Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1695: 1 person returns to the world

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Tianyuan Group.

Now Tianyuan Group has become the leading giant company in Asia and even the whole world.

In addition to the main product Tianyuan Potion, its business scope also covers all aspects of life.

Not only that, Tianyuan Group has also cultivated countless strong men and become the mainstay of China.

All this has also made Tianyuan Group a legendary company.


In the headquarters of Tianyuan Group, Qiao Le, who was busy, suddenly received a call.

"Hey, big brother, what's the matter?" Qiao Le asked, tilting his head and holding the phone, while busy.

"The news just received, Xiao An may have returned!"

Qiao Le was shocked when he heard the words, and immediately stood up and said with joy, "Second brother is back? Where?"

"The news came from Beijiang, but I don't know where it is!"

Qiao Le immediately began to pack the things on the table, and at the same time eagerly said: "Big brother, since there is news that the second brother is back, what are we waiting for? Go to Beijiang now!"

"Wait a minute! Don't worry!"

"Can I be in a hurry? That's my second brother!" Qiao Le said impatiently.

"That's what I think. Xiaoan came back very suddenly this time and didn't notify anyone, so I think it's better not to go there for now!"

"Why?" Qiao Le increased his voice, "Did the relationship between our buddies fade?"

"Of course not! I just think Xiao An must have his intention to do this. We'd better not disturb for the time being, and if he wants to see us, he must have already come here!"

Among the four of them, the boss, Zhao Xuehui, is the most mature and respectful, so he thinks the longest.

After hearing this, Qiao Le was silent, and after a long time he said a bit astringent: "But I really miss the second brother!"

"We all miss him, but now that Xiao An has returned, we are not in a hurry! And Xiao An's return this time will definitely cause shocks from all parties. We are better than anything else to guard the Tianyuan Group for him. !" Zhao Xuehui said.

"Then did you tell the fourth child?"

"Bin Yi, I have just contacted, and he has the same reaction as you!"

"Okay!" Qiao Le hung up the phone, and then sat back in the chair with a bit of depression, without saying a word.

After a while, he recovered, and then gently picked up a photo on the table.

In the photo, Zhao Xuehui, Xue An, who were still young at the time, as well as themselves and Yang Bin were smiling brilliantly.

Qiao Le rubbed the photo lightly, his eyes gradually turned red, and finally sighed quietly.

At the same time, the various forces reacted differently after learning of this news.

He immediately set off for Beijiang, ready to meet this legendary, and it can even be said that he created this prosperous age in one hand.

There are also full of panic and trembling, for fear that some shady things will cause serious disasters.

But no matter what, Xue An's return crushed everything that was originally peaceful.

Seeing this scene, some people can't help but sigh.

Xue An is the only one who can make the world fearful by returning alone!

Regardless of the chaos outside, Lao Xie Hotel is still peaceful and warm.

At this time, Qin Yuan put down his wine glass and said sternly: "Mr. Xue, but I don't know if you have any plans for returning this time?"

Xue An smiled slightly, "I originally wanted to solve the crisis, but looking at it now, it doesn't seem to be necessary for me to take action! Xuan'er and the others can solve this incident perfectly."

Qin Yuan frowned when he heard the words, then hesitated for a moment, then said in a tentative tone: "Mr. Xue, but I don't know if I should say something!"


"I always feel that this incident revealed this weird and weird!"

Xue An raised his eyebrows slightly, and said with interest: "Oh? Why do you say that?"

Qin Yuan smiled bitterly: "Actually, I'm just guessing, and there is no evidence, but I still feel that those extraterritorial monsters that attack the earth seem to have come to die!"

"Go on!" Xue An said with a calm face.

"I often watched news from outer space at home, and then I discovered that although these monsters are powerful, they are still much worse than Miss Xuan'er and the others. Attacking the earth with such strength is completely hitting rocks with pebbles."

"The facts have also proved this. Except that the earth was caught off guard at the beginning, which resulted in the loss of some manpower, basically no losses were suffered later. On the contrary, these monsters suffered serious losses!"

"Is this bad?" Xue An said with a smile.

Qin Yuan shook his head, "I don't think so, because when something goes wrong, there must be demons. These demons are not fools. Why are they still attacking the earth with such great losses? Unless..."

"Unless what?"

"Unless these demons do this deliberately, in order to use this method to divert people's attention, confuse the audience, and achieve some ulterior purpose!

Speaking of this, Qin Yuan's expression became very solemn, because these were indeed guesses buried in his heart.

But he doesn't dare to say these words at all, because the current public opinion atmosphere has completely gone to an extreme.

If the previous human beings were full of despair and powerlessness in the face of foreign powerhouses.

Now human beings have almost swelled their self-confidence to a staggering level.

There are even media speculations about how long it will take for human beings to reach the heavens, stepping under the feet of the gods and demons who used to be high, and the final conclusion is that it can be done in no more than a hundred years at most.

More importantly, no one actually thinks this is a joke, and all think it is a breeze and even a matter of course.

Although Qin Yuan's status and status were very high, he did not dare to speak out these guesses in his heart at the risk of the world.

It wasn't until today that he met Xue An that he confided all the thoughts in his heart.

After speaking Qin Yuan looked at Xue An nervously, wondering what kind of attitude this Mr. Xue would have.

Seeing that Xue An was slightly surprised at this moment, there was a hint of approval in his eyes looking at Qin Yuan.

It is worthy of being a person who once started from scratch and founded the Longtai Group, who was able to draw such a conclusion through very limited clues.

In fact, Qin Yuan's view coincides with Xue An's.

The powerhouses of Paradise Lost are almost coming out, and the purpose is obviously not that simple.

So now this sporadic attack is simply a joke.

Therefore, Xue An nodded, "Master Qin really looked like a torch, what you think is what I have been thinking about!"

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