Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1771: A blessing in disguise

Following the voice, a man wearing a robe embroidered with flame emblems, pale, but his eyes full of evil and ferocious aura appeared in the void.

When he saw this man, Shang Liang was taken aback for a moment, and Xuan even exclaimed, "The evil emperor of Nanhuo? Are you the evil emperor of Nanhuo?"

The man smiled evilly, and red light appeared in his eyes, "It's really hard for you to remember me! That's right, it's this emperor! Master of Commerce, you are not staying in your Qiantianyuan, why are you here?"

Countless thoughts flashed through Shang Liang's mind.

He had a fate with this once master of evil sect.

At that time, the Evil Sect of the Five Elements was at its peak in the Spring and Autumn Period, and no one dared to provoke the disciples.

These five evil emperors are divided into five elements, and they are extremely powerful.

In particular, the five of them were still advancing and retreating together, rushing to the enemy whenever something happened.

In this case, even the strong immortal emperor had to retreat and didn't dare to take his edge lightly.

But it was such a tyrannical five evil sect that was single-handedly overturned by Xue An overnight.

The five evil emperors have since disappeared, and there is no more news.

Unexpectedly, I met here today, and Shang Liang couldn't help but think of it.

Could it be... he also heard the news that he came to the earth?

Thinking of this, Shang Liang couldn't help but sighed bitterly.

"Oh, that's a long story! Lord Evil Emperor, I really wanted to go to the earth to find the Red Lotus Immortal to settle accounts, but... I ended up in defeat!"

"Oh? Return in a big defeat?" The evil fire was flourishing in the eyes of the evil emperor of Nanhuo, "You are also a strong immortal king, how could you fail so badly? Could it be that the immortal red lotus was not as the Lord of the Abyss said Seriously injured like that?"

As the evil sect powerhouse who had a life and death feud with Xue An, they naturally received the notice before the death of the Lord of the Abyss.

Shang Liang shook his head and smiled bitterly, "That's not the case. I have seen with my own eyes that Xue An has indeed been seriously injured and has fallen into a life-and-death life and death! But he actually found a bunch of helpers to guard the earth for him. !"

"Oh? Helper? What helper?"

"As far as I can see, there are Zhuge Zang, Huye, Ye Hanshang, Tianzhuna, and an immortal king who I can't name. The five immortal kings have joined forces. That's why I lost so badly!" At this time, Shang Liang's complexion became extremely ugly.

But the evil emperor of Nanhuo sneered when he heard the names of Huye and the others, with a disdainful expression on his face.

"I should be such a great person. It turned out to be such a bunch of wine bags and rice bags! Master of Commerce, if you are interested, follow me back again to see how I smashed Xue An with a thousand swords to vent my waiting. I hate it!"

Shang Liang was overjoyed, knowing that he had guessed correctly, the evil emperor of Nanhuo really came to Xue An.

But then he hesitated again, "Shang Mou is naturally willing to invite the Evil Emperor! It's just that the other party is the five great immortal kings, no matter how strong it is, but I and the Evil Emperor are the two...are you weak in power?"

As soon as the voice fell, the evil emperor of Nanhuo laughed loudly, "The Lord of the Chamber of Commerce is really as cautious as before, and it hasn't changed at all!"

Shang Liang smiled awkwardly, "Isn't I afraid of something bad?"

The evil emperor Nanhuo waved his hand, "You are not wrong in your consideration, but since we are called the evil emperor of the five elements, you should understand what it means!"

As he said, he turned his head and shouted at the depths of the void: "Brothers, the master of the business school is worried that we are weak, so he will show up and show him how many people there are!"

There was a ridiculous laughter in the void, "The Lord of the Chamber of Commerce is really the more courageous the older you are, no matter what, brothers, let's show up together!"

Following the voice, but seeing a slight tremor in the void, ripples appeared immediately afterwards.

Then from the ripples, a group of figures began to emerge.

The four men were the first to bear the brunt.

These four men wore robes embroidered with various emblems, their faces were as majestic as an emperor, and the aura on their bodies made the entire star tremble.

It is the four evil emperors of Dongmu, Xijin, Beishui and Middle-earth.

And behind them, there are countless disciples.

These disciples are full of strong evil spirits, and obviously their strength is very good.

Not only that, there are also evil cultivators of various factions. The number of people is so large that they can't be seen at a glance.

Shang Liang looked at this scene in shock.

At this time, the Evil Emperor Dongmu smiled coldly, "I have already appeared, can you rest assured that the Lord of the Chamber of Commerce now?"

Shang Liang trembled all over, then nodded in ecstasy, "rest assured, absolutely rest assured!"

"Then do you think we can conquer the earth with our strength?" Nanhuo evil emperor said lightly.

"No problem, the earth will have no chance of survival now!" Shang Liang said with a smile.

"Very good! Since the Lord of the Chamber of Commerce has just escaped from the earth, I will trouble you to lead the way, we...kill it!" Nanhuo evil emperor said coldly.

"Okay! Everyone, please follow me!"

After all, Shang Liang led this group of evil cultivators to fly to the earth mightily.

At the same time, Shang Liang thought with joy, Xue An, how do you hide this time!

At the same time above the earth.

Zou Sui looked anxiously at Zhuge Zang who was getting Xiao Rui's pulse. He wanted to say something but was afraid that it would disturb Zhuge Zang's thinking, so he could only suppress his temper and wait.

After a while, Zhuge Zang gave a slight hey.


Zou Sui's face instantly became very pale.

Fan Mengxue immediately asked, "Senior Zhuge, how is Xiaorui's injury? Is there life threatening?"

Zhuge Zang put down Xiao Rui's wrist and shook his head gently, "The injury on her body is not serious!"

"Then why haven't you woke up yet?" Zou Sui asked quickly.

A faint smile appeared on Zhuge Zang's face, "Little Zou, why are you so nervous Miss Rui?"

Zou Sui blushed and then slowly lowered his head, "I...I just think Xiao Rui looks like my sister!"

This sentence made Zhou Daniu and others who were planning to make fun of Zou Sui stunned.

As comrades-in-arms in the same trench, they naturally knew that Zou Sui once had a sister, but she died at a very young age due to family changes.

Zhuge Zang sighed when he saw this, and then said: "Don't worry! The reason why Miss Xiao Rui hasn't woken up is not because of her injuries, on the contrary, she is a blessing in disguise!"

"A blessing in disguise?" Zou Sui was startled and asked rhetorically.

Zhuge Zang nodded, "That's right! Miss Xiaorui's soul was artificially divided into two halves by the evil alchemist. Although I forcibly merged them later, the two souls are fighting each other. It is already difficult. It is completely integrated!"

"But the sword of Sword Seven was just right, and it happened to be cut above Miss Xiaorui's sea of ​​consciousness. Under the pressure, the two souls were forced to unite against the power of this sword, so she had this precious time. Now, her two souls are constantly fusing together. When the fusion is completed, it is time for her to wake up!"

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