Sally quietly retreated to her father's side, looking at Xue An with a guarded face.

The complexion of the King of Light changed, and finally he sighed slightly.

"Why are you doing this again! I have repeatedly tolerated, even at such a huge price, so isn't it good for you to leave after taking things? Do you have to ask the bottom line?"

"Could it be that these two issues are more important than those 250 billion spirit crystals?"

The King of Light was puzzled.

Xue An nodded, "You're right. In my eyes, these two issues are far more important than the so-called spirit crystals, because I want to know who it was that committed a terrible crime to the creatures on the earth. offense!"

The God King of Guangming looked surprised, "Just because of this, you will not hesitate to chase here?"

"Is this something?" Xue An asked back, "In your eyes, the birth and death of hundreds of millions of creatures is just this matter?"

The King of Light was silent, and finally took a deep look at Xue An and couldn't help but said: "I really don't understand. How can a strong man like you care about this? Is it because of that ridiculous sense of morality?"

Xue An stretched his hands, "Look, this is the problem! In the eyes of you gods who think that they are superior, the sense of morality is ridiculous! But in my opinion, any life is worthy of respect, especially the creatures on earth. !"

The King of Light was silent, and it was not until a long time later that he raised his head to look at Xue An, "The two questions you asked, I can only comment!"

Xue An seemed to have expected this ending a long time ago, and couldn't help but sigh, "It's a pity! Then I can only ask you to die!"

As soon as this statement was made, the expressions of many gods in the audience changed wildly.

Especially this Sally, the guards in the distance winked wildly.

People began to quietly gather around, encircling Xue An.

The King of Light was hesitant. For Xue An, he had not been able to see through the clues, but an ominous premonition kept in his heart, making him tremble.

So he finally said: "Is there really no room for recovery?"

Xue Anhao leisurely said: "Yes, tell me the answer to the question, I can let you go!"

"You know, it's impossible, because once I tell you, then I have to die too!"

"So... you go to die now!"

As soon as Xue An's words fell, Sally roared, "Do it!"

With an order, all the guards worked together to completely block Xue An in it.


The violent explosion caused everyone to retreat.

Sally sneered.

No one can survive such an explosion, not even gods.

Therefore, this person must die.

"Father, you don't have to worry, this person who dared to yell at you is dead!" Sally said respectfully.

But she did not wait for the approval from the father, but was silent.

This couldn't help but raised her head in a daze, and then she was dumbfounded.

Because the avatar of the King of Light, who was still in front of him just now, has disappeared without a trace.

what happened?

Why did Mr. Father leave suddenly?

Could it be that he had expected that he would kill this guy?

These questions just came to my mind.

Amidst the continuous explosions, Xue An, dressed in white, walked slowly out of the middle, calm and relaxed, and even his hair was not messed up.

Seeing this scene, Sally took a breath, her pupils instantly shrank to the size of a needle.

how is this possible!

How could he walk out of the explosion center unharmed?

At the same time, I saw Xue An looking around the audience, and then sighed softly: "It's so pitiful! I didn't know it as an abandoned child! Well, I will send you on the road first!"


This word made Sally horrified, and combined with Father Wang's farewell without saying goodbye, she immediately understood it.

It turns out that Lord Father has long known how powerful this human youth is, so he used us as a shield, and did he take the opportunity to escape?

Although I don't want to believe this is true, facts speak louder than words.

And Sally's reaction was not unpleasant, she only yelled, "Stop him!"

But after saying this, she didn't go forward and retreated, and then ran out frantically.

The guards didn't understand, so they all rushed up according to Sally's orders.

Xue An did not show mercy.

For these races that are accustomed to arrogance and killing, any mercy is a crime against the creatures who died in their hands.

So Xue An exhaled, raised his fist, and blasted out!

This punch was like taking away all the vitality of the audience.

The nearest guards turned into powder without even humming.

When the rest of the people saw this horrible scene, they were scared to death, and they wanted to escape if they had the chance.

But everything is too late.

The power of fist spread quickly, wherever he went, flesh and blood flew all over him.

Sally's scalp was numb when she heard the sound of brokenness and screams coming from behind her.

But before she stepped out of the casino door, a light sigh came from behind.

"The blame is that you are usually too arrogant! So... go on the road with peace of mind!"

"No!" Sally screamed, her speed suddenly accelerated a lot.

But no matter how fast it is, it cannot be as fast as Xue An's sword.

Seeing a strand of sword light flying in the sky.

With a pop, blood splashed everywhere.

Sally stopped and stood still, her eyes full of horror.

Xue An didn't even look at her, passed by, and walked straight to the temple in the center of the city.

When Xue An's footsteps were gone, a light red blood line suddenly appeared on Sally's throat.

Immediately after that, the blood line expanded rapidly, and then Sally threw a plop and fell to her knees. The brilliance in her eyes quickly faded as the blood passed, and she finally fell to the ground and was wiped out.

That's right!

With just a single sword, Xue An wiped out the spirit of this **** with the blood of the **** king.

I don't know when the wind started outside.

It seems to be in a sense, the whole city is terribly quiet, even those who are usually arrogant and arrogant, at this moment are honestly hiding in the dark corner shivering.

Xue An is not in a walking step by step.

But with every step he took, the momentum on his body became violent.

In the end, the power on his body soared to the sky, and it was so strong that it was almost substantive, and even changed the situation that was disturbed by most of the sky.

Luo Lanting looked at Xue An's back with eyes full of admiration.

She didn't expect that the killing of Jiuzhongtian that Xue An said before was not a metaphor, but that she really wanted to do it!

Such a demeanor, how can we not make Luolan Pavilion moved.

at last.

The central temple is here.

But when Xue An's feet just stepped into the Central Temple.

An extremely bright light suddenly appeared in front of him, and then countless holy light angels appeared in the void, blocking Xue An's path.

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