Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 149: 1 person overwhelms 1 world

   Two small porcelain dolls, all of An Yan’s thoughts are entrusted.

   Xue An's eyes astringent, and then chuckled softly: "Okay, mom is back now! Miss you, happy?"

   Xue Xiang and Xue Nian nodded together, "Happy!"

   "At noon, my dad will make good food for you! Is it happier?"

   Xue Nian's eyes widened, and he nodded vigorously, "Hmm, Dad, I am so happy now!"

   Xue Xianghu made a small face, knocked his sister on the head, "I know how to eat!"

   This scene made An Yan laugh.

   "I'm going to cook! My wife, what do you want to eat?" Xue An asked with a smile.

   An Yan stood up, "I'll do it, where can you cook."

   When the two were together before, An Yan was basically cooking.

   Xue An shook his head firmly, "I dare to look down on this chef, I will show you what is the number one chef in the heavens and ten thousand realms!"

  In the kitchen.

   Xue An seems to be juggling.

   Various dishes are also readily available.

   An Yan leaned on the door frame and watched quietly.

   In the living room, two little girls are watching TV.

   The aroma of food, mixed with the sound of TV, produces a kind of warmth called home.

   An Yan closed her eyes and thought in her heart, even if it was a dream, I would recognize it.

   At this moment, Xue An approached her ear and said softly: "Open your eyes and see what this is?"

   An Yan slowly opened his eyes, and saw Xue An holding a dazzling blood drop in his hand.

   "Do you like it?" Xue An said with a smile.

   An Yan nodded.

   Xue An had already refined this blood bead into a necklace, "Come on! I'll put it on for you!"

   As he said, Xue An put the necklace on An Yan's neck.

   The blood beads hang on An Yan's delicate collarbone, shining brightly, and the beauty is dazzling.

   Xue An looked a little silly, "It's so beautiful!"

   An Yan's pale face was flushed, and she lowered her head and pinched the corners of her clothes with a slight twist.

   "Oh, the vegetables are gone!"

   Xue An suddenly smelled a mushy smell, and quickly turned around to rescue the food.

   An Yan looked at Xue An’s busy back, and felt more at ease than ever before.

he's changed!

   But it hasn't changed.

   has become mature and domineering.

   What has not changed is my feelings for myself.

  Because the eyes can't deceive people.

   "Okay, it's dinner!"

   Xue An brought the food to the table, and the family sat together.

   Xue An suddenly said: "Wait!"

   Then walked to the balcony and put a firecracker out the window.

   The firecrackers were lit, and the crackling sound made the atmosphere warm.

   After setting off the firecrackers, Xue An returned to the table and smiled slightly, "Wife! Welcome home!"

   At Xue An and An Yan, enjoying the warmth and joy of reunion after a long absence.

  Buddhist realm and hidden world immortal gate were like a huge bomb dropped, setting off a stormy sea.

   The first shocking news was that Xue An killed almost all the children of the Fairy Gate at the Fairy Gate Conference.

   Many small sects have even been destroyed.

   Some larger sects also suffered heavy losses.

   Naturally, all directions vibrated.

   Many big sects responded immediately, and they threatened not to kill Xue An.

   Jibei Yuanjia.

   Yuan Chengyu sat on the chair with a murderous expression on his face.

   With his drooping hands, there are still many Yuan elders sitting.

   The atmosphere is a bit depressing.


   Someone slapped the table angrily, "Our Yuan family has never suffered such a grievance, but Zong Feng, our carefully trained successor, was killed in this way? No, this matter must be revenge!"

   was talking about an elder Yuan.

   His words also aroused the approval of many people.

   "Yes! That's right!"

   "I don't believe the rumors outside. It is a joke that Xue An killed all the children of Xianmen alone!"

   There was a lot of discussion.

   Yuan Chengyu's face was sinking, and then slowly said, "How did the other sects respond?"

   "The Kuzen Temple remained silent, and the Night Demon Valley didn't say anything. Only Shura Island threatened revenge!"

   Yuan Chengyu said lightly: "It seems that many people want to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight!"

   Someone sneered and said, "Xue An is just a mere mere mile. Although he is really powerful, I don't think he is a tiger!"

   Everyone nodded.

   At this moment, a housekeeper rushed in with a pale face.


   Yuan Chengyu frowned slightly, "What kind of decent are you panicking? What's wrong?"

   The butler swallowed hard and hesitated.

   "What's wrong? Let's talk!" Yuan Chengyu took a cup of tea and drank slowly.

   The housekeeper gritted his teeth, "Master, the news that I just received, Wangyue Pavilion... is gone!"

   "Wangyue Pavilion is gone? What do you mean?" Yuan Chengyu still didn't understand.

   The housekeeper was pale, "It means literally, Wangyue Pavilion... no longer exists!"

   Yuan Chengyu's expression gradually solidified, "It doesn't exist anymore?"

   The housekeeper nodded, his eyes gleaming with horror, "Not only does Wangyue Pavilion no longer exist, but even Wangyue Mountain..."

   "What happened to Wangyue Mountain?" Yuan Chengyu asked in a deep voice.

   "Mochizuki Mountain has also become a flat land!"

   Everyone present took a breath.

Someone said with a face of disbelief: "The are you confused? How can Mochizuki Mountain become a flat ground? Can it be said that Mochizuki Mountain can run with long legs overnight? "

   The butler smiled bitterly: "I didn't believe it at first, but now, this news has spread, and there is no doubt! And there is definite news that the last person who appeared in Mochizuki Mountain... is Xue An!"

   There was silence in the room.

   Many people who were originally full of disdain and arrogance finally showed their panic at this moment.

   Wangyue Pavilion is not the strongest in the Hidden World Immortal Gate, but it is still a big faction.

  , even the top of the mountain was gone overnight!

   What terrifying strength is this?

   After a long time, Yuan Chengyu said a little bit: "Let’s go away first, this seems to have to be discussed long-term!"

   is not just the Yuan family.

   As the news spread.

   The sect family who were still clamoring for revenge just now were all silent collectively.

   Because their hearts are full of horror.

   What method did Xue An use to make a huge mountain disappear completely?

   This kind of collective silence also caused a strange situation in the martial arts world.

   No one seems to dare to talk more about Xue An.

   This also makes many people feel deeply moved.

   Xue An has conquered the entire martial arts world with his own power!

   while in Yujia in Lingnan.

   The atmosphere is also a bit subtle.

   Yu Lang sighed slightly, "Has Mr. Xue never come back since he left?"

   Yu Ran nodded, "I just asked Ma Cheng and didn't come back!"

   Yu Lang looked at Shi Xueqing with a blank expression.

   "Miss Shi, where did Mr. Xue go, do you know?"

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