Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1441: To restore the essence

The ancestors of the Wei family?

Xue An's name made many people look at each other.

Especially the elders of the Wei family and the Patriarch Wei Jinglong, were even more disillusioned.

Because if what Xue An said is true, then all this is incredible!

At this moment, following Xue An’s questioning, there was a figure slowly emerging in the void, and when the figure appeared completely, it was an old man with white hair.

As soon as the old man appeared, Wei Yuhua knelt on the ground overjoyed, and said in a trembling voice: "I have seen an adult!"

But the old man didn't pay attention to Wei Yuhua's shout at all, but stared at Xue An and asked in a deep voice.

"Shenhuoguizun, even though I have repeatedly improved my evaluation of you, I still look down on you now! When did you know my identity?"

Xue An smiled freely, raised his hand to Wei Yuhua, who was kneeling beside the old man, and said lightly: "It's very simple. When I saw him show the power of the Wei family's blood, I already guessed it!"

"Bloodline power?" The old man frowned slightly.

Xue An nodded and said faintly: "With this Wei Yuhua's strength, it is impossible to stimulate the power of bleeding, but he did it. This is worth doubting in itself!"

"What's more..." Xue An smiled, "You offspring are so stupid, you don't know to hide the secret of your bloodline, so I can easily see that there is a strange power in his bloodline. It seems to be... from the breath fluctuation of the blood ancestor!"

"So I'm pretty sure someone is behind the scenes! Am I right?"

The old man suddenly kicked Wei Yuhua who was kneeling in front of him, and then nodded his face sinkingly, "Yes! I am indeed the ancestor of the Wei family, my name is Wei Li!"

As soon as this name came out, many people looked blank.

Only those strong men with strong strength and longevity were startled first, and then they appeared in horror.

"It's actually him! How could it be possible! Didn't he fall three thousand years ago?"

"If it is really him, he has lived for at least 20,000 years!" The great hall masters of the Land of Punishment whispered in unison.

At this time, all the members of the Wei family headed by Wei Jinglong, the head of the Wei family, were ecstatic.

"I have seen the ancestors!"

These shouts come and go, and those who are excited are already crying with joy.

The reason for being so excited is because Wei Li's position in Wei's family is extremely special.

He is not only the founder of the Wei family, but also the strongest person in his inheritance.

There are many legends and stories about him.

So if it is this old ancestor, then the strength of the Wei family will usher in an even greater leap, and may even unify the entire ghost world!

Therefore, these talents in Wei's family will be so excited.

Wei Jinglong knelt and climbed a few steps, and shouted: "The 231st patriarch Wei Jinglong has seen the first generation patriarch!"

Wei Li's complexion was calm, and he said lightly, "Get up all!"

Then he refocused his attention on Xue An.

"Shenhuo Guizun, you are indeed amazing, but I don't understand a little!" Wei Li said with a sneer, slowly speaking.

"What happened to you that actually caused your strength to decline like this?"

This question made many people a little dumbfounded.

With one hand breaking the Eight Great Hall Master’s combined blow, this shocking power has actually declined?

If there is no decline, how good is he?

Many people can't help but raise this question.

Xue An just smiled noncommittal about this, and then said faintly: "It seems that you investigated me very carefully! If I am not wrong, the demon queen who invaded Mingxin Palace before should be yours. !"

Wei Li nodded, "Yes!"

In fact, Wei Li knew that the long-lost Shenhuo Ghost Venerable had actually returned because of the transmission of the Demon Empress before her death!

At this time, Wei Li's eyes flashed Guanghua, and then he said in a deep voice: "No matter how your strength declines, I really have no intention of fighting with you. As long as you let this secret place now, then we will still be innocent. How about the river?"

Xue An smiled, her smile was brilliant, but her eyes were full of coldness.

"Does the well water violate the river water?" Xue An shook his head, "Do you think this is possible?"

"You..." Wei Li's complexion changed, and he said grimly: "Shenhuoguizun, I respect you as a strong man, so I have to bear with you again and again, don't toast or not eat or fine wine!"

"Respect me for being a strong man?" Xue An smiled coldly, raised his hand to the door behind him, and said lightly: "Do you respect the strong man so much? If I guess right, Mingjun's death should also be you. Do it on your back!"

Wei Li's complexion gradually darkened, and murderous intent appeared in his eyes, "So what?"

Xue An comforted his palm and praised, "Very good, just admit it! If you say this, everything will be right!"

Wei Li frowned slightly, a hint of impatience appeared on his face, "What are you trying to say?"

Xue An's smile became colder, "It's very simple, I only ask you three things now!"

"First, in the battle against the Chinese gods ten thousand years ago, was the yin aura that haunted you?"

This sentence made many people look dumbfounded, and they didn't know what Xue An was talking about.

But Wei Li's expression changed drastically, and he stared at Xue An, " do you know this?"

"Don't ask me how I know this, just tell me now, yes or no?"

The expression on Wei Li's face changed, but soon he gradually recovered his calm Only this time there was no more smile on his face, replaced by an extremely cold killing intent.

"I finally understand, Shenhuo Guizun, you are actually a member of the Chinese nationality! You Chinese are really lingering! Things that have been in the past ten thousand years are still entangled!"

"Yes, I did participate in the slaughter of the Chinese gods back then, and there were other gods like Li Hen Tianjun who were fighting alongside me at the time!"

Xue An nodded, "I know those, and they have been solved by me!"

Wei Li's expression changed, but soon he sneered, "So, you are here to avenge the Chinese?"

"If you have a wrongdoer, you have a debtor. Of course you have to repay your grievances, but you have to ask some things clearly! For example, when you and Li Hentian Jun worked so hard, who is the messenger behind?

Wei Li laughed loudly when he heard the words, "Shenhuoguizun, don't you think these questions are too naive? Do you think I will tell you? And even if I tell you, what can you do? It's not you at all. An imaginable existence!"

At this moment, Xue An suddenly said indifferently: "The power of darkness is too thick to dissolve, right?"

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