As soon as the voice fell, a figure gradually appeared in the void ahead.

He was a man with cold eyes and a cold face.

When he appeared, the void trembles slightly, and the diffuse Yin Qi is like seeing a king's minister, dancing endlessly.

And behind him, a series of laws fell down, condensed into a virtual king with a flat crown on his head and a majestic face, overlooking Shang Liang and others.

The audience was silent.

But this is just the beginning.

Immediately afterwards, a tired voice came from the void, "Is there actually a magical appearance of the Immortal King? Well, let me join in the fun too!"

After all, a virtual image of a sky fox with a height of one hundred feet and white hair as jade, waving seven tails behind him, appeared in the sky.

"God...It's the sky fox of the Qingqiu Fox Country!" the seductive woman said in a nearly groaning tone.

Shang Liang's expression was hard to see the extreme, but things were far more terrifying than he thought.

Because at this moment, there was another grinning voice not far away, "You all show the truth, or I don't seem to be justified!"

As he said, a dark monarch wearing a black gold diadem appeared impressively.

At this time, Shang Liang and everyone's faces became paler than Xue.

But it's not over yet.

"That old man also came to join in the fun!"


A huge picture of Tai Chi and Eight Diagrams suddenly appeared, and the hexagrams were continuously deduced, revealing all kinds of mysterious illusions.

It's another fairy king...

Everyone was shocked and almost numb.

"Did the **** hit the Immortal King's den? When did the Immortal King be so worthless?" Goatee whispered, tears flickering in his eyes, and he was scared to cry.

You must have known that after you came here, you would meet so many fairy kings, and he would not dare to come with Shang Liang to death.

Because this is pure death!

Shang Liang's complexion is also very ugly, but he still calmly comforted.

"Don't worry, if there are only these four immortal kings on the opposite side, I can still hold it! After all, my immortal king's law is very strong, unless I have physical training, I am not afraid of anyone!"

Although there are many bragging elements, what he said is not all false.

What he mastered was to restore everything to the original law, so he was able to overcome all spells, unless he encountered pure physical training that could not even a trace of spells, otherwise he would have a great advantage.

And the pure body cultivation that can't be done with any magic is rare in the heavens, and it's so easy to encounter.

Therefore, everyone's originally extremely fragile emotions also calmed down a bit.

Shang Liang couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

If this is not appeased, this group of people will probably collapse first before waiting for the other party to attack.

But it seems to be deliberately against Shang Liang.

Before his heart was relieved, another profound voice came from the void.

"Since everyone has discovered the Fa, then I will follow the trend too!"

After the words fell, a figure of several hundred feet tall, with bulging muscles all over, a virtual image of a strong man like an ancient giant appeared in the sky.

Shang Liang's mouth was wide open and he stared at this scene blankly, with a hint of horror in his eyes.

Because he felt almost endless power from this virtual image.

And there is only one possibility that can cause him such a shock, and that is that the other party is a physical practitioner who is like a fake replacement.

This kind of oppression made him unable to say a word.

And it's not just him, the audience is silent.

Seeing this scene, the earth exploded even more.

"Hahahaha! Let me just say, there are five immortal kings on our planet now, and any attacking enemy is hitting rocks with pebbles!"

"Yes, the five immortal kings gather together, this is an extremely rare sight even among the heavens!"

"Somehow, I suddenly felt a little sympathy for these enemies, so...I will laugh first!"

"Wipe, upstairs, my fifty-meter knife was almost pulled out, pay attention next time!"

There is joy again on the Internet.

At the same time, Huye glanced at the team in front of him, and then he smiled at the Shang Liang at the front, "I want to come over and cause trouble with such a few people? Are you here to be funny?"

Shang Liang's whole body trembled, and an expression of resentment appeared in his eyes.

"So few people? Hehe, don't think I'm afraid if you have more people! Together, we will not be weaker than you! Right?"

With that said, he turned his head to see how everyone reacted.

But at this time these guys were all shaking their teeth because of extreme fear, and they didn't even dare to lift their heads, let alone any reaction.

Shang Liang was taken aback for a moment, and then furiously said: "What do you mean? Didn't we all negotiate before we came, and we must advance and retreat together to deal with Xue An! Why? They all flinched?"

In the sound of questioning, these guys still did not respond, but took a step back together.

"You..." Shang Liang was furious.

At this moment, Zhuge Zang suddenly opened his mouth and said: "If I am not mistaken, you should be Shang Liang, the principal of Qiantianyuan!"

Hearing this, Shang Liang turned his head and stared at Zhuge Zang for a moment, then snorted coldly, "Who am I? It turns out that Zhuge is the fortuneteller! Why? Have you also acted as a watchdog for Xue An?"

Zhuge Zang didn't get angry, but smiled faintly, "Shang Liang, you are also a decent monk anyway, why do you want to collude with these evil demons?"

"Outside the evil demon? Haha! Zhuge Zang, don't talk nonsense here. I'm here to find Xue An's revenge. If you get out of sight, don't blame me for being polite!" Shang Liang's face was full of expressions. Said.

"Get revenge on Xue An? Haha, you are so embarrassed to say that when Xue An was once for Immortal Venerable, why didn't you say revenge?" Hu Ye I don’t think Xue An is now burdened. Seriously injured, I want to come over and take advantage of the fire! what! "

These words were very harsh, but Shang Liang didn't care at all. Instead, he sneered: "Yes, I just took advantage of the danger. What can you do? And I also told you that Xue An ended up in the land like this. He takes the blame!"

"Looking for death!" Ye Hanchang couldn't help it for a long time, so he moved his hand directly.

I saw a huge vortex suddenly appeared in front of Shang Liang, and the violent power of time and space surged out, and Shang Liang was about to be torn apart.

But when these forces reached Shang Liang, they turned into nothingness.

Then Shang Liang laughed grimly, "Don't think that I will be afraid of you if you have too many people, you are the fairy king, but so am I!"

Following the voice, a statue of a **** whose body was hidden in the mist suddenly appeared above Shang Liang's head, with only his eyes exposed.

Wherever the god's gaze passed, the space was directly restored to its most authentic state.

The space-time vortex then vanished into nothing.

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