The desert city, in the flower hall.

The flowing water under the small bridge ding ding dong dong dong, adding a rare vapor to this city built in the depths of the endless desert.

As usual, Meng Yao leaned on the railing, staring at the exquisite courtyard in a daze.

Donghan stood quietly not far behind her, trying to say something several times, but finally swallowed it back.

At this moment, Meng Yao suddenly sighed faintly, "Mingjun wonder that the little guy from the Wei family was suddenly promoted to the palace master level. That's why!"

Donghan finally found a chance to speak, and hurriedly bowed his head and said: "Yes! And now the other nine hall masters in the place of punishment have all been dispatched! Hall master, shall we go there too?"

"Go? Why are you going?" Meng Yao said, grasping the railing with both hands, and protruding two straight and slender legs, delicate feet that looked like works of art gently fiddled with the surface of the stream.

The scene at this moment made Donghan a little distracted, because Meng Yao at this moment was like a little girl playing in the water, except that he was not like a strong palace master guarding one side.

"But all the hall masters have gone, and even all the giants in the entire central ghost world have heard the news. If they really get any benefits from this secret hiding, then we..."

Donghan didn't say the following words, but the meaning was already obvious.

The endless desert itself is in a disadvantaged position, and Meng Yao's strength is ranked last among the top ten palace masters in the land of punishment.

If you are not determined to make progress this time, if you are benefited by other hall masters, wouldn't the situation be more passive?

Meng Yao naturally heard Donghan’s concern and couldn’t help but shook his head and chuckled, “Hold winter, you’re good everywhere, but you’re too calm when things happen! This incident seems to you or many people to be a golden opportunity. But in my opinion, it is the opposite!"

Speaking of this, Meng Yao gently kicked and splashed the water, and said faintly: "It's not a day for King Ming to fall, and the secret world of war has already existed, but why has there been no news about the secret hiding of King Ming before? , But suddenly appeared?"

Donghan's expression changed, "You mean...this is a trap?"

Meng Yao shook her head, "I didn't say that, but this incident does reveal an unusual thing, so I am not interested in going to this muddy water!"

Donghan nodded convincingly, "Hall Master really understands Qiuhao, Donghan is reckless!"

"Get out! Just remember to pay close attention to this matter! Don't act rashly!"


After the winter cold receded, Meng Yao raised her head and let out a sigh of recollection in her eyes, "Ms. Ming...If you count it down, even you have been dead for a long time!"

Speaking of this, Meng Yao looked sad, "At first you had the best relationship with adults, but now you have fallen and disappeared!"

"But I have never believed that a strong soul like you will really fall, just as I don't believe that adults will really no longer appear!"

"I am here, waiting for your return!"

Even so, Meng Yao's eyes were full of sadness, and with her mood, the creek was instantly frozen, and snowflakes floated in the small courtyard.

Donghan occasionally felt something, turned his head to look in the direction of Hua Ting, but in the end he could only sigh lightly and turned away.

The secret realm is located in the eastern part of the central ghost realm. There are mountains and ridges all over the place. Its vastness extends for tens of thousands of miles.

But because the battle was so tragic, there are all kinds of unfathomable cracks in this lofty mountain range, and some even uprooted the unfathomable peaks, leaving only one bottomless abyss after another. .

These huge fissures were exposed, just like wounds on the earth, silently telling the fierce battle situation.

And this time the secret hiding place is located in the center of the original war.

The sights I saw along the way made the atmosphere in the ghosts a little silent.

Especially Wen Mu Ling, the anger and sadness in her eyes almost ignited her.

This is where Lord Mingjun fought before! It's all because of those despicable and shameless giants, so the great talents of my family will be besieged and eventually fall here. This hatred is not shared!

Wen Mu Ling was secretly ruthless, but Xue An looked at everything outside the porthole with an unmoving expression.

It wasn't until a long time later that he narrowed his gaze and said lightly: "Here!"


There are countless ghosts and shadowy cars appearing in the distance, so many that they even cover the entire sky like dark clouds.

But even so, you can still see the weirdness of the piece hidden in it.

The space in the center of the ancient battlefield is like a mirror that has been pieced together after being broken. It is combined together in pieces and refracts the light passing by, making everything weird, but full of weird beauty. .

But no matter how beautiful the scenery is, these giants are hiding far away, not daring to cross Lei Chi for half a step.

Because they know that those seemingly delicate and beautiful scenery actually hide the deepest murderous intent.

If you are not careful, you may die here.

So no one dared to step forward.

But no one was willing to leave, instead they all looked ahead greedily.

Because just in this broken land, a looming door emerged.

This door is fragmented by these spaces, but it still floats in the air intact, and it is like breathing, extinguishing brilliance.

With such a strange sight, Wei Qing laughed and couldn't help clenching his fists secretly, and breathing quickly.

Is this the secret treasure of Mingjun in the rumor?

Xue An and their arrival did not attract anyone's attention.

Because at this moment, everyone's eyes are focused on the Wei family standing in the front.

Those who can appear here are naturally the elite of the Wei family.

Family worship, major elders, and even Wei Jinglong, the head of the Wei family, are among them.

But now everyone in the Wei family is surrounded by a single person like stars and moons.

It is Wei Yuhua!

At this moment, Wei Yuhua, with a proud face, was discussing something with Wei Jinglong beside him in a low voice.

People are also whispering, and some people can't resist the excitement in their eyes, and eagerly want to open the secret store as soon as possible to enter it in order to gain benefits.

At this moment.

Suddenly, a bright black light appeared in the sky in the distance, and then rushed straight forward with the force of wind and thunder.

In an instant, these black lights appeared in the field.

When Guanghua dissipated, there were nine men.

The appearance of these nine people caused a violent commotion in the audience.

"It's the Lords of the Land of Punishment!" someone exclaimed.

"They are here too! This secret Vault does not have our share of ordinary families!" Someone lamented.

Even the Wei family, who led the opening of this secret collection, was in a slight uproar, including Wei Jinglong, with a solemn expression on his face.

Only Wei Yuhua's expression remained unchanged, and even a trace of pride appeared in the depths of his eyes.

"Wei Yuhua, the son of the Wei family, has seen all the hall masters!"

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