As soon as these words came out, the entire fringe ghost world instantly boiled.

In the horrified eyes of countless people, Ah Qing and all the other Shadow Guards all stood up and said, bowing their heads.

"Return to Lord Guard, Shadow Guard is here!"

The sound shook the four wilds, which was terrifying.

Seeing this, Wen Mu Ling couldn't help showing a smile and nodded, "Very well! That's it, you will come with me!"


A Qing and the others flew up without hesitation, followed Wen Mu Ling's back, and disappeared into this world.

After they left, the remaining people looked at each other, and then there was a great uproar.

"What's the matter? Mingjun is awake?"

"Is this true or false?"

"Hey, the blockade between heaven and earth has disappeared!"

Amidst the discussion, Song Jingyue's master Wen Lingcui looked solemn, suddenly turned around, dragged her disciple and walked out.

"Master, where are we going?" Song Jingyue asked somewhat puzzled.

Wen Lingcui said solemnly: "Leave the ghost world and return to the division!"

Song Jingyue was taken aback when she heard the words, and then asked in astonishment: "Will you go now?"

"Yes, go now!"

Although Song Jingyue had more than once fantasized about what she would look like when she returned home, when this moment really came, a trace of reluctance emerged in her heart.

She turned her head to look at the place where Wen Muling and others disappeared, and a thought came up silently in her heart.

That young man should... be safe!

And just when Wen Mu Ling gathered the men and horses to rebuild the Shadow Guard.

Except for some corners that are not worth doing by yourself, Ye Hanshang, who has already groomed the entire ghost world, has come to the core of the ghost world with Xue An without everyone knowing.

If this place were not led by a strong immortal king like Ye Hanshang, ordinary people would never reach it.

Because this should be the hub of the entire ghost world, it can be said that all ghost worlds originated from here.

"Is it here?" Xue An asked.

Ye Hanshang nodded, "Yes! I can feel that the source of all qi in the ghost world comes from the land under our feet!"

"That's good! Let's go in now!" Xue An said lightly.

Ye Hanshang groaned, "Or I should go by myself!"

Xue An raised his eyes and glanced at him, then smiled faintly, "What? Don't worry about my strength?"

Ye Hanshang shook his head, "Of course it didn't mean that! But Wei Li is also an immortal king-level powerhouse anyway, and your current strength has not completely recovered..."

Xue An chuckled and shook his head, "Isn't this still worrying?"

Xue An raised his head to look at Ye Hanshang, and said very seriously: "I take your kindness, but even if my strength has not recovered, I still don't care about an immortal king, let alone..."

A flash of cold light flashed in Xue An's eyes, "This guy slaughtered the gods of my race at the beginning, and the crime is not to be blamed, so he must die in my hands!"

Ye Hanshang no longer stopped when he saw it, and nodded, "That's good! Then we will go to the beginning of the origin of the ghost world now!"

Having said that, Ye Hanchang squeezed the seal, and the energy around him suddenly changed, and a biting wind enveloped the two of them.

When the yin wind dissipated, the two had disappeared.

What kind of world is this?

There is no up and down, no left and right.

As far as I can see, all I can see is the vast fog.

Time seems to have lost its meaning in this world.

Because the silence here allows people to hear the sound of their own heartbeat and blood flow.

And this is the starting place of the ghost world, and it is also the place where the first ghost clan was born, named...Jiuyou!

When Xue An and Ye Hanchang appeared in this world at the same time, the vast mist of the entire Jiuyou Land seemed to have been disturbed, and then gradually condensed, transforming into huge and hideous evil spirits.

This is the spontaneous protection of this piece of heaven and earth, in order to protect the original power of the ghost world from being snatched and disturbed by external forces.

But before these evil spirits took shape completely, Ye Hanshang squeezed the seal and decided, "Broken!"

Bang bang bang!

With a continuous explosion, these evil spirits transformed by the mist were directly blown into pieces.

Under the surging mist, he actually began to shrink back.

Obviously this world has a weak sense of self.

But Wei Li's location was not found.

Ye Hanshang couldn't help frowning, "What's the matter? Why didn't you feel Wei Li's aura? Could it be that he has already run away when he sees the bad situation?"

Xue An smiled faintly when he heard the words, "Do you think if he could run, would he still walk the world as a clone?"

"Then why can't you feel the slightest breath about him?" Ye Hanshang was still a little puzzled.

Xue Anyou said: "Of course I can't feel it now, because he took the initiative to seal himself up this time!"

"Then what to do? Does it mean that this world will be completely destroyed?" Ye Hanshang was also in trouble.

If this piece of heaven and earth is really destroyed, then the entire ghost world will suffer a devastating blow, and maybe even die from then on.

After all, these Nine Nethers are the origin of the entire ghost world.

Xue An suddenly revealed his white teeth and smiled at Ye Hanchang.

Ye Hanchang stepped back subconsciously, and said horribly, "Old Xue, what do you want to do?"

"What are you so afraid of? I won't eat you again!" Xue An smiled happily.

Ye Hanshang became more and more fearful, because he knew Xue An too well.

Once he laughs like this, someone must be unlucky.

"I ask you, do you want to find that guy Wei Li?"

"Nonsense, of course I thought about it!" Ye Hanchang nodded repeatedly.

"Then come here, I will tell you the way!" Xue An beckoned.

Ye Hanshang hesitated for a moment, then moved over, "You..."

Before the words fell, Xue An suddenly turned his finger into a knife, and under the knife fell with his hand, he cut a hole directly in Ye Hanchang's arm.

"I wipe are you doing?" Ye Hanshang exclaimed.

Xue An slowly grabbed it and took a drop of blood from Ye Hanshang's wound.

"Nothing, just borrow a drop of blood from you!"

Ye Hanshang clutched his arms and struck him out of anger, "Hey, don't you feel bad when you say this? You have stolen a drop of my blood before, and are you still here? I'm even a fairy king. This blood is not brought by a gale!"

Xue An turned his head and glanced at Ye Hanchang, then lowered his eyes, "You are wrong! I'm not stealing!"

"Don't call it secretly?"

"Take it in front of you, this is naturally a grab!"

"You..." Ye Hanshang was simply angry.

But at this moment, but seeing Xue An's smile, his fingers were flying, he wrote a rune in the void.

In an instant, a huge rune formed by countless dense and strange runes suddenly appeared in front of Ye Hanshang.

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