
The dead corpses fell to the ground one after another, and a strong smell of blood filled the audience.

Everyone was stunned by this scene.

The middle-aged man's eyes widened instantly, and then he took a deep look at Xue An.

He didn't expect that this delicate and weak young man would be so cruel in his shots.

With just one move, dozens of foreign experts died on the spot.

"It seems that everyone has no opinion! Come here!" Xue An said lightly.

These girls reacted first and rushed towards Xue An.

But at this moment, the middle-aged man shouted coldly: "Hold on!"


These servants stepped forward and blocked the way.

Then I saw the middle-aged man walked into the field apart from the crowd.

"What? Do you have an opinion?" Xue An asked coldly with his eyes flashing.

"Hehe, I can't talk about opinions! It's just..." the middle-aged man said at Xue Anpi with a smile.

"Your Excellency is so cruel, have you ever thought about the consequences?"

"Consequence?" Xue An smiled slightly, "I paid the money, and the person who blocked it died also. Now what are you talking about with me?"

The middle-aged man's complexion gradually became cold, his eyes flashed with dangerous light.

According to common sense, Xue An is right.

After all, people paid all the money, and these women naturally belonged to him!

But now that so many familiar strangers have died, if Zhanxianglou doesn't stand up and show his attitude, then how will this business be done in the future?

Therefore, he sneered: "Your Excellency is good, but we have always convinced people in Zhanxianglou. Just because of a few words, you have killed so much. You have to give an explanation!"

"Yes! Give me an explanation!" Seeing that even Zhanxianglou was in the early stage, the crowd started to squeeze.

Under the "group sentiment indignation", Xue An glanced at the middle-aged man with a smile, "What? Okay, then I'll give you an explanation!"

As he said, Xue An stood up, raised his hand to the group of girls, and said with cold face: "Think of the human women as pigs and dogs, wantonly tortured, and even sold as food by you. This is what you said. Persuade people?"

The middle-aged man's complexion changed, "You..."

Xue An did not give him the opportunity to continue talking, "I paid for it, but I was unreasonably interrupted by these powerful aliens. You didn't say a word at the time, but when I killed them all, you asked me instead. I'm going to talk about it, why is your face so big?"

As soon as these words came out, all the complexions of Zhan Xianglou changed.

The middle-aged man was even more furious, "Where did the kid come from, dare to say such crazy words and kill him for me!"

In this rank, the real strength is the strong from the alien race, and the human race is in a very weak position.

This is also why Zhanxianglou dared to sell human girls so blatantly.

And if you want to be able to sit securely as the shopkeeper yourself, you must ingratiate yourself with these foreign powerhouses.

That's why this middle-aged man would not hesitate to tear his face and leave Xue An behind.

With an order, the many servants rushed up with their weapons.

When the onlookers saw this, all of them were gloating.

But their pride lasted less than a second, but seeing Xue An coldly smiled, he took a step forward.

With one step, the whole building trembles.

The servants who rushed to the forefront didn't even have time to scream, they were directly trampled on by this foot.

The blood mingled with flesh and blood.

Everyone's pupils shrank.

The middle-aged man even screamed, and then stepped back.

But Xue An had already made up his mind that everyone involved in the trafficking of human women had to die.

So before he rushed to the door, Xue An took another step.


This step is even stronger.

All the servants didn't even hum, starting from their heads, they were directly compressed in layers.

The sound of bursting bones spread throughout the hall, and the middle-aged man's heart trembled, but he didn't even dare to turn his head back, and the speed of his escape could not help speeding up a bit.

Seeing getting closer and closer to the door, a smug smile appeared on the corner of the middle-aged man's mouth.

As long as he can leave this hall, he is sure to escape.

But when he was only three steps away from the door, a light sigh came from behind his head.

The sound made his hairs stand up.

Then he frantically urged his whole body's cultivation base, and then blasted a note.

Being able to serve as a shopkeeper in such a large restaurant, the strength of this middle-aged man is naturally impressive.

Coupled with this attack for survival, the power is naturally even more amazing.

When caught off guard, even the stronger ones at a higher level have to be hit.

But never expected that the blow that was inevitable would have been missed.

not good!

The middle-aged man screamed in his heart, and then tried to escape.

But everything is too late.

At this moment, a palm that looked like a sapphire carve appeared on top of his head out of thin air.

"Running so fast, do you want to go out to report?" Xue An said lightly.

The middle-aged man was stiff and he dared not even move.

Because at this moment, the palm of his hand has been pressed on his forehead, and the middle-aged man can even feel the warmth from this palm.

But it was this kind of warmth that made him fall into an ice cellar.

He understood that he would definitely be destroyed by this palm.

So there was a flattering smile on his face, "My lord, everything is a misunderstanding, I just want to go out!"

"Oh? So you are not going to report it?"

"When... Of course not!"

Unexpectedly, Xue An shook his head, "That really disappointed me! I didn't even dare to report, so what use do you keep?"

As he said, Xue An spit out his palm and wanted to shoot down.

"No...!" Feeling that he was about to die, the middle-aged man couldn't help screaming.

At this moment, a woman's tender drink came from the back of the hall.

"Who would dare to come to my Zhanxianglou to make trouble?"

Upon hearing this voice, the face of the middle-aged man showed ecstasy~www.wuxiaspot.com~Mrs. Help! "

At the same time, a petite figure had appeared outside the door, and it was about to rush into the hall at an extremely fast speed.

But it was still a step too late.

Seeing that Xue An's face was as cold as ice, he ignored these shouts and slapped his palms down.


After a muffled sound, the middle-aged man's head burst open first, followed by his body.

Accompanied by a burst of crackling fractures, the middle-aged man's upper body was quickly compressed, and finally turned into a pool of mud.

"Do not……."

With this angry shout, this figure finally rushed into the hall.

After the establishment, she was a woman who was no more than 1.5 meters tall, but with a charming figure and a charming and attractive appearance.

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