Liu Cai was tempered and smiled and said, "Lao Chi, what's wrong with you? What kind of mess is this? What kind of tricks? Does the Chongxu family plan to annihilate our subordinates in one fell swoop? Not all the strong?"

As soon as this remark came out, the few aristocratic young masters behind Liu Cai all laughed.

In their view, this is obviously a joke.

But this sentence reminded Chi Xiao, and saw that his face was pale and almost transparent, and muttered to himself: "Yes! He intends to wipe out all of us in one fell swoop! Let us become his slaves, yes! Definitely! That's it! He is a more evil existence than the devil..."

Liu Cai did not hear what Chi Xiao was talking about, but this did not prevent him from showing disgust.

I saw him frown slightly, "Chi Xiao, I think you are really embarrassed like this. As a dignified quasi-immortal king-level powerhouse, why are you so incoherent? Do you really think the Chongxu family is going to be against us? ?joke!"

Liu Cai sneered and continued: "Even if they Chongxu family really think so, it is destined to be a useless effort, because I have already received the news that not only the families of the various families are going to go this time, but even the master of the world will accept it. When the news arrives, I mean to leave! That is a quasi-first-class immortal king powerhouse, how do you think they can deal with such an existence?"

These words really worked, at least soothing Chi Xiao's anxious heart, his eyes widened, and he stared at Liu Cai blankly.

"Jie... Lord Master is also going to go?"

"This is what the news says, the possibility should be great!"

Chi Xiao's expression began to change.

If it is true as the rumors say, even Lord Master is going to leave for this celebration.

Then this guy can be regarded as shooting himself in the foot.

Chi Xiao didn't believe that the strength of the major families could stop Hei Sha's strange and unpredictable ability.

But Lord Lord is different.

That was a super strong man from the depths of the abyss, and the quasi-first-class Immortal King strength made him a giant even in this lost paradise.

So his eyes gradually became firmer.

He knew very well that there was a big problem with his current mental state.

If you can't solve it properly, then you don't want to make a difference in your cultivation in the future.

So even if it is for the sake of my own future, I have to go to this celebration myself.

Holding this thought, his expression gradually calmed down, and he nodded slightly at Liu Cai and the others, "If this is the case, then I will go with you!"

In the eternally dark sky of the eighth city, there is a palace floating.

This temple is very close to the upper-level city, and this is the place where the second-tier realm master lives.

Many times, the second-tier world masters are not in the eighth-story city, but live on the ninth floor.

And this time, he happened to be in the palace.

This is an empty hall with many people kneeling underneath it.

And behind a huge table, there is a cloud of almost nothingness.

The invitation is floating in the air, and someone seems to be viewing it.

a long time.

A dark flame suddenly rose from the invitation and burned it into nothingness.

Then he heard a sneer coming from the nothingness.

"This Chongxu Xuan is really getting more confused as he gets older. A mere son-in-law who has come to the throne and dares to invite me to come, what does he think?"

An old man under the steps smiled, "Master of the realm calms down his anger. I think there is something wrong with this. After all, the fellow Chongxuxuan is not a fool. How can he let a mere psychic be in charge of their family? "

"Weird? Haha! What can be weird? How many fools can come out of the abyss?"

"Then according to the intention of the world master, shall we go or not?" the old man asked in a deep voice.

"Hehe, if it were in the past, of course I would not go, but this time the situation is different. I originally planned to call everyone to come. Since I have this opportunity, then I will save my business! Just go! Announce something!"

The old man's face changed a lot when he heard the words, "My Lord of the World said that..."

"It's the word from a few high-ranking adults!"

The old man's complexion became a little pale, and he lowered his head in awe.

"Go, reply to Chong Xuxuan, saying that I will go there by then and let him be prepared!"


When the entire sub-rank was boiling over, Xue An finally finished carving the last rune, then wiped the sweat beads on his forehead, and let out a long sigh.

"Husband, what are you doing?" An imaginary that looked like a flower fairy flew out, and An Yan's voice came from it.

This is the latest usage she has researched. It can be transformed with only a trace of spiritual thoughts, so that it will be safer when flying out of the Fubao Xiaolou.

Xue An raised his hand, and An Yan stopped on his fingers.

Then Xue Ancai smiled and said, "It's nothing, it's just a meeting gift for everyone at this rank!"

"Oh!" An Yan replied.

At this moment, two caterpillars suddenly appeared on Xue An's arm.

As soon as the two caterpillars appeared, they began to crawl up hard, and at the same time, there were shouts of thinking and thinking.

"Haha! Stupid, you can't catch up with me!"

"Sister, you shamelessly said that you would crawl together again and again, but you got up first!"

"I'm just shameless, come chase me if you have the ability!"

That's right!

These two naive caterpillars are just thoughts and thoughts transformed with divine thoughts.

The one running in the front is to think about it, and the one running in the back is Nian Nian.

The two people regarded Xue An's arm as a field of play, and began to chase after gritted teeth.

It's just that the speed at which they chase is really touching.

Regardless of shouting so vigorously, it actually only took a few centimeters to climb for a long time.

Xue An was really dumbfounded when he saw this.

"Hey, who made you two come out?" An Yan asked.

"It's Sister Ying!"

"Yes, it's sister Ying!"

Miss Nian speaking in unison Ying? Yinger came out too? "Xue An was startled slightly.

Then he saw a cartoon cute little fox suddenly got out of Xue An's cuffs and smiled mischievously.

"Hey, yes! It's so lively outside, of course we have to come out and take a look!"

"So Xiaoyu is left alone at home?" An Yan asked.

As soon as the voice fell, I heard a scream from above, "Ahhhhhhh, be careful, I'm going to fall..."

With that, a big spider with teeth and claws fell from the sky, and you could even see the panic on its face.

Xue An sighed helplessly and stretched out his hand to catch the spider.

Only then did Zhang Xiaoyu let out a sigh of relief, then smiled embarrassedly at An Yan, "Sister Yan, I'm out too!"

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