Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1715: In my body, isolate the world

As soon as the voice fell, the vortex began to expand at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Wherever he went, the space seemed to be cut off by all the brushes, fell into the deep darkness, and then disappeared.

And as the vortex gradually increased, the speed of this swallowing became faster and faster.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the whirlpool, which was only a few square meters square, became the size of a basketball court, and it was still expanding.

Seeing this scene, everyone was horrified.

The people from all over the world who saw this scene through the live broadcast, their hearts became tight.

Zhuge Zang shouted: "Go back, all back, don't touch it, otherwise you will fall into the abyss, never think of it again!"

Hearing this, the people who were close to him were evasive, and began to back down.

For many people, death in battle is fine, but if you are drawn into the unknown darkness, it is more terrifying than death.

At the same time, the volume of this vortex is growing crazily by geometric multiples.

Upon seeing this, Zhuge Zang shouted again: "Quick! Use all means to block it, otherwise the whole world will fall into the abyss!"

Although many people don't know the identity of Zhuge Zang, they still subconsciously choose to obey him at this moment.

"The mountains and rivers are the formation, and the painting is the prison!" Song Yi was the first to do it.

After he gave the order, along the edge of this vortex, a high barrier was raised on the ground, and the Qi machine was also blocked.

The expansion speed of the vortex has also slowed down.

But he only supported it for a few seconds, and the vortex shattered all the barriers that blocked it, and then swallowed it madly again.

Song Yi snorted.

He is unlucky enough to speak of.

From the moment he played to the present, he has shot twice, but failed both times.

And the force of backlash also caused him to be slightly injured.

But his actions were not entirely useless. At least the few seconds of support gave others time to react.

So when the whirlpool had just broken the limit, only a soft drink came from the crowd.

"Take the sword as an array, seal the sky and seal the earth!" This is Yu Ming, known as the small sword fairy of the world, who is blocking everything with his own sword cultivation.

"Dark enchantment!" This is Anastasia.

"Golden Light Array!" This is Zhang Chu from the Heavenly Master's Mansion.

Even Griffin the Eviscer threw out several magic knives that had slaughtered thousands of creatures to fight the vortex with fierce power.

For a time, the brilliance was bright, and the seals blocked the expansion of the whirlpool.

at last!

The whirlpool became quiet and seemed to have been sealed.

It wasn't until this time that everyone took a breath, and then wiped the cold sweat from their foreheads.

Fortunately, it was blocked. Otherwise, if this vortex is allowed to expand, at the speed of its expansion, the entire world will be destroyed in less than a day.

"Huh! How does this thing look like a black hole?" Someone on the Internet said in a surviving tone, thinking that the crisis had been resolved.

"Yeah, I feel like it too!"

"I was scared to death just now! Fortunately, the adults are awesome!"

"To be honest, I was so scared to pee my pants!"

All of a sudden there was laughter on the Internet.

But unlike others' ease, Zhuge Zang's complexion is still very solemn, countless mysterious characters appear in his eyes, and his hands are constantly calculating.

Suddenly, he was shocked, "No! This whirlpool..."

Before he could finish speaking, Xue An, who had been standing beside him without speaking, suddenly said, "Stay back!"

The sound was not loud, but it exploded in everyone's ears like thunder.

Everyone was horrified, and then subconsciously began to retreat.

"Old man Zhuge, you too!" Xue An said in a deep voice, looking at the distant whirlpool with cold eyes.

Zhuge Zang was silent for a moment, and finally nodded, "Brother Xue, be careful! The secret behind this vortex is extremely complicated, and even I can only deduce a general idea. Behind it, there seems to be a vague but extremely powerful existence. !"

Xue An smiled faintly, "Don't worry, I have my own measures!"

Zhuge Zang stomped his foot, turned into a streamer, and retreated directly into the sky a few dozen miles away.

In an instant, Xue An was the only one left in the audience.

Even An Yan obediently retreated to the back with the large group.

Because she knows very well that listening to Xue An obediently at this time is her greatest support.

For a time, the world's cameras all focused on Xue An.

But seeing him standing proudly and floating in white, like an immortal.

The prosperous momentum makes many people dazzled.

Xue An took a slow step and came directly to the front of the seal, then quietly looked at the whirlpool.

Everyone watched with bated breath.

Until a moment later, Xue An's mouth gradually raised, revealing a hint of meaningful smile.

"Will you enter the urn? Are you so confident?"

Xue An's voice was very low, so this sentence did not spread.

People only saw a slight smile on his face, and then they saw Xue An raised his hand and gently touched the seals.


Under the fingertips, a crack suddenly appeared, and then it spread quickly.

Just a second later, the seemingly sturdy seal line of defense burst into pieces.

The vortex is like a spring that has been suppressed for too long, beginning to expand again at an almost explosive speed.


The world is terrified.

But at this moment, Xue An said in an unhappy tone: "Cause and effect...freeze!"

In an instant, this vortex was directly frozen in place as if someone had pressed the freeze button.

Seeing this scene, Zhuge Zang in the distance couldn't help but change his expression, "Causal supernatural powers? Heaven's secrets are here, what has Brother Xue experienced in this rebirth?"

No wonder he was so astonished, because all the heavens could possess the supernatural powers of cause and effect without being top powers.

And even they can't use this ability so easily like Xue An is now.

But soon Zhuge Zang had a look of worry in his eyes.

Because although the magical powers of cause and effect are powerful, they are all used in battle.

Frozen cause and effect as it is now, although feasible, it is completely unsustainable.

Because cause and effect are like a river all linked together, never stop.

Xue An’s current freezing is like building a temporary fortress in the middle of the river. Although it can work temporarily, it will soon be submerged again.


There was a clicking sound.

The vortex began to rotate slowly again.

But at this moment, Xue An's eyes suddenly became bright, and then he took a step forward, like a king with a constitutional constitution announcing the imperial edict, and shouted: "Isolate the world with my body!"

With the voice, a drop of red to almost transparent blood suddenly appeared in the center of Xue An's eyebrows, and then rose up into the sky, turning into a blood-colored light curtain, enshrouding the vortex tightly.

The vortex swelled and grew crazily, trying to break this layer of light, but all came back without success. Instead, it gradually shrank and was suppressed by the blood, and finally stood still.

Looking at Xue An's proud body standing in the air, Zhuge's Tibetan face appeared in a trance, and he whispered softly: "Is it the blood of the fairy king? But you are obviously not the fairy king now!"

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