"What?" The originally calm female voice instantly became extremely excited, "Where?"

"It's here at Uncle Xie's restaurant! Your lord should have just returned!"

"Okay! I'll be over right away!"

After all, the phone was immediately hung up.

Du Fan put away the phone, a smile appeared on his face.

There are many chairman of the board of directors in Beijiang, among them there are many large directors of multinational companies.

But there is only one person who can make Du Fan the chairman of the board.

That is Qin Yu, who is in charge of Longtai Group, who is known as holding half of the sky in Beijiang!

Nowadays, Longtai Group is more than twice as large as before. Especially after cooperating with Tianyuan Group, which has the largest Chinese giant, Longtai Group has started to develop frantically at a staggering speed.

The Qin family, the founder of Longtai Group, also became the No. 1 family in Beijiang.

But Qin Yuan, the elder of the Qin family, has long left nothing to do, and all matters are handed over to granddaughter Qin Yu to manage.

This also made Qin Yu one of the few richest people in Beijiang and even the whole China.

Such monstrous wealth, even though Qin Yu is very low-key, still makes her the target of countless people.

But most people can't see her at all. There is her mobile phone number in Beijiang, and there are few people who can directly contact her.

Du Fan happened to be one of them.

But usually, Du Fan never made this call.

Because he also knew that although he was honored as Brother Fan everywhere, he still had a gap in identity compared with Qin Yu.

But this time, Du Fan proved his worth through this incident.

At the same time, in the top floor of the towering Longtai Building in the center of Beijiang.

Qin Yu's secretary is sorting out the documents needed for the next day.

The night is already deep at the moment, but the day's work is far from over.

But this little secretary is used to this kind of life.

Because it was not just me who worked overtime together, the light in the distant office proved that the chairman was still working.

Everyone is a goddess worth hundreds of billions of dollars. If you still work so hard, what right do you have to complain?

What's more, my current job is not only very well-paid, but also very decent.

As long as you tell someone that you are working in Longtai Group and being Chairman Qin's secretary, then no matter who it is, you have to look at yourself.

At this time, the little secretary suddenly thought that the chairman is not only beautiful, but also very capable. He has such a huge enterprise under his staff, but he has remained single.

It's not that no one is chasing, on the contrary.

There are so many people who want to see the chairman every day, but the chairman does not discuss anything except work.

I really don't know what kind of man can be worthy of a woman like the chairman!

Just as the little secretary was thinking about it, there was a sudden sound of rapid footsteps in the office.

The little secretary looked stern, and hurriedly stood up straight, ready to await the chairman's order.

But at this moment, the door of the office was pushed open, and then Qin Yu ran out of it in a violent speed, almost knocking down the Feng Shui vase in front of the door.

Despite this, Qin Yu's speed still did not slow down in the slightest, but ran faster and faster.

Even in the middle of the run, Qin Yu kicked out because the high heels under his feet were a little in the way, kicking the high heels directly out of the feet, and then ran away barefoot.

The little secretary's mouth gradually widened, staring at Qin Yu's back in a daze, a big question mark gradually appeared on his head.

Chairman...what's wrong?

Naturally, as Qin Yu, there is an exclusive elevator, but for such a high building, it takes a few minutes to get to the end even if you take the elevator.

Qin Yu took advantage of this time to tidy up her makeup in the mirror in the elevator, wiped away the over-professional aura, then gathered up the loose long hair, and simply pulled a ponytail behind her head.

Seeing himself in the mirror who was much less powerful and beautiful, Qin Yu breathed a sigh of relief, then took out his mobile phone and dialed his grandfather's number.

The call was quickly connected.

Except for very urgent matters, Qin Yu rarely contacted Qin Yuan via mobile phone.

"what happened?"

"My lord is back!"

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone, and then Qin Yuan said solemnly: "Where? When did you come back?"

"At Uncle Xie, I heard from Du Fan that I should have just returned tonight!"

"Okay! You go first, I'll be there later!"

Qin Yu was surprised.

You must know that since he took charge of the Longtai Group, his grandfather has completely retired, and he doesn't show his face at all on weekdays, but he didn't expect to show up this time.

"My lord has the favor of our Qin family. This time he returns from the battle, even if I can't move in bed, I have to see him!"

Qin Yu said with a stern expression, "Yes! I understand!"

The phone hung up and the elevator happened to reach the first floor.

With a ding sound, the elevator door slowly opened.

The female receptionist on the first floor who was responsible for this elevator hurriedly stepped forward.


Qin Yu didn't have time to pay attention to her, but moved forward.

At this time, the female receptionist also noticed that Qin Yu was barefoot, and couldn't help closing her mouth in surprise.

At this moment, Qin Yu stopped abruptly, then looked down at the pair of sneakers worn by the front desk.

"how much is it?"


"I ask how much your shoes cost!" Qin Yu raised his voice.

The front desk was a little dazed, and tremblingly said, "Eight...eight hundred!"

Qin Yu turned around and panted. The female secretary who finally rushed over said: "Give her five thousand later!"

"Huh? Yes!"

Then Qin Yu said to the female receptionist: "Take it off!"

The female receptionist was already stupid, she took off her shoes in a muddle, Qin Yu put them on immediately, and then strode out.

The female secretary was a little dazed, and took a few steps, "Chairman..."

"Don't follow me!"

After all, Qin Yu went straight through the hall, regardless of the shocked gaze of the people around him, went straight out of the Longtai Building, and then got into a sports car.

With a kick of the accelerator, the sports car roared, flew out like an arrow from the string, and disappeared into the night in an instant.

Lao Xie Hotel is not too close to Longtai Building~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But at Qin Yu's almost crazy speed, he arrived in just five minutes.

But instead of driving directly to the door of Lao Xie Hotel, she glanced at Du Fan, parked the car far away, and walked over.

Du Fan was waiting at the door. When he saw her, he couldn't help but greeted her, "Chairman Qin!"

Qin Yu nodded, "Is the adult still there?"

"Drinking inside!"

Qin Yu took a deep breath and glanced at the small restaurant with complicated eyes, then stepped forward and gently opened the door.

When everyone heard the noise, they couldn't help but raised their heads and looked here.

Qin Yu saw Xue An sitting in the middle at a glance, and his heart was shocked.

The breath of the adult seems to be invisible at all, especially those eyes, which are as deep as the starry sky.

But Qin Yu soon recovered and smiled at Xue An, "My lord!"

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