In an instant, the whole world boiled.

"My slot! God of War Xue is awesome (broken tone)!!!"

"Ah ah ah ah, Mr. Xue, I want to give birth to a monkey for you!"

"Hahahaha, it's not awesome anymore! After this battle, who among the heavens dared to disrespect Mr. Xue?"

"I don't care, Xue Warshen will be my idol from now on!"

The Internet has simply exploded. Numerous sand sculpture netizens swept their screens frantically, and the atmosphere even swept away the previous despair and sorrow, and became happy.

Even Zhuge Zang couldn't help twisting his beard, and sighed softly: "Even to cut the six immortal kings, this battle will surely make the world a sensation and become a classic battle in the annals of history!"

However, Fox Ye mumbled a little bit of thoughts, "I wipe it, the fairy king Xuecai is just like this, then I can pay it back? No, I have to work harder, otherwise I will not be able to stop Lao Xue in the future. How happily be friends then?"

At this moment, Xue An held his sword in arms, raised his eyes and glanced at the evil cultivators all over the sky, a cold smile appeared on his face.

"To help the abuser, to be a tiger, you all go to die!"

After that, he raised his hand, and this Mo Wangan flew straight out like a swimming dragon, and then went straight to the sky.

These evil cultivators had already been scared to death by Xue An's power. When the sword light flew up, they were almost assholes, and they ran away like ghosts and howling wolves.

"Ahhhhh, forgive me! This matter has nothing to do with me!"

"My lord, I really know I was wrong, please let me go!"

There is also the hysterical roar caused by excessive fear.

But no matter what kind of sound it was, it melted like ice and snow under the scorching sun.

Puff puff!

In the muffled sound of sword light piercing the skin, countless blood swayed in the air, and the dead corpses fell like rain.

Where the sword light passes, these evil repairs are like harvested rice, large tracts of fall.

In just a few blinks of an eye, the evil cultivators that had just occupied the entire sky became the souls of the sword.

Even some people didn't die by the sword at all, but died in the tumult of each other under excessive fear.

When the sky was completely empty, it coincided with the setting sun, and countless blood seemed to dye the setting sun red.

Under the weeping and **** setting sun, Xue An stood amidst the ten thousand zhang ray, and the golden light traced a golden edge around his body.

At that moment, countless people burst into tears, and many even fell to the ground with a pious face, expressing their most sincere gratitude to Xue An.

Countless powers of faith flocked to Xue An.

Feeling this surging power, Xue An chuckled lightly, then lowered his head to look down at the whole world.

"The enemy has been eliminated, and since then, the earth will be protected by me!"

As soon as this remark came out, people all over the world made a huge cheer.

At this moment, Xue An raised his head, raised his hand and wrote a big word Xue on the sky.

As soon as this word came out, it instantly enveloped the entire earth!

This also means that the earth has become his Immortal King's territory!

Since then, if any strong person wants to be unfavorable to the earth, he must first weigh himself or herself!

And this font will send divine signals to the strong in the past, declaring Xue An's sovereignty.

After doing all this, Xue An lowered his head to look at everyone, and finally focused on An Yan.

At this time, An Yanye had faded her armor, and she was dressed in red like a fire, standing in the crowd looking forward to him.

A warm smile appeared on Xue An's face with a hint of guilt, and then with a wave of his hand, a soft aura lifted An Yan into the air.

An Yan flew to the front in the blink of an eye.

Then the two looked at each other.

At this moment, all the thousands of words have turned into a wet look.

Xue An smiled, "Yan'er, you have suffered during this period!"

An Yan shook his head, "Not bitter, just a little scared!"

But even though she said so, the choking voice had already betrayed her.

"Okay! It's all over, and I will never leave again, I promise you!"

"Yeah!" An Yan nodded, and suddenly asked a little surprised: "Why are you bringing me up high in the sky?"

Xue An smiled mysteriously, "Because there is something I want to tell you!"

"What's the matter?" An Yan looked ignorant.

"Come here, I will tell you quietly!"

An Yan did not doubt that he had him, and walked over.

But when she just walked to Xue An's side, Xue An suddenly hugged her.

An Yan was taken aback.

At this moment, Xue An directly lowered his head and kissed An Yan's red lips heavily.

An Yan's whole body was tense for an instant, but then he closed his eyes, put his hands around Xue An's neck, and responded with emotionlessness.

And this scene naturally spread throughout the world through ubiquitous live broadcast footage.

The whole world made a good laugh.

Among them are the admiration of men and the envy of women.

After all, is there any woman who doesn't want the person she loves to be like Xue An, a hero of the world, and kiss herself bitterly in front of hundreds of millions of people?

But some people have sour eyes, lowering their heads and daring not to look again.

Such as Fan Mengxue, such as Tang Xuaner...

They both lowered their heads very sadly.

Only Hu Ying is different, because at the moment Xue An kissed An Yan, Hu Ye rushed to the front, and then raised his hand to cover his sister's eyes.

"Brother, what are you doing?"

"Don't talk nonsense, children watch this kind of picture less, and it's easy to learn badly!" Hu Ye said solemnly.

"I'm pooh, just a kiss, can this be a bad example?" Hu Ying groaned.

"Of course you can. After all, if your age is converted to an adult race, you are only sixteen years old. How can you see this at this age?" Hu Yeyi said righteously.

"Huh! You will care about me! Why don't you say that you broke down when you hook up a girl?" Hu Ying was so angry.

Hu Ye was a little embarrassed, but still said, "Am I the same as you? I'm your brother, and I'm still a man!"

"What's wrong with men? Men are amazing? You are blatant discrimination! I protest!"

"The protest is invalid..." Hu Ye screamed.

Because his sister Hu Ying bit his wrist, he let go of his hand in pain.

Then Hu Ying raised her head and looked at Xue An and An Yan who were kissing in the sky. After a while, she sighed with infinite longing: "It's really romantic! Brother Xue is so handsome!"

"Hey! Brother Xue is kissing someone now? You can bear it like this?" Hu Ye couldn't help but said happened to kissing someone? And he kissed sister Yan! I won't be jealous of sister Yan! "Hu Ying said nonchalantly.

"You..." Hu Ye was almost speechless and choked, and the veins appeared on his forehead.

Why do you have such a weird sister?

At this moment, Hu Ying, who had been watching for a while, slowly lowered her head to meditate.

Hu Ye breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that his sister didn't care as much as she said. That's okay, it's not completely hopeless.

But at this moment, Hu Ying raised her head and asked Fox Ye curiously.

"Brother, what is it like to kiss?"

Fox Night: "..."

Then: -"-anger). "

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