"Who are you?" Fu Lanqing asked with a gloomy expression.

I don't want Xue An to ignore him at all, but smile at Jian Zaixin.

"Since you are a disciple of the Sword Palace, who are you Li Jingxing?"

Hearing the three words of Li Jingxing, Jane's excitement changed. Seeing Xue An's eyes became awed, and then respectfully said: "His old man is my master!"

Xue An nodded, "No wonder you have his breath in your sword intent!"

"My lord, dare to ask who you are?" Jane couldn't help but ask.

"Me?" Xue An smiled, "In the strict sense, I should be regarded as half of your Master's friend!"

Half a friend?

What does this mean?

Jane was full of doubts.

At the same time, Fu Lanqing, who was completely ignored, finally couldn't contain the anger in her heart, and roared: "Where did the kid dare to pretend to be a ghost in front of Grandpa?"

With that, Fu Lanqing raised his hand and cut out a sword.

You must know that this bloodthirsty sword in his hand was made with the blood sacrifices of countless creatures, and every sword has the power of divinity and spirit.

But before the sword came close, Xue An raised his eyebrows slightly.


It was a simple word, but it seemed to have a huge weight, directly smashing this sword intent.

And under the influence of Yu Wei, Fu Lanqing was also blown out.

It wasn't until he was blasted to the edge of the square that he could stop, but when he landed, he opened his mouth and vomited a big mouthful of blood.

With just a shout, Fu Lanqing was seriously injured.

The audience was silent.

Everyone's eyes gradually widened, staring blankly.

The brawny man, who was still holding his arms and moaning, immediately closed his mouth when he saw this, and his whole body couldn't help shaking.

He didn't expect that this youth who looked weak and graceful would actually have such a powerful strength.

Thinking about how I dared to be disrespectful to such a strong man before, the brawny's heart couldn't help being full of fear.

At the same time, Fu Lanqing finally stopped the blood, and then raised her head in amazement to look at Xue An.

Until now, he didn't know how he was injured.

Because he didn't feel any aura fluctuations in Xue An from beginning to end, just like a mortal.

But that was the case, but he shook himself seriously!

What kind of magic is this?

In the silence of the audience, Xue An gently shook his head, and said with disappointment: "Too weak!"

"You dare to show off your strength even at this point, but who is it that gave you the courage?"

Upon hearing these words, Fu Lanqing couldn't help but vomit a few more blood.

Xue An didn't pay any attention to this at all. He raised his head and looked at the ceiling above, and said lightly: "And don't you feel sad?"


Many people have a confused look on their faces and don't understand what Xue An means!

"Killing each other at the cost of their own lives, but in the end they are just games and pastimes in the eyes of existence, you say..."

Xue An lowered his head and stared at everyone, "Isn't this what sorrow is?"

Hearing this, the old man who had been hiding behind the crowd pretending to be dead had a glorious look in his eyes, and his eyes were full of horror when he looked at Xue An.

He... how could he know this? Doesn't he have the memory of being caught by the seal?

But soon, the brilliance in his eyes converged and changed back to the half-dead look before.

Fu Lanqing's complexion also changed drastically, "You..."

"You want to ask me how I know this, right?" Xue An smiled slightly, "I don't only know, but I also know why you can dominate in this **** of killing, because behind you is clearly Someone made you do it on purpose. Am I right?"

Before Xue An finished speaking, Fu Lanqing shouted, "Let's kill him together, otherwise no one will want to live!"

After saying a word, his gang swarmed and rushed towards Xue An.

Xue An's expression was indifferent, just a flash of brilliance in his eyes, and then a sword glow appeared in front of him.

Immediately after this sword light was divided into two, two into four.......

In an instant, countless sword lights enveloped the sky.

"No, go back!" Fu Lanqing, who rushed to the front, was so scared that he shouted hoarsely.

But everything is too late.

Before he could react, these sword lights rushed over.

Puff puff!

With a muffled sound, blood spattered and the head fell to the place where the sword light passed.

After the sword light disperses, watch the court again.

The arrogant Fu Lanqing and the others had already become dead bodies.

The blood was stained red even on the ground, and the strong smell of blood was even more disgusting.

Even so, no one dared to make a sound.

Even Jane Zaixin was stunned by the scene before her.

But at this moment, the cold voice resounded in the void again.

"It was detected that an irreversible error occurred during the hunting process. Now it restarts. Everyone immediately returns to the room. Offenders will be killed without pardon!"

With the voice, the square began to change continuously, and the surrounding rooms were slowly moving, as if they were about to disintegrate.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked.

But Xue An laughed.

"Kill without mercy? You are worthy!"

After that, Xue Anjian raised his eyebrows, his eyes were full of brilliance, and then walked away, raising his fists to the sky.


After a muffled sound, everyone felt shocked.

The ceiling above the head, which was originally emitting bright white light, also began to flicker at this time, and a piercing alarm sounded.

"Warning, everyone should return to the room immediately, otherwise there is no mercy!"

And with the sound of the alarm, a bright light and shadow suddenly appeared in the void, and then rushed towards Xue An with the momentum of thunder.

But Xue An didn't even look at this light and shadow, and his fist was another blow.


This time cracks appeared on the entire ceiling.

As for this light and shadow, it was directly shaken off by Xue An.

The old man looked at Xue An's back with excitement on his face~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and his eyes were colorful.

"Can someone finally open this cage?"

The voice just fell, but Xue An threw out his fist for the third time.


With a burst, the entire ceiling shattered.

When the smoke was everywhere, I heard a scream from outside.

"No, these guys ran out!"


Hearing these screams, Xue An sneered coldly, and then stepped out of the killing **** directly to the outside world.

This is a place similar to an arena, and the broken cube at the foot is the **** of killing that traps everyone.

But around the arena, there are stands, and above the stands are suspended light mirrors.

The live broadcast above is the scene in the killing hell.

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