"Human heart can be used!" Zhuge Zang whispered, then turned his head to look at Xue An on the side.

"When are you going to show up?"

Xue An stood high in the sky, overlooking the battle at his feet, and said lightly: "Wait when you need me!"

Zhuge Zang was startled slightly, "Are you testing them on purpose?"

"Wrong! I am giving them a chance, a chance to re-establish their confidence!"

Zhuge Zang looked puzzled, "I don't understand!"

Xue An smiled, "It's very simple! Because after this battle, the earth will inevitably be exposed to the powers of the heavens. In this case, let them understand as soon as possible that these powers are not invincible, far better than me It’s important to solve the problem yourself!"

"After all...I can't come back in such a timely manner every time! Many things must be solved by them!"

Zhuge Zang looked contemplative, and just about to speak, there was a burst of cheers from below.

When I looked down, I saw this huge monster slowly falling to the ground, already dead under the joint attack of everyone.

Seeing this scene, all the people present and those who saw this scene through the broadcast cheered for it.

"Is this demon really destroyed? You must know that it must at least have the cultivation base of the true immortal peak!" Zhuge Zang said in surprise.

Xue An was not surprised at all, "You don't understand that when the quantity reaches a certain level, it will cause qualitative changes!"

"The strength of a hundred golden immortals might be barely equivalent to a true immortal, but if they cooperate with each other, they can definitely kill this true immortal in seconds!"

Zhuge Zang's expression gradually became serious after hearing this.

At this moment, a violent wave came from under his feet.

Then I heard a burst of exclamation.

When I looked down, I saw several monsters popping out from the exit of the Kunlun Secret Realm.

This sight made everyone who had just breathed a sigh of relief instantly become nervous.

at the same time.

Xue An smiled faintly, "Okay! Next, it's time for me to play!"

When the words fell, Xue An stepped forward and appeared directly on the court.

The moment his figure appeared in front of everyone, everyone who was extremely nervous was relieved.

People in front of the screen cheered even more.

"Master, come on!" Chan'er shouted from behind the crowd.

Xue An turned around and smiled at the little girl, and then looked at these monsters indifferently.

"I want to occupy the earth only by sending this kind of stuff, are you kidding me?"

The IQs of these monsters were so low that they couldn't understand what Xue An was talking about. But out of biological intuition, they all felt the awe-inspiring power from Xue An.

This made them all flinch.

Xue An just smiled at this, "Why? Still refusing to show up? Well, then I will solve these monsters first!"

Words fall.

Xue An clenched his palms into a fist, stepped forward, and blasted out directly.

This punch was so powerful that it seemed to overturn the entire world.

When Zhuge Zang saw this, his eyes were brilliant.

"Six Types of Killing Gods? No! This is even more terrifying than the Six Types of Killing Gods, because he has integrated all these six types into this punch!"

at the same time.

Hearing a loud bang, everyone's ears were humming.

The less powerful ones are even more frightened.

I waited to see it again, but the monster who saw the brunt was directly shocked by this punch.

The rest were also shaken to pieces.


Everyone gasped for it.

You must know that it took a lot of effort just now to barely kill a monster.

But Xue An almost wiped out these monsters with just one punch.

What is the gap?

But Xue An wasn't quite satisfied with his punch.

I saw him gently blow his fist face, and said lightly: "It's a pity that he couldn't beat you to death with one punch!"

After all, Xue An raised his fist again and blasted out.

These monsters didn't have the luck just now.

Several monsters were directly turned into fans.

The only two remaining were shocked, and began to flee back frantically.

Xue An didn't chase, instead he held his shoulders and watched in time.

When these two monsters just rushed to the entrance, they saw that they were all stiff, and then, like melted wax statues, slowly slumped down, becoming a pool of pus and blood.

The audience was shocked.

A cold smile appeared at the corner of Xue An's mouth.

at the same time.

The entrance of the secret realm suddenly began to tremble, and then I saw golden light flying all over the sky, and from it appeared a pure and flawless **** like glass.

In the dignity of the treasure, the idol exudes a terrifying power, which makes people just want to worship.

Many people are confused.

Xue An only slowly raised his head to look at the idol, and then smiled coldly, "What? After selling yourself to the abyss, you so-called strong men have also learned to pretend to be gods?"

The giant eyes of this statue slowly opened, a colorful brilliance appeared in the eyes, and then an extremely solemn voice sounded.

"The donor is quite wise and has a predestined relationship with my Buddha. How about putting down the butcher knife and becoming a Buddha right away?"

The voice is full of extreme bewitching, and many people are dazzled by it.

Xue An didn't even blink his eyelids, "Have a destiny with your Buddha? Ha ha! If your boss is here, I might still sell him face, just relying on you? Not qualified! Not to mention..."

"A demon is a demon, do you really think it is not a demon if you put on a layer of golden skin?"

"Presumptuous!" The idol yelled, then lifted a huge palm and crashed down.

But before the palm hit the front, Xue An had already disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he had already reached the top of this idol.

"A little guy dare to pretend to be a ghost in front of me?"

With that, Xue An punched.

The reaction of this idol was not unpleasant. As soon as he raised his hand, he wanted to block Xue An's punch.

But everything is in vain.

After only hearing a loud noise ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the face of this idol appeared painful, and then cracks appeared on its body, and it finally broke apart.

Until this idol was completely broken, many people were shocked and regained their sobriety.

But almost at the same time, an aura that made the world tremble began to emerge.

The whole world was shaken by it.

Xue An snorted coldly and stepped onto the void.

After a thud, the tremor of the world gradually subsided.

Then Xue An coldly looked at the secret realm entrance, "Is it finally willing to show up?"

The voice just fell.

But I saw a figure emerging from the entrance of the secret realm.

Each one has a powerful and frightening power.

And the leader is a half-aged **** who still has the charm.

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