Then what should I do? Is it just like watching A Rou get hurt?" An Yan couldn't help but said.

"There is only one way to do this!"

Everyone's eyes lit up, "What can be done?" Hu Ye asked impatiently.

Xue An didn't respond, but instead stood up and walked to A Rou.

At this moment, A Rou was confused and sat on the chair with a blank face.

Xue An stared at her dull and dull eyes and suddenly said, "What's the matter with her eyes?"

Hu Ye sighed, "It's useless. I tried it. Her eyes are actually fine, but she just can't see anything. Later, I checked her spirit and found that she was born with a lack of vision!"

Zhuge Zang also nodded, "Yes, I used the method of fate to calculate that this girl Arou's fate is extremely special, she is destined to lack one of her five senses, and she is born incomplete!"

Xue An frowned and remained silent.

A Rou's heart also gradually sank to the bottom, and then squeezed out a smile that was uglier than crying.

"Thank you for your concern. In fact, I have already anticipated this. After all, I am just a mortal woman with a fate, and I am still a blind man. I am destined to not get along with Fox Ye! I don't blame him. Really! This is all my life!"

When she said these words, Arou was calm and terrible, but her tears fell like a broken string.

"I don't even blame him for what happened last night. It was all my voluntary. Okay, Fox Night, send me back to Lingying Palace!"

With that, Arou stood up and prepared to leave.

But at this moment, Xue An suddenly said: “Actually, I know that there is something in the heavens that can not only heal Arou’s eyes, but also transform her body, making her the choice of the elders. A strong monster body without any problems!"

Hearing these words, Hu Ye and everyone were shocked.

Zhuge Zang's eyes lit up even more, "Xiao'an, you mean..."

Xue An nodded, "That's right, it's Emperor Liuliu!"

The name made the room very quiet, and even Fox Ying was surprised.

An Yan asked in a low voice, "Ying'er, what is this emperor flow?"

Hu Ying said solemnly: "Sister Yan, this emperor flow is a legend spread among the monsters! It is said that this kind of thing is extremely mysterious, and it is said to contain the innate Yuehua spirit which is extremely important to the monsters. , Can illuminate the demon spirit, refine the demon body, and even help you advance to the demon bloodline!"

An Yan's eyes gradually widened, "Is this thing so magical?"

"Of course! But since the great moon catastrophe five thousand years ago, this emperor's flow has never appeared again!"

at the same time.

Hu Ye was also stunned, "Emperor Flowing Blood? Isn't that a sacred item of the Monster Race? Can it really heal A Rou's eyes?"

Xue An nodded, "Of course! Because... A Rou's eyes are not natural at all!"

These words made Huye tremble all over his body, and exclaimed, "What did you say?"

Even A Rou was shocked.

Xue An said solemnly: "I have just probed Arou's spirit and found that she is indeed missing her sense of sight, but I can smell a very subtle demon in it, so I can conclude that she is not born like this, but A big demon forcibly tampered with her fate and took away her sense of sight!"

Zhuge Zang was also taken aback, and said in astonishment: "But the fate display I deduced..."

Xue An waved his hand, "Of course there is no difference in the fate of the deduction, because this is not what happened in A Rou's life! It happened in previous lives."

Speaking of this, Xue An settled for a while, and then continued: "In other words, A Rou has been living like this for several lifetimes!"

Fox night is angry!

He is always tired and lazy, but he rarely gets angry.

But this time, he was completely angry!

"Who? Who is so cruel, treating a weak woman like this? I'm going to tear him apart!" Fox Ye said with red eyes.

Xue An shook his head, "There are too few clues, and it is still impossible to tell who it is! But since this situation of A Rou is not a congenital defect, but has been forcibly tampered with by an unknown big demon, then he wants to make A Rou recover. , You must use Diliuzhi!"

"Furthermore, with the Emperor Liuxu, Arou can abandon the human body and become a fox or other monster like you. At that time, the elders of your Qingqiu fox country will not find a reason to oppose. Now! Isn't this the best of both worlds?"

Xue An's remarks were justified and well-founded, and Fox Ye heard it with enthusiasm, and immediately said: "Okay, then I will go to Emperor Liuliu now to heal A Rou's eyes!"

With that, Hu Ye grabbed A Rou's hand, turned and left.

Xue An stopped him, "Hold on! Do you know where Emperor Liuli is?"

Fox Ye was taken aback, "I don't know!"

"Then you just look for it aimlessly? When do you have to find it?"

"Then what do you say? You can't just wait on earth like this!" Hu Ye said eagerly.

Xue An smiled slightly, "At this moment, I am not in a hurry. After I have finished everything on earth, I plan to go to the ancestral land of the dragon clan. The news about the long-horned loach is the best, they should know Some clues to the emperor's flow!"

Hearing these words, the brilliance in Fox Ye’s eyes was great, and then he patted his thigh again, “Yes, why did I forget these guys! If there is any monster in the heavens that knows the emperor If the slurry falls, it must be these big loaches!"

After all, Hu Ye looked at Xue An impatiently.

"Old Xue, now the seal of my sister-in-law is also Xie is also sober again, is there anything else to deal with?"

Xue An nodded, "Of course there is, and it's a very important thing!"

"A very important thing?"

"Yes! The news that I was reincarnated and proclaimed the Immortal King must have spread throughout the heavens at this moment, and the earth is at the cusp of the storm. If you do not take precautions in advance, it is difficult to say that this situation will not happen again. And it is impossible for me to come back in such a timely manner every time!"

There was still Zhuge Zang in the night of the fox, Ye Hanshang and others were shocked.

"Then you want to..."

"Yes, I want to transform the starry sky so that the entire solar system becomes a defensive array, protecting the earth in it!"

This idea is extremely grand in the eyes of Anyan and others.

But to Zhuge Zang and others, it is nothing at all!

Because compared to the existence of a galaxy as a moat in the depths of the starry sky, there is only one solar system, which is not worth mentioning.

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