Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1461: Immortal King's blood, refining the pan

Speaking of this, An Yan raised his head and looked at Xue An with tears.

"Husband, at that time, Wei Li said that you were in the Great Exile of Time. It would be impossible to find your own time in your life. I was really scared at that time! But I knew you would not leave me and miss you No matter, so I have been gritting my teeth and insisting, sure enough! You finally came back safely!"

Xue An smiled, "That Wei Li said is not wrong. I was indeed hit by his time mystery. If it were other people, there would be no place to be buried, but he was wrong! "

"That is, although my strength has not completely recovered, but because of the baptism of time, my vision and insight are beyond his imagination!"

"What's more, I have to thank him for this!"

"Thank him? Why?" An Yan was a little confused.

Xue An gently rubbed An Yan's head, and said lightly: "Because this secret technique allows me to see a lot of things that I can't see under normal circumstances, and it also penetrates a lot of extremely precious truths!"

"Then what did you see?" An Yan asked curiously.

Xue An gave a chuckle, raised his eyes and looked out the window, his eyes instantly becoming distant and deep.

"I have seen a lot, from the light at the beginning of the universe to the big bang that opened the colorful journey of the universe, and then time gradually formed, matter condensed, and everything began to form!"

Listening to Xue An's narration, An Yan's eyes gradually widened, and his face was full of incredible colors.

Because the scene described by Xue An is too amazing.

That is clearly a chronicle of the universe from its birth to the present.

At this time, Xue An said calmly: "These sights have solved many of my doubts!"

"For example, why three thousand years have passed through the heavens, but only four years have passed on the earth!"

"Why?" An Yan asked, tilting his head.

"Because in the universe, the flow of time is not fixed! In some places it is faster, some places are slow, and in some places a day may be equivalent to a year in other places!"

"I know I know, the sky is one day and the other is a year!" An Yan suddenly shouted.

Xue An smiled, "That's the truth, but it's not absolute! Because this speed difference in the passage of time is not static!"

An Yan's eyes gradually turned into a mist of confusion. She looked at Xue An silly, obviously not understanding what this meant.

But she didn't know how powerful her appearance was, she was so cute.

At least Xue An couldn't help but squeezed her cheek lightly, and then smiled lightly: "I don't understand what it means, right?"

An Yan nodded.

"It's very simple. If you use a river to describe time, then the speed of time is equivalent to those large and small eddies in the river, and it may even be blocked by something, causing the flow of this small area of ​​water to almost stagnate!"

"But this phenomenon is not the same, it may be a slight disturbance of the water plants, or other reasons, causing these vortexes to flourish and die, and the time will also change quickly!"

An Yan nodded without understanding, "I seem to understand, husband, why is time on earth stagnating for thousands of years because of what power?"

Xue An shook his head, "I don't know!"

An Yan showed a look of astonishment. She had never seen Xue An so succinctly that she didn't know.

"It may be a coincidence, or it may be someone deliberately doing it, and if someone did it deliberately, then this person's ability... can only be described in four words, it is impossible to explain!"

When he said this, Xue An's eyes showed a solemn look.

This is also his biggest gain in this time seal, because he vaguely smelled a trace of conspiracy.

But what exactly is the truth of all this is not known at all now!

Seeing the solemn look on Xue An’s face, An Yan couldn’t help rubbing him with a little distress.

"Okay! No matter what the reason, we don’t think about it so much now! Okay!"


In the next time, the two embraced each other, talking some whispers that the readers didn't know, and enjoying the sweet time of the two.

Finally, Xue An suddenly remembered something, and said softly: "Yan'er, is your pan broken?"

An Yan suddenly remembered the tragic condition of her own weapon, and nodded distressedly, "Yeah! It's almost scrapped!"

"Take it out and let me see!"

An Yan Yiyan took out the pan that had broken into a big hole and cracked all over her body.

This is almost the same as the **** in the waste pile, and you can't see the appearance before the half.

Xue An took the pan, sliding his fingers lightly on it.

Usually, he could clearly feel the existence of Lei Zun in the pan.

But now he has exhausted all his troubles, only to find a trace of divine consciousness that is almost extinguished.

This is the only trace left of that Lei Zun.

And it was a fluke to stay, otherwise, relying on its strength, when facing the Immortal King-level powerhouse Wei Li, the opponent's eyes would be wiped out.

"Can it be repaired?" An Yan asked hopefully, blinking.

Xue An shook his head, "It's difficult!"

An Yan showed a trace of sadness, "That..."

Before the words finished, Xue An smiled lightly, "But it's not impossible!"

"Hate!" An Yan knew that she had been fooled and couldn't help but give Xue An a white look.

"Hey! Wife, in fact, with your current strength, even if this pan is not destroyed, it will not be worthy of you soon! So this time it is labeled as such, it is not a complete bad thing, after all, is it not broken or standing? !"

Speaking Xue An flipped his wrist, and there was a drop of red and powerful blood on the palm of his hand.

"What is this?" An Yan asked curiously.

"Hehe, this is a drop of blood that I took out of Ye Hanshang's body while he was not paying attention!"

"Ye Hanshang's blood? What's the use?" An Yan was a little inexplicable.

"Hehe, Yan'er, you don’t understand! This is the blood of the Immortal King, which is like a fake replacement. It is countless times more powerful than the treasure of heaven and earth! If you use it to refinish the pan, you can easily The grade of this pan has been improved several times!"

As he said, Xue An's eyes suddenly became bright, and the dim spirit in the pan was directly wrapped by Xue An's turbulent spirit and carefully taken out.

Then a white flame appeared in Xue An's other hand, and the pan was instantly refined.

Then Xue An drove the endless drop of blood of the Immortal King to fly into the flames.


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