"What...what are you doing? Don't come here!" Seeing Xue An, who was slowly walking towards her face sinking like water, Wen Linglong screamed as if she saw a helpless girl of a vicious man.

There was no lag in Xue An's steps, and a faint sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"So scared for what? Trust me, soon, it doesn't hurt at all!"

Wen Linglong almost cried, and there was a little choking in his voice, and he roared inwardly, "I tell you, I am the son of the abyss. If you dare to kill me, you will wait to endure the endless anger from the abyss. !"

Hearing Wen Linglong's threatening words, there was a look of disdain in the eyes of Qie Weiyang on the side.

What a fool!

When is it, he still wants to use his identity to suppress people, can't he not appear in the situation?

Sure enough, Xue An didn't even blink his eyelids, and said lightly: "Is it so powerful? But what if I...I'm not afraid?"

Wen Linglong sweated profusely, "You..."

Before the words fell, Xue An's eyes suddenly burst, and the extremely majestic spirit rushed out, completely submerging Wen Linglong like a raging tide.

Wen Linglong screamed, his body flickered a few black lights, and wanted to resist, but under Xue An's spiritual mind, his resistance was as weak as a joke and was instantly destroyed.

Immediately after that, Wen Linglong's eyes dimmed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In an instant, his eyes went out completely.

And a little octopus with teeth and claws rose from his eyebrows.

This is Wen Linglong's soul body.

Before everyone could react, Xue An waved his hand, and the strong spirit directly sealed the octopus, and then flew into Xue An's palm and disappeared.

There are no more than three breaths in the whole process.

Wen Linglong, who had just returned to life, became Xue An’s prisoner.

Seeing this scene, Qie Weiyang's pupils instantly shrank to the size of a needle.

She certainly didn't think that Wen Linglong would be the opponent of the young man in front of him.

But she didn't expect that Xue An could seal Wen Linglong in such a short time.

Especially the majestic spirit that he just demonstrated, is so powerful that it has exceeded the scope of Qi Weiyang's understanding.

at the same time.

Xue An slowly turned his head and looked towards Qie Weiyang.

Qi Weiyang trembled all over, and then bowed his head respectfully.

For disciples of these big sects, they naturally know when to show absolute respect.

Xue An now has this strength that makes her awe, so she did not hesitate at all, and immediately gave up resistance.

At this moment, Xue An suddenly said: "You can just tell me the whereabouts of these paradise lost powerhouses, I am very pleased!"

Qi Weiyang immediately reverently said: "My lord, since you know the name of my house master, you should also have a connection with my teacher, so this is what a humble person should do!"

Qie Weiyang's remarks virtually brought him closer to Xue An.

Xue An chuckled softly after listening, "Yes! I and your teacher... really have a connection!"

Qi Weiyang sighed secretly when he heard the words, and then he was delighted in his heart.

Did you guess it right?

But at this moment, Xue An raised his hand abruptly, and a force of divine thought pierced Qi Weiyang's eyebrows with lightning speed, and then pulled out.

Xue An's soul was captured by Xue An.

She was standing in the air with a blank face, obviously not understanding what happened.

At the same time, Xue An said calmly: "I do have a relationship with your teacher, because I have a written account, I haven't settled with Shang Liang yet! As for you...just feel wronged first!"

After all, Xue An didn't wait for Qie Weiyang to speak, so he sealed him up in the same way and put it in his palm.

So far.

The allied forces in the abyss of the thirteenth floor were annihilated, and there was no one.

After that, Xue An, who had finished cooking these hand tails, turned around and looked at everyone, and said in a deep voice.

"Okay! Next, we will leave for Earth immediately!"

"Good!" An Yan nodded immediately.

Fan Mengxue also immediately said: "Master has a few flying boats left, the speed is top-notch, we..."

Before Fan Mengxue finished speaking, Xue An waved his hand, "No need! We will not go back in a flying boat this time!"


As soon as this remark came out, Fan Mengxue's eyes widened.

Not in a flying boat? How to go back then?

Is it purely on the flesh to fly through the void?

But the earth is very far away from here, if it crosses in the flesh, I don't know when it will be there!

Not only her, but An Yan also felt puzzled.

"Husband, how do we go back?"

Xue An said solemnly: "These powerhouses in Paradise Lost have disappeared for a long time. With their strength, they must have reached the earth at this moment! And even if we ride the fastest flying boat, it will take at least a few months. Time can only return, so long time, can everyone on earth support it?"

This question silenced everyone.


If it takes a few months to return to the earth, it is estimated that the day lily will be cold.

"Then what to do? Is it just looking at it like this?" An Yan anxiously flushed!

You know, there are so many relatives and friends on earth!

An Qing, Xuan Er....

Anything wrong is an unacceptable loss.

"So I decided to build a space-time formation and send it back directly!" Xue An said solemnly.

"Teleport?" Many people looked at each other.

Hu Ying showed a knowing smile.

"Yes, it's teleportation! Yan'er, you may not know that when we left the earth last time, I had already set up a space-time coordinate on the earth, just for teleportation in emergencies!"

"It's just that my strength hasn't recovered at the time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ so I have not enough power. After all, if you want to build a space-time formation, at least the power of the fairy king can be used, but now I am the pinnacle of Da Luo. Give it a try!"

"As long as the space-time formation is established, we can shorten the journey of several months to one day or even less!"

Hearing what Xue An said, the eyes of An Yan, Fan Mengxue and others brightened.

"Then what are you waiting for, let's start building it!" Zhang Xiaoyu in the crowd suddenly couldn't wait to say.

Xue An smiled slightly, "Of course I have to build, but I can't do it alone. You have to work together!"

"no problem!"

"My lord, don't worry, you helped us, and you are a friend of our ancestors. We are duty-bound in this matter!"

Before Fan Mengxue could speak, these subordinates began to clamor.

Xue An nodded, "Very well, in that case, let's do it now!"

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