Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1704: It is unforgivable to disturb my drinking pleasure!

"Yes, it should be the magic that China has always kept secret! So I think the top priority now is to put pressure on China through various channels as soon as possible to let them surrender these precious secrets, as long as they have it. It, coupled with the scientific research strength of our country M, can develop even more powerful fighters!" The scientist's eyes showed enthusiasm.

The president thought for a moment, then slowly nodded, "You don't need to say this, we have been doing it! But..."

The president looked around the audience with gloomy eyes, "I think our Super Soldier project should speed up the progress and come up with a stable experimental body as soon as possible, so as to check and balance this damned Chinese!"

"This is no problem, but in terms of investment..." the military spokesman immediately stood up and said.

"Investment doubled again, no, triple! But I want to see super fighters standing in front of me next month, not a group of irrational wastes who can only kill each other!"


But just after the meeting, when many high-level executives were about to leave, a harsh siren suddenly came from the CIA headquarters.

Everyone was taken aback.

Edward rushed to the screen and then froze.

Because on that special radar screen specially used to detect extraordinary powers, dozens of brilliance suddenly appeared.

"Edward, what's going on?" the president shouted.

At the same time, a shrill sirens came from the city outside.

Not only country M, but even the world received the alert at the same time.

People looked up one after another, but seeing the sky above the sky, dozens of huge light spots suddenly appeared, even larger than the light spot that appeared before, and densely packed, occupying the entire sky.

The power of terror enveloped the world, and everyone was shaking.

Countless powerhouses are even more shocked.

Edward looked at the outside scene stupidly, and suddenly shouted in despair, "God! It's all the **** Chinese people who angered the demons. Now they are going to completely destroy the world!"

At the same time, China naturally saw this scene.

For a while, everyone in the streets and alleys, and the urban fields, was shocked.

All the people in Beijiang who were feasting even changed their colors.

"No! The demon took the opportunity to invade, we have to go back to defend!" Cheng Hao shouted, and the people of the Phoenix immediately stood up and rushed to the fortress in outer space.

Tang Xuan'er, Fan Mengxue, and others stood up right after them. Even the two little girls stood up while chewing on chicken legs, looking at the brilliance in the sky with curiosity.

Among the audience, only Xue An's table stayed still, and even at this time Xue An slowly poured himself a glass of wine.

General Zhen Guo looked at Xue An pale, and couldn't help saying: "Mr. Xue, this..."

Xue An smiled slightly, "Don't worry!"

After all, Xue An drank the wine in one sip, then put down the wine glass, with drooping eyebrows, and whispered softly: "It's been a long time since I had a relaxing drink! As a result, you dare to disturb my drinking pleasure. "


After that, Xue An suddenly raised his eyes, his eyes brightened, then raised his hand to pick up a chopstick on the table and threw it out casually.


The chopsticks flew out, turned into a brilliant sword light, and went straight to the sky.

The prosperous sword intent, even made Kyushu shocked.

Yu Ming, who was descending a demon somewhere, saw the sword flashing in the sky at a glance, couldn't help but shook his whole body, and then stood there.

Because only Jian Xiu can realize how terrifying this sword is.

Yu Ming even felt that his eyebrows were aching like needles, and then there was blood flowing out of a flower in front of him.

His heart was so shocked that he stabbed himself just by looking at it?

How strong is the adult's sword training? Can you issue such swordsmanship?

These questions are also the common thoughts of all swordsmen practicing in the world.

at the same time.

In the studio in Zhongdu, Chen Xiaoyi hissed and screamed: "Give me all this sword, remember, I said everything!"

In fact, there is no need for satellite broadcasting at all now. As long as you stand outdoors and look up, you can clearly see the bright sword light rising into the sky.

In the CIA headquarters, the president asked with a sullen face: "What is that?"

Edward Wood stared blankly, and did not have time to respond. Instead, the scientist frantically said, "It's swordsmanship! This is the only swordsmanship in China! God, it's really an intoxicating power. !"

"But with this sword... can it work?" A military Gaoguan said softly.

It seemed to be in response to his words, at this moment, the sword had already rushed into space, and then it collided with these demon brilliance.


The sky and the earth trembled lightly, and then a huge spot of light burst and burst into a sky full of fireworks.

At the same time, this sword rushed out of the sky with complacency and went straight to the next spot of light.

Boom boom boom!

The next is the performance of this sword light, but seeing these light spots that have not had time to show the shape of a monster, like huge fireworks, burst one after another.

Light and rain fell all over the sky, forming a picture full of strange beauty.

Everyone looked silly.

Chen Xiaoyi in the studio also forgot to urge, staring blankly at the light and rain outside the window.

In an instant, most of these spots have been damaged.

The remaining few felt strange, and they started to flee frantically.

But the sword light seemed to have spirituality, it circled these spots in a flash, and then shrank suddenly.


These light spots shattered in unison, the brilliance of brilliance, even shining the night sky like day.

From the beginning to the present, only less than a minute has passed.

The demon who had just returned to the world with great power has become a flood of! Shouldn't this kind of power be something only our country M can have? "The president's hair became even more disheveled, and he muttered to himself.

But after hearing Xue An’s name, the **** he believed in was already scared and ran far, so he could not hear his prayers.

At this moment, in the light and rain of the sky, the sword light remained frozen, as if waiting for something.

What is it going to do?

This is a common question in the hearts of all those who saw this scene.

At the same time, Xue An before the wine table chuckled softly, "Forget it, just teach them a little lesson, so I can't see myself clearly!"

When the words fell, this sword light swooped down and headed straight for... Country M.

"Ahhhhh! God! What is it going to do?" All the senior executives in the CIA headquarters were shocked, and the president hissed and screamed.

But before his words fell, Jian Guang had already swooped over the city.

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