Hearing the footsteps behind him, Xue An said without looking back: "Sit!"

Zhuge Zang smiled, and then sat down opposite Xue An.

The two were silent.

After a long time, Zhuge Zang looked at the misty Yunmeng Lake in the distance, and sighed softly: "It's really a good place, Zhong Ling is beautiful, it looks like a natural success!"

Xue An did not speak, because he knew that Zhuge Zang would obviously not come here just to praise the surrounding scenery.


Zhuge Zang's expression gradually became awe-inspiring, "Brother Xue, what's the matter with the seal on the younger brother and sister?"

Xue An smiled faintly, he naturally knew that this kind of thing could not be hidden from Zhuge Zang, so he said very calmly: "It's nothing, it's just imposed by some unopened fairy king, and I now have a clue, it should be soon It can be unlocked!"

Zhuge Zang's complexion then eased, and then he said in a deep voice, "The fairy king? As far as I know, there are only those fairy kings in the heavens. Who would take such pains to deal with an ordinary woman?"

Xue An said indifferently: "There are indeed several immortal kings among the heavens, but what if the opponent comes from the abyss?"

Zhuge Zang was shocked, but soon calmed down.

"I see, no wonder I secretly fortune-telling for my younger siblings, and it turns out that her fate is covered by a thick black cloud!"

Although Xue An didn't believe in many of Zhuge Zang's hexagrams, it was about Anyan, so he raised his eyebrows.

"Oh? Then have you figured out Yan'er?"

Zhuge Zang showed an awkward smile, "No!"

Then he explained: "This is not because I didn't perform well, but because the fate of my younger siblings was too deeply entangled with you, causing her fate to be the same as yours, extremely complicated, and it is not that Fanli can deduce it!"

Xue An didn't care too much about it, nodded and said, "So it's like this!"

But Zhuge Zang's next sentence stunned Xue An, who was originally calm and gentle.

"Actually, it's not just your younger siblings. I found that the fate of people around you has basically been changed. The deeper the relationship, the harder it is to predict the direction of fate! It's like a river that should flow normally, but because of your sudden Appeared and changed direction!"

Speaking of this, Zhuge Zang's expression became extremely serious, "And this...that is what I want to tell you!"

"Say what?" Xue An asked in surprise.

Zhuge Zang took a deep breath, "Don’t you think it’s weird? After you left the earth, you spent three thousand years among the heavens, but when you fell and were reborn, the earth only passed. Four years!"

Xue An's expression also became solemn, and he nodded and said: "Yes, I have been thinking about this issue too!"

When Xue An was playing against Wei Li, he was hit by Wei Li's Time Exile.

Then Xue An was abandoned outside of time and became an existence that cannot be contained in the world.

At that time, he saw many wonderful scenes, one of which was about the earth.

The earth in the image seemed to be excluded from the time of the heavens by a magical force, and it didn't start to flow again until after he was reborn and returned.

Xue An was surprised at that time.

Because this force seems to be a trace of man-made, but even Xue An in his heyday, it is extremely difficult to drive a complete world out of time.

What's more, there is no trace of what the other party has done, and the light and wind let the earth leave the time system for three thousand years.

This is horrible.

So now after hearing what Zhuge Zang said, Xue An was also full of surprise.

Zhuge Zang sighed softly, "This is the problem, because if the people around you have their own destiny, they won't have an intersection with you. Even if they do, they won't be as deep as they are now. , You are like an outsider who suddenly broke into the middle of the river and changed everyone's fate!"

"And if all of this is really manipulated by someone behind..." Zhuge Zang's face was horrified, "I really can't imagine what kind of existence it would be!"

Xue An was silent for a moment, and then smiled slightly, "No matter whether this is man-made or the mistakes of time and space, I have been reborn and returned. Even if someone is really behind it, I should actually thank him. Yes, because of him, I have a chance to make up for my regrets!"

Just when Xue An and Zhuge Zang discussed the whole matter.

In the Kunlun Mountains on the northwestern border of China, an accident is happening quietly.

Since Xue An opened up the connection between the various secret realms and the earth, the Kunlun secret realm has faded away from its previous mystery and has become the back garden of China.

That's right.

With the growth of the earth's inherent aura, the concentration of aura on the earth nowadays is far higher than that of Kunlun Secret Realm.

Coupled with the blessing of air luck, the strength of the Chinese monks has been increasing rapidly, so the Kunlun Secret Realm quickly declined, and a large number of monks moved out one after another.

But because of the unique environment, this place is very suitable for the growth of elixir, so it soon became a place dedicated to cultivating rare elixir.


In the Kunlun Secret Realm, ripples suddenly appeared in a space.

Then, a faint figure squeezed out from the ripples.

When it appeared between the heavens and the earth, first looked around vigilantly, seeing nothing unusual, and then relieved.

Then the figure quickly began to solidify, and soon became a woman who described fascinating and ghostly.

When the woman probed carefully for a while, a touch of ecstasy appeared on her face.

"There is no such **** suppression in the space here, and the space barrier is very weak, which is suitable for the breakthrough of the army!"

"If I report this news to ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, I will definitely be appreciated by you adults!"

The woman was happy and ready to return, but suddenly she thought of something, and her figure stopped.

"No, I have to find out how this is connected to the earth. If it is a trap set by those cunning guys, then I will be miserable!"

Thinking of this, the woman immediately spread out and flew away.

at the same time.

In a dense spiritual field, Hua Tingting was carefully watering the elixir.

These waters are condensed with special techniques, and contain extremely powerful spiritual energy, which is suitable for cultivating elixir.

This Hua Tingting is the granddaughter of the genius doctor Hua Xingyu that Xue An met when he returned to the city.

Now their grandparents and grandchildren have become one of the few genius doctors in China.

Today, Hua Tingting came here specifically for these cultivated elixir.

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