Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1744: It's just a fun toy

Zhuge Zang rolled his eyelids and said with a faint smile, "What? Are you looking at Xiao Rui?"

Zou Sui blushed, and hurriedly said, "Master Dao, we can't make such a joke! How old is this little girl? This is illegal!"

"Oh? Then why do you care about her so much?"

"Aren't I just curious!" Zou Sui explained with a grin.

Zhuge Zang glanced at Xiao Rui who was standing in the corner without saying a word, and couldn't help sighing lightly.

"This is a hard-failed child! The reason why she didn't speak was because her soul was artificially divided. Xue An had found half of her, but now she still lacks the other half, so she would be so dull. !"

Hearing these words, Zou Sui's eyes flashed anger, "Who is so depressed, and actually acted on such a child?"

"I don't know! But from her appearance, it seems that she has been transformed by alchemy, so the opponent is probably a master of alchemy!"

"Damn, it's alchemy again!" Zou Sui cursed angrily.

The powerhouses on the earth have suffered enough from alchemy these days, and the endless variety of alchemy creatures is simply hard to resist!

Zhuge Zang smiled, then lowered his head to prepare to continue eating.

Zou Sui came up again, "Master Dao, do you think this girl Xiaorui still has a complete recovery?"

"How would I know?"

"Aren't you the master Zhuge who knew about it five hundred years later? How could you not know?" Zou Sui said with a flattering smile.

"Monkey boy, don't give you Daoye and I will pour the ecstasy soup, I don't eat your set!" Zhuge Zang said with a smile.

"Yes, yes! What a character, Lord Tao, you certainly wouldn't be familiar with me, right!" Zou Sui said with a grin.

Zhuge Zang knew that Zou Sui had this temper, so he just smiled, and after a moment of indulgence, he shook his head.

"I can only say that it is difficult! But if she has a chance to meet her other half, defeat and absorb it, there is indeed a silver lining!"

Zou Sui's eyes lit up, "I met the other half of the soul... Then where do I find her other half of the soul?"

Zhuge Zang smiled, then raised his hand and knocked on Zou Sui's forehead.

"Do you really think I am an all-knowing god? The universe is so big, how do I know where to look? But didn't your family trainer give her a half-melted spirit? He might have a clue!"

"Instructor!" Zou Sui became excited immediately, "Yeah! Why did I forget the instructor! Then Dao, when will my instructor come back? He has been away for so long, and the evil gods have attacked the earth. Why a little news? Nothing?"

Zhuge Zang glared, "I don't know, if you don't wait for your instructor to return, you can ask him yourself!"

Zou Sui shrank his neck and dared not speak.

But at this moment, a harsh siren suddenly sounded in the underground fortress.

"Warning, powerful creatures appear in the airspace! Warning, powerful creatures appear in the airspace!"

The cold mechanical female voice echoed in the air.

Everyone's complexion became extremely tense.

Many powerhouses who were resting even jumped up and immediately prepared for battle.

at the same time.

In the headquarters not far from the underground fortress, many high-ranking generals of the human army looked at the screen on the battlefield monitor with solemn face.

I saw some space in the sky slowly melting like butter.

Everyone's hearts couldn't help mentioning their throats.

Suddenly, a slender hand stretched out from it.

At this moment, the indicator light representing the enemy's strength level directly exploded.

The General Zhen Guo, who had been standing in front of the podium, didn't even hesitate, and directly pressed the red launch button.


All the special missiles arranged within a radius of thousands of miles immediately lifted into the air, and then went straight in this direction under the guidance of the radar.

With today's missile technology, a thousand miles away will come in an instant.

So just in the blink of an eye, successive explosions flooded the entire surveillance screen.

Although it was far away, the huge blast wave still shook the semi-underground headquarters.

All the generals in the headquarters opened their eyes wide.

how about it?

Has the enemy been destroyed?

Including the many powerful men who are ready for all battles, they can't help but look up.

And the power of this explosion also caused many viewers who were watching the live broadcast to cheer.

Because in their opinion, no creature can survive such a violent explosion.

Alchemy creatures won't work.

But Zhuge Zang's complexion gradually became solemn, and he muttered to himself: "Such a powerful aura, is it..."

Before the words fell, the light and shadow of the explosion suddenly solidified, and even the violent shock wave stopped.

Then a burst of laughter like silver bells spread throughout the battlefield.

"I didn't expect you ants to have such interesting toys. No wonder you can survive until now!"

With the voice, a charming and charming woman walked out of the solidified explosion light and shadow.

When she appeared in front of everyone, all the explosion light and shadow instantly converged, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

The sky is clean as if nothing had happened.

In contrast, all missiles and defense facilities within a radius of thousands of miles were detonated instantly.

Countless soldiers didn't even react, they were bombarded with violent shock waves.

Naturally, on the battlefield was not spared.

Those anti-alchemy mines just laid out exploded at the same time, and the huge power made the earth tremble.

Everyone's eyes widened in horror.

Because this woman's ability has exceeded the scope of ordinary people's understanding.

From the beginning to the end, she didn't see any actions, but she destroyed all the defensive words laid out by humans.

This feeling is simply too desperate.

at the same time.

This woman looked down at the many powerful men on the battlefield, and a sarcastic smile appeared on her coquettish face.

"What? Are you still planning to resist?"

As soon as the voice Zhou Daniu roared, and then flew up, trying to fight this woman hard.

The woman smiled coldly, "Ant!"

With that, she said with a finger, a huge coercion fell from the sky, and went straight to Zhou Daniu.

Zhou Daniu encouraged all his cultivation, his muscles tightened like a steel wire, and a bright golden light was emitted, and then he went straight up.


Zhou Daniu abruptly collided with the woman's blow.

The shock wave aroused spread dozens of miles away.

Zhou Daniu's figure froze for a while in the air, but then a loud noise of muscle cracking came from his body.

Despite Zhou Daniu's unusual talent, his body is tempered like a piece of steel.

But the force of this woman's casual blow was too great.

To the point where he simply couldn't bear it.

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