The crowd screamed.

"what happened?"

"What's up with her?"

The old man quackled and laughed, and his laughter was full of gloat.

The brawny man was furious, "Old man, what are you laughing at? What's wrong with this woman?"

The old man shook his head, "I don't know, maybe he is dead or not, but I guess you will never see her again!"

"What do you mean?" Jane's eyes flashed in her heart and asked in a deep voice.

"Because anyone who is sucked away will never hear from you, so I advise you, it's better not to tamper with anything in this room without authorization, otherwise you will be at your own risk!"

There was a commotion in the crowd, and someone shouted: "What should I do? Are we here just waiting to die?"

"Waiting to die?" The old man sneered, "You can't help but think too beautiful, this place... is far scarier than you think!"

As soon as the voice fell, it was not waiting for everyone to ask questions.

An hourglass-shaped image suddenly appeared in the middle of the room, and a little bit of brilliance slowly seeped down along the middle exit.

The old man's complexion changed drastically.

At the same time, an extremely cold voice came from the void.

"Five minutes later, the hunt will begin!"


What hunting?

Everyone was discolored by it.

And the old man's complexion became extremely solemn, "I knew that a new round of hunting would start after a newcomer appeared! I didn't expect it would come so soon!"

Jane took the lead and asked in a deep voice, "Senior, what exactly is this hunt?"

The old man sighed, "If you don't ask, I will tell you. This is called the Killing Hell. Naturally, it is not just as simple as imprisoning you. In addition to daily intrusion, hunting will be started from time to time!"

"You know that there are many rooms like this in this **** of killing, and they are full of powerful people like you!"

"When the hunt is on, all the rooms will be opened, and the beasts will come out of the cage! Then you will face everyone and usher in an endless killing. If you want to survive, you must win the battle. !"

"Then... who are the opponents? How many chances do we have?" Someone asked tremblingly.

The old man glanced at the speaker and said coldly: "The other party is basically a veteran who has experienced it once or even several times, so how much do you think you will win?"

The old man's words made everyone's complexion extremely ugly.

At this moment, Jane Zaixin suddenly said: "Everyone, if this is the case, there is only one way for us to survive, and that is to unite, otherwise we will be destroyed by everyone!"

"So I propose that, while there is still some time, join forces immediately and make a clear division of labor!"

These words were so well-organized, everyone's eyes were bright when they heard the words.

"I agree!"

"I agree!"

Everyone quickly began to respond.

But some people hesitately asked: "Since we are united together, who will be the principal?"

This question also caused some people's expressions to change slightly.

Although it is only a very simple union, it also needs a principal, otherwise it will be useless.

And if you become the principal, although it does not mean you have any rights, at least your life will be better protected.

So some people's eyes began to change.

But Jane didn't give these people a chance to hesitate in her heart, and decisively said: "I proposed this union, and naturally I will be the principal!"

There is no room for negotiation in words.

These people looked at each other, and some wanted to say something.

Jane raised her eyebrows slightly, and a sword intent lay in front of her.

"What? Do you have opinions?"

Because of the force of the sword intent, everyone was shocked.

The brawny man who was originally wandering took the lead and said: "I agree!"

Hearing what he said, everyone else nodded in agreement.

In an instant, Xue An and An Yan, who stood far away, were the only ones left in the audience to speak.

At this moment, the hourglass is half gone.

The brawny man immediately became very ardent after he turned to Jane's heart. Therefore, after seeing Xue An's unreported attitude, he immediately stood up and questioned.

"Hey, that kid over there, now everyone has to unite and deal with the next hunt. What do you mean by keeping silent?"

Xue An retracted his gaze to look around and smiled slightly, "Oh? United?"

"That's right! The situation is urgent now, don't talk nonsense, just say you agree or disagree!" said the strong man in a condescending tone.

Because in his eyes, the white-clothed boy in front of him is nothing surprising at all, but the woman on his side is really beautiful!

This attitude...tsk!

When looking at An Yan, the brawny man's eyes showed a hint of greed.

Xue An's smile grew colder, "Then what if I disagree?"

"What are you talking about?" The strong man couldn't believe his ears.

"I said..." Xue An glanced at the group of people, "I'm not interested!"

"Looking for death! I think this guy is going to do something bad, it's better to teach him a lesson!" The crowd suddenly became lively, and someone shouted.

"Yes! Give him a lesson!"

The brawny man also condensed, then grinned and said, "Boy, you..."

But before he could finish the rest of the story, Jian Zaixin suddenly said, "Enough! Time is limited, since he is unwilling, let's just leave it alone. Let's quickly discuss how to divide the work!"

The brawny man gave Xue An a fiercely unwilling look, "It's cheaper for you!"

Jane Zaixin gave Xue An a deep look.

Xue An smiled slightly, and Chongjian nodded slightly in his heart.

Jane froze for a moment, then returned a salute before turning around and leaving.

Soon, these people gathered Jane Zaixin as the center and began to discuss the following matters.

Xue An and An Yan were completely isolated.

In response, Xue An just smiled faintly, and then cast his gaze on the surrounding walls again.

An Yan asked in a low voice with some doubts: "Husband, why don't we unite with them?"

Xue An only said two words about this, "Too weak!"

An Yan was taken aback, then almost laughed out loud.

My husband is really...cute sometimes!

At the same time, the old man looked at Xue An's back with a look of surprise.

This young man is different from anyone he has ever seen before!

Five minutes passed in a As soon as Jane Zaixin assigned the tasks that he was responsible for, the hourglass had reached the end.

In an instant, the whole house began to vibrate.

Immediately after hearing a loud rumbling noise, the house seemed to be moving at an extremely fast speed.

It wasn't until a thud that everything became quiet.

But in the next second, the four walls of the room collapsed.

Then what appeared in front of everyone was a huge square.

The square is surrounded by densely packed rooms.

When the walls of the room opened, people finally saw each other.

And a strong momentum was also revealed, and everyone's eyes began to become extremely cold.

Immediately afterwards, I don't know who started the head, and after a screaming and miserable howl, an endless killing began.

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