Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1742: The old lord is dead, the new king comes to the throne

Xue An shook his head, "It's nothing, it's just that I can't see the source of this mirror for the time being!"

Tianzhe let out a sigh, "It's okay, can you get some clues from the Lord of the Abyss?"

Xue An smiled.

When the karma burned his body, the reason why Xue An disappeared was because he entered into the consciousness space of the Lord of the Abyss with a pure mind.

Although it is said that the Lord of the Abyss possesses the strength of the quasi-immortal emperor level, without the help of this ancient mirror, it is not Xue An's opponent at all if he talks about divine consciousness alone.

But the Lord of the Abyss was not a good stubble either. Knowing that he was hard to escape, he directly destroyed his own soul.

When Xue An arrived, most of his spiritual memories had disappeared.

However, a small part of it was intercepted by Xue An.

And among these memories, there happened to be an extremely important picture of the battle ten thousand years ago.

Different from the previous Li Hen Tianjun and others, because the Lord of the Abyss can be said to be one of the messengers behind the whole thing, so in this picture of him, the image of everyone is clearly distinguishable.

Only a few of them are hidden in the black fog and cannot be seen clearly.

Even so, this is a great gain.

Looking at the familiar or unfamiliar sects and races on the screen, Xue An's face showed a sneer.

The day of liquidation is finally approaching!

At the same time, the brilliance in the distance was shrouded in hustle and bustle, and it was obvious that someone was advancing here at full speed.

Tianzhe's complexion changed, and he took a step forward, blocking Xue An behind him.

In his mind, the current Xue An has experienced severe loss of strength after repeated battles.

Don't look at it from the outside, there is nothing unusual, maybe the inside has been seriously injured.

In contrast, the injury on his body was much stronger than that of Xue An now, so he did not hesitate to stand in front of him and protect Xue An.

I have to say that Tianzhe's guess was not wrong, but what he didn't know was that Xue An's current situation was far more serious than he thought.

And it is much more serious!

Xue An smiled when he saw it, a warm current surged in his heart, and then patted Tianzhuna on the shoulder.

"Don't be so nervous, I know someone who comes here!"

"Huh?" Tianzhe was taken aback.

At the same time, these people have rushed to the front.

It is the abyss demon like Taifeng and Zhan Qianchen.

When they arrived close to each other, they immediately fell to their knees.

"Abyss demons, welcome the new king to the throne!"

There was infinite reverence in the voice, and he didn't even dare to lift his head.

Xue An smiled, "New King?"

"Yes!" Taifeng knelt and walked a few steps forward, "You destroy the Lord of the Abyss and avenge my demon people. From then on, you will be the new king of our demon people. I will be loyal and loyal. If you violate this statement, your soul will be destroyed!"


Following his voice, an invisible shackle directly covered his body.

Not only him, but Kang Shuaifu, Zhan Qianchen and others behind him also shouted: "If you violate this, the soul will be destroyed!"

Boom boom boom!

After a loud bang, all the demons put on the shackles of the oath.

For these demons, this is the highest level of restraint.

From then on, if they violated the slightest bit, they would die in fascination and would never be able to live beyond.

And the reason for paying such a huge price to swear allegiance to Xue An is because these demons were shocked by Xue An's previous strength.

Especially this Taifeng Demon Venerable, knows how terrifying Xue An's true identity is!

Only half a step of the cultivation base of the Immortal King can destroy the quasi-immortal emperor-level Lord of the Abyss. If you re-enter the throne of Immortal Venerable in the future, it will be fine!

With this thought, Taifeng Mozun planned to take a gamble.

If they win the bet, they can embrace the thickest golden thigh among the heavens.

As for losing the bet...

Taifeng Demon Venerable didn't even think about this possibility at all!

Xue An looked at these reverent abyss demons, and was startled at first. Even after he understood their thoughts, he couldn't help laughing.

These guys really deserve to be demons! How dare to place such a bet!


It just so happens that what I will face in the future is the rebellious forces of the entire heavens, and there is indeed some lone power alone on a single earth.

Although fish and dragons are mixed in this abyss, if you manage it well, it may not be a good position.

So he nodded, "Okay, get up!"

"Thank you my king!" These abyss demons were overjoyed, and quickly thanked them before they stood up.

At this moment, other forces in the abyss also rushed over.

For these people, Xue An is not so interested.



"These forces will be handed over to you to select, and those who sincerely take refuge will accept them. As for those who are arrogant and unpredictable..."

Xue An sneered coldly, "You should know what to do!"

Tai Feng's heart shuddered, and he quickly bowed his head and said: "Yes, humble and understand!"

Here, the abyss demons blocked all the forces who wanted to see Xue An. On the other side, Xue An said to Tianzhuna with a serious face: "How are you doing now?"

"Some have recovered!"

"Okay! Follow me!"

After all, Xue An turned into a streamer and disappeared into the distant sky.

Tianzhana immediately followed.

In an instant, they came to an extremely remote place in the abyss.

When Xue An stopped, Tianzhe asked curiously: "Old Xue, where are we going?"

Xue An's face sank like water, "The people sent by the Lord of the Abyss should have arrived on Earth by now!"

"What?" Tianzhe's expression changed suddenly, "Doesn't that mean that your hometown is now destroyed?"

Xue An shook his head, "It should not be that serious, after all, there are arrangements left by me on the earth, and Zhuge Zang is there!"

"Zugezang? That old guy is not dead yet?" Although the words were terrible, Tianzhe was obviously relieved, and a smile appeared on his face.

Xue An smiled, and then said solemnly: "But I'm afraid it's not just the abyssal powerhouse who is going to earth this time!"

"You mean..."

"That's The Lord of the Abyss will obviously not only send out his own blood, there must be other forces in the heavens to intervene!"

Speaking of this, Xue An's expression became very solemn, "So there is not much time left for us!"

Tianzhina's expression also became extremely serious, "Let's say, what do I need to do?"

Xue An was silent for a moment, then looked at him with bright eyes, "Lend all your cultivation base to me!"

"Good!" Tianzhe didn't even hesitate, and immediately agreed.

Immediately afterwards, the cultivation base of his whole body spewed out, condensing into a small black light ball in the air.

Xue An was not welcome, and took it from hand, and then merged into his body.

In an instant, his eyes turned into a mysterious black and red color.

The momentum has also recovered a lot.

Then he didn't hesitate anymore and raised his hand to cut the void.

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