Moritz was pale, with cold sweat on his forehead.

"Hahaha, Moritz, don't you really believe it! I am teasing you! Why are you so scared?" Severus laughed.

Moritz hurriedly followed to laugh, but his smile was uglier than crying.

Because he couldn't tell whether Severus was joking or serious.

He didn't want to try!

Because everyone who challenged the patience of the night watchman died, and died miserably!

At this moment, Severus suddenly reduced his smile, "What are you laughing at?"

"Ah, I..." Moritz was startled.

Severus stepped forward at this time, "Let's go, and look at this poor Copet first!"

Moritz took a breath and hurriedly followed.

Corridor on the second floor.

Although he hadn't walked into the room at the end, when he came to this corridor, Severus's face was already fascinated.

"What a refreshing **** smell! I haven't smelled such a strong fragrance for a long time!"

In fact, because it has been one day since the death of Koppert and others, the body has begun to smell slightly.

The smell of corpse was mixed with blood, enough to make people sick.

But in Severus's eyes, it was an extremely wonderful fragrance.

It even made his footsteps lighter.

Moritz was pale, and forced a smile: "Master Severus, this is the first scene where Master Copet died!"

With that, he was about to unscrew the door.

"Don't move!" Severus shouted suddenly.

Moritz trembled with fright and dared not move.

"Master Severus, what's the matter?"

Severus looked at the don’t disturb sign hanging in front of the door, and said lightly: "Is the word on this sign written by Coppet?"

"Ah, yes!"

"What an ugly font!"

Severus sighed, kicked the door abruptly, and stepped into it.

The loud noise of the door being kicked opened a lot of people's hearts, Moritz trembled even more.

But he knew that Severus was such a moody man.

Therefore, he did not dare to have the slightest complaint, and quickly followed.

"Don't come in!" Severus's words made Moritz stop at the door again.

Then Severus looked at the misery in the room with drunken eyes.

The bullet-scarred corpses on the ground looked like exquisite sculptures in his eyes, making him tremble slightly.

And Copet, who was sitting on the sofa with his head on the coffee table, made him murmur even more.

"What a genius idea! First cut off his head at a very fast speed, and then put his head on the coffee table while Copet had not completely died, so that he could witness his own death with his own eyes! Every step It’s so coordinated and calm that everyone thinks about it and wants to cheer for it!"

Of course, Moritz and the others didn't hear all of his words. They just saw him standing in the room. His eyes became brighter and brighter. In the end, he even looked like a lamp, which made people afraid to look directly.

No one dared to speak, and the entire corridor on the second floor was deadly silent.

a long time.

Severus finally woke up from the drunkenness, and then said without looking back, "Which waitress was there on the night of Copet's death?"

Moritz turned his head and asked: "Let's check now, who was on the second floor that night!"

As soon as the voice fell, among the crowd, Haida dressed as a bunny girl stepped forward and said calmly: "No need to check, I've been here!"

There was a slight commotion among the crowd.

Severus also turned his head to look at Haida. It took him a long time before he showed his mouth full of jagged teeth like a wolf dog, and smiled sharply: "Did you hang the sign at the door?"

Haida nodded, "Yes!"

"Why put up the don't disturb sign?" Severus continued to ask.

"Because I heard screams coming from inside at the time, I was afraid that after someone heard it, it would disturb Master Copet's interest. There had been such a thing before, so I put the don't disturb sign at the door! "Haida said calmly as always.

At this time Moritz also nodded, "Yes, Master Koppert had played too much a few times before, but some guests came forward to ask questions curiously, but it disturbed his interest and finally got furious!"

"You're lying!" Severus ignored Moritz, just staring at Haida, and suddenly asserted.

Haida turned pale, but still shook his head, "I don't have one!"

As soon as the voice fell, Severus suddenly stepped forward, straddling the distance between each other, and approaching Haida, then grabbed her neck and lifted it into the air.

"Not only did you put up the sign, you also locked the door, and if I guessed correctly, you should have led the person who killed Copete! Right?"

Haida's face started to flush due to lack of oxygen, even so she shook her head as hard as she could, "!"

Severus sneered, his palms began to strain, and the leather gloves creaked.

The immense power made Haida unable to breathe at all, she saw her hands and feet trembling, and her face was desperate.

But at the moment she was dying, Severus suddenly let go.

Haida fell to the ground, and then began to gasp violently.

Severus leaned down and smiled at Haida. "Do you want to protect him?"

Haida's complexion flushed from lack of oxygen, but even so, she looked at Severus calmly and closed her mouth tightly.

Severus suddenly became slapped Haida to the ground with a slap, then slammed her head with one foot and crushed it hard.

With the creaking sound, Haida's skull groaned overwhelmed by the force.

The severe pain made her scream uncontrollably.

Severus sneered: "Do you really think that you can hide the great night watchman? You are wrong, there is no secret that can be hidden from me! And I will not kill you now, because I want Let you stupid woman see with her own eyes the destruction of everything you want to protect!"

At this, Severus looked mad, then raised his hand and lightly touched the void in front of him.

The void was like a calm lake, rippled because of his clicks.

Then the event factors that should have dissipated in the entire space began to cheer.

In Severus's eyes, the timeline began to shrink backwards, the event factor reunited, and all the past also appeared before Severus's eyes.

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