Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1475: Mr. Koppert, now we can...

The light in the room is very dark, and the air is filled with a strange and pungent aroma, like a woman with heavy makeup, trying to stir up your desire.

Through the ambiguous light, it can be seen that there is a circle of sofas in the middle of the room. On the sofa, men and women are sitting together, drinking and having fun, and from time to time, there will be a few arrogant laughs.

No one noticed Xue An's arrival. In the impression of this group of people, they were the only ones who bullied others, and never thought that anyone would dare to come to the door.

So at this moment, they are very relaxed, enjoying this corrupt and happy life comfortably.

"Hey, that little guy in the small town yesterday looks really good! Boss, I can't help it a little bit, let's go find him soon!" At this moment, a bald-headed strong man said with a grinning grin.

His words caused a burst of laughter.

Several men also shouted.

"Yeah, boss! You didn't see it. When I picked that little guy's tegus, he wanted to cry but didn't dare to cry. It was exciting to think about it!"

"Hehe, and that little guy is also very lucky. He can actually pick up such high-quality gears in the trash mountain, which can be used as alchemy materials!"

"Shit, can he be considered lucky? That means our boss is lucky! Just in time for the trade fair to begin, we actually got such a treasure!" Another man retorted.

Copet was sitting in the middle of the sofa, and after hearing these words, he smiled triumphantly.

His figure is extremely burly, even when sitting, he looks like a meat mountain.

At the moment, he is indeed very proud.

Because the gear snatched from the small town is indeed very valuable, it coincides with the trade fair. If you can buy some high-quality enhancers or potions from this trade fair, your strength will be further improved.

In this world, strength means everything.

Wine woman, everything and so on must be obtained by fist.

So he was naturally in a great mood.

In addition, his suggestions reminded him of the handsome face of that young man, and it made Copet's heart hot.

But just when he was about to speak, suddenly!

The light in the room was turned on.

The bright lights make these people who are used to the darkness very uncomfortable.

"What the hell? Who turned on the light? Turn it off quickly!" someone roared.

At this moment, a calm voice came into the ears of everyone in the room.

"Mr. Koppert, very happy, we meet again!"

Hearing this, everyone in the room, including Copet, was taken aback.

Because this voice sounds familiar.

When they looked up, they saw Xue An standing in the shadow of the door.

At this time, the dignified atmosphere that had been raised due to the sudden change was instantly swept away.

Koppert and others looked at each other, and then laughed together.

"Fuck, scared me, I thought it was an enemy who came to get revenge!" someone said cursingly.

The brawny bald man who had been coveting Andrew before even laughed strangely, "Yeah, who did I think it was? It turned out to be you little girl! Why? Knowing that the uncles are bored, he took the initiative to send it to the door. Is it?"

When talking about the three words "little girl," the brawny bald man deliberately increased his tone, full of humor.

But as soon as his words fell, Xue An raised his eyebrows slightly, and the brilliance flashed in his eyes.

A beam of light appeared silently in front of the brawny bald man, and then lightly slashed past.


The bald man's head flew up like a ball, and blood gushed out like a fountain, splashing all over the ground.

The heavy blood, and this sudden killing, made everyone stupid.

At this moment, Xue An stepped up to a chair, sat down slowly, and then showed a faint smile.

"Mr. Koppert, I think we can have a good talk now, right?"

Koppert's face suddenly became ugly, and his cold eyes stared at Xue An like a poisonous snake.

"Andrew, I didn't expect us to miss you, you are still a master! But what do you want to talk to me?"

"It's very simple! Take back the stolen things and tell me what happened to the trade fair you just talked about!" Xue An said lightly.

These words made Koppert and the others all stunned, and then looked at each other, their faces all showing hideous looks.

"Andrew, do you know what you are doing?" someone sneered.

Koppert looked at Xue An calmly, then said gloomily: "Okay! I can do as you say, but then?"

"What then?" Xue An leaned on the leather sofa and stretched out comfortably.

"Haha, are my subordinates so dead in vain?" Copet's eyes became more murderous, and the left hand that had spent a lot of money and was transformed into a machine with alchemy gradually clenched his fist.

"Oh, I understand!" Xue An nodded, "I promise you, as long as you do it honestly, then I can let you die decently, so what do you think?"


The audience was boiling.

Koppert was even more furious, "You fucking..."

But before he finished speaking, he felt a flower in front of him, and then saw that Xue An, who had been sitting in a chair, didn't know when he had appeared in front of him, and looked at him condescendingly.

That kind of playful look made Koppert's whole body cold, because he could only see this kind of look on those high-ranking alchemists.

It's a kind of contempt of the superior to the inferior.

But immediately, he felt infinite humiliation and After all, the young man in front of him was the object of his humiliation yesterday. Now that he suddenly became like this, he certainly couldn't be convinced.

Therefore, he was furious, and in his chest, the mechanical heart that had also been transformed with alchemy was fully powered, and it burst out with extremely powerful energy in an instant.

These energies surged into his mechanical left hand, making his left fist clenched, electricity and light looming, and then blasted towards Xue An who was standing in front of him.

The power contained in this punch is so strong that it feels like a fighter plane is hitting head-on, causing a gust of wind in the entire room.

But in the face of such a blow, the young man seemed to have been frightened stupidly, standing there quietly, without any reaction.

When Koppert saw this, a smug sneer appeared in the corner of his mouth, and his eyes were full of cruelty and excitement.

He had already seen the scene where the boy was smashed to pieces by himself, and then burst open like a broken can of meat.

This made him tremble with excitement.

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