This is also closely related to their mental maturity.

"Hey, what are mom and dad doing?" Niannian asked curiously.

"Shhh, my father is whispering while holding my mother!" Think about it in response.

An Yan was so scared that An Yan immediately broke free from Xue An's arms, and then tried to calm down: "Why did you two also come out?"

"Hehe! Dad, what are you whispering to your mother?" Nian Nian didn't answer An Yan's words, but instead asked Xue An curiously.

No matter how thick-skinned, but the two daughters witnessed the scene just now, Xue An still looked embarrassed and coughed, "No...nothing! By the way, your mother asked why you came out?"

"It was the ball that sent the two of us out!" Think about it.

As he said, the koi ball showed its shape, and then wagged its tail at Xue An to please.

Now with its gradual evolution, its many functions have begun to appear.

For example, although Anyan's transformation is largely due to his own credit, it would be difficult for Anyan to break through the boundaries of Fubao Xiaolou without its help.

And the two little girls are naturally the same, but they can't send and receive like An Yan.

Even the length of stay is limited.

Like now.

The light and shadow representing the two little girls began to shake.

"Oh Dad, we are going to be broken! Help us!" Nian Nian shouted with some fear.

Xue An was a little bit dumbfounded, but still sternly said: "Okay, don't be so nonsense in the future! Although you say that it won't hurt your body, but you are still young, once mentally damaged, it is also very troublesome!"

After all, he waved his hand and safely sent the two little girls back to Fu Bao Xiaolou.

at the same time.

The sound of footsteps from outside the door.

An Yan nodded at Xue An, "Husband, you have to be more careful!"

"Well! Don't worry! I have my own measures!"

Now An Yan is already full of trust in Xue An. No matter what he does, An Yan silently supports him behind his back, never saying anything else.

Now after hearing Xue An's promise, An Yan nodded, then spread out and returned to the Fubao Xiaolou.

At this moment, the door of the room was gently pushed open, and Luo Lanting walked into the room and bowed solemnly.

"My lord, it has been processed, shall we go now?"

Xue An nodded, "Okay! Leave now!"

The God King of Guangming always felt that he was a little frightened today, but he didn't know what went wrong.

"Strange, how does this feel so familiar?" The King of Light frowned.

There was no sound in the huge temple.

And through the dome of the temple, you can actually see the prosperous scene of the upper city.

Compared with this, the bottom level under the feet seems very deserted.

Huge temples of light were scattered in the meantime, becoming the most conspicuous place in the city.

"The accumulation of faith is still too slow!" The King of Light sighed lightly, stood up, walked off the tall throne, and then walked to a secret room behind the temple.

In the middle of the secret room, a huge roulette was placed impressively.

On the roulette, the brilliance is lingering, and it is constantly running.

And each brilliance may represent hundreds of millions of creatures.

Roulette of fortune.

An extremely magnificent creation, but also the most important divine object in the hands of the King of Light.

But on the wheel of fortune, there are several patches.

These patches are like ugly scars, so incompatible with the harmonious and beautiful roulette lines.

Not only that, when the originally smooth deduction reaches these patches, it will become very dry.

That feeling is really uncomfortable and want to vomit blood.

Although a long time has passed, after seeing the scarred wheel of fortune, the King of Light still showed regret in his eyes.

This divine object, which he regarded as the root of his life, was shattered together with the destruction of his own son on earth. (See the battle of the Bright Church above for details)

Whenever I think of it, it still hurts my heart.

Moreover, the reason why the King of Light abandoned such a lofty position and rushed to this lost paradise with the entire kingdom of God was also inseparable from the things on earth.

Now it seems that I don’t know if this matter is right or wrong!

Although his divine power has made great progress, he has also lost his dignity as a **** king, and he can only be a small mountain king in this level.

Only the God King of Light knew what it was like.

Thinking of this, the King of Brightness sighed quietly, and then lifted his spirits, leaving all these distracting thoughts behind.

Today he always felt a little frightened, but he couldn't find the specific reason, so he came to this wheel of fortune and tried to deduct it.

The light divine power stretched out and merged with this wheel of fortune.

In the secret room, the bright masterpiece, countless dense stars-like trajectories are constantly rotating, deducing the result that the King of Light needs.

I don't know how long it took.

at last.

A thin and upright figure appeared in the void.

The King of Light was shocked, and he always felt that the figure in front of him was very familiar.

This couldn't help making him swallow his saliva subconsciously, and then once again increased the input power.

The deduction was accelerated again, and then the figure in the void began to slowly turn around.

The moment I saw this person's face.

The King of Light was struck by lightning and screamed, "You..."

at the same time.

Seeing this figure smile at the King of Light, "A prying eyes from destiny? It's really an interesting... toy!"

Words fall.

The figure suddenly dissipated, and then he heard waves of explosions coming from the wheel of fortune.

Numerous fine cracks emerged on the surface of the wheel of fortune, and then burst open one after another.

In an instant, this wheel of fortune was blown to pieces.

Only the few patches left fell to the ground, making a crisp sound.

The King of Light stood there blankly, his face full of shock and horror.

Because the figure just brought back all his memories he can be sure that this person is the one who killed his **** son on the earth and forced him to stay far away.

"How... how is it possible! How could he come here?" The King of Light murmured softly.

Suddenly, he remembered something, and looked down at the wheel of fortune that had been broken to the ground. The expression on his face was sometimes blue and white, and his lips were trembling.

"Why... it's broken again!"

Then he suddenly yelled up to the sky, "Do you really think I'm still the **** of light before? I am now countless times stronger, so no matter who you are, I will kill you!"

at the same time.

Xue An, who was rushing to the fourth-tier city where the bottom rank was located, suddenly flashed his eyes, and then chuckled softly.

"My lord! What are you laughing at?"

"Oh! It's nothing, I just suddenly felt that some people are really pitiful!"

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