Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1731: Return to the other body

As the place where Cthulhu lives, Blood Sea City is extremely large, with huge towering buildings everywhere, and even the streets are extremely wide.

But such a magnificent and magnificent city is like an exquisite tomb, without the smoke and flames of an earth city.

Xue An took An Yan's hand and strolled down the street.

Behind him was the pale Taifeng.

The group of three people did not walk fast.

But from the moment they appeared on the street, many prying eyes appeared in the huge buildings on both sides of the street.

This feeling of full visibility makes Taifeng feel like sitting on pins and needles.

Because he can clearly feel the gloat in these eyes.

This can't help making his heart heavier.

But Xue An seemed to be totally ignorant, even in the mood to talk and laugh with An Yan, completely treating these eyes as nothing.

In this weird atmosphere, Xue An and his party finally finished walking this long street, and then turned a corner.

Then Xue An stopped.

Because the road ahead has been blocked by dense figures.

And standing before these shadowy figures was a middle-aged man with a majestic face.

When he saw this man, Tai Feng couldn't help but screamed.

"Heavenly Jade Cthulhu!"

That's right!

It was Tianyu Cthulhu who blocked the way on the street.

I saw him smile coldly, but ignored Tai Feng, instead set his sights on Xue An.

"My son was killed by you?" Tianyu asked coldly.

Xue An smiled, "Yes!"

"Very well, you are a very honest person, so I will try my best to give you a pleasure later!"

As he said, a mysterious black firework rose from the body of the Tianyu evil god.

at the same time.

Almost all the strong in Blood Sea City are watching this scene by various means.

When they saw the flames on the body of Tianyu Cthulhu, someone exclaimed.

"It seems that Tianyu is really anxious, and he used such a tyrannical ultimate move when he came up!"

In contrast, Xue An appears to be much depressed.

Even under the violent power of the Heavenly Jade Cthulhu, Xue An's whole person is like a lone boat driving in the rough sea, and is in danger of overturning at any time.

Comparing the two, almost all Cthulhus believed that this young man in white who didn't know where to jump out was bound to die.

But under this circumstance, Xue An's complexion was still very calm, and he didn't even have the slightest fear in his eyes. Instead, he smiled lightly and said, "Really? Do I want to thank you?"

Tianyu snorted coldly, "playing mystery!"

Before he could say anything, he rushed up, raising his hand with a punch.

The black flame envelops the fist, even though it is still far away, it makes people feel burnt, obviously the temperature is extremely high.

Especially this punch also carried Tianyu's supreme anger, so it was even more powerful.

But just when many people sneered, thinking that the overall situation was settled.

Xue An suddenly raised his hand, and then stretched out two slender fingers to block directly in front of him.

Seeing this scene, Tianyu almost laughed.

Does this boy have a brain problem?

Actually want to block my indestructible punch with two fingers?

Isn't this the same as a joke!

Therefore, he didn't care at all, but increased his efforts and blasted Xue An directly.

Not only him, everyone who saw this scene also shook their heads secretly.

But at this moment, only a loud bang was heard.

Then Tianyu's fist was like hitting some indestructible wall, and it was actually forced to stop by Xue An's two fingers.

Everyone was stupid, staring blankly, couldn't believe their eyes.

At the same time, Tianyu Cthulhu snorted, and then a touch of horror appeared in his eyes.

Because he felt that his fist had been shaken and his bones were broken, and the powerful counter-shock force even made him tremble with blood.

But Xue An didn't even shake his hair, and his **** were even more stable.

This is horrible.

Could it be that he is a physical training who is known for his physical strength?

Thinking of this, the Heavenly Jade Cthulhu's heart slammed, violently urged the black flames all over his body, and then went retrograde along his fist, trying to burn the white-clothed boy in front of him through this strange flame.

There is nothing wrong with this idea.

After all, even if this young man in white clothes really cultivated his body, no matter how terrifying his physical power was, he couldn't resist the erosion of this demonic fire.


These flames first enveloped Xue An's fingers, and then covered them all.

Tianyu Cthulhu finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then Jie Jie laughed strangely.

"What can be great? Didn't it end up in my hands?"

But before the Heavenly Jade Cthulhu finished speaking, the black flames that had originally covered Xue An and burned suddenly came off, and then condensed in the air into a flame.

This scene simply exceeded everyone's expectations.

The Evil God Tianyu, who was laughing out loud, also watched this scene dumbfounded.

But seeing Xue An smiled slightly, "I really don't know if you should be called stupid, or if you are bad luck! Actually want to use fire to deal with me!"

"Are you here to be funny?"

After that, Xue An breathed out gently.

This flame rushed towards the evil **** of heaven jade at a speed that was too fast to cover its ears.

Tianyu Evil God was taken aback for a moment, and then sneered disapprovingly, without even evading.

Because in his opinion, the young man in white clothes is simply fainted, and he wants to use his own flame to deal with himself, isn't this a joke?

But I never expected that the flame just flew above the head of the Heavenly Jade God, suddenly became very violent, and then enveloped the Heavenly Jade God.

Heavenly Jade Cthulhu screamed.

"Ahhhhhhhh! How could this be? What did you do to my flame?"

The Evil God of Tianyu felt that the flame was like a tarsal maggot, eroding his body crazily, constantly burning it into nothingness.

Now Tianyu is really scared.

Xue An smiled flame? No, it is mine now! "

It was only then that people were surprised to discover that a bright red line of fire appeared in these originally pure black flames.

The black and red phases also gave this flame a great power.

Tianyu Cthulhu began to struggle in pain.

And seeing this scene, his men were all stunned.

Who would have thought that things would develop into the way it is now.

Originally, under the leadership of the Patriarch, he ambushed Xue An here. I never thought that after the meeting, there was not a cup of tea, and the Patriarch of my own family was about to die!

Some people wanted to help, but helplessly, the body of Tianyu Evil God was burning like a torch.

The scorching heat wave makes it impossible to approach.

Under this circumstance, everyone could only look at the struggling Tianyu Cthulhu with miserable eyes.

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