But at the moment when he let it go, large tears suddenly appeared from the corner of Meng Yao's eyes, and he whispered softly, "Sir, don't leave me!"

Donghan stood silently, tears gradually appeared in his eyes.

Forget, is it really harder than remembering?

And in the land of lava, when the ghost clan who sent the letter returned, Rong Yang couldn't help but gradually become gloomy when he heard his message.

"My lord, I didn't see the Meng Palace Master in person, but listened to her personal guard who told her that she would repay this friendship in the future! And..."

"And what?" Rong Yang's face was as sinking as water, and his words were as cold as ice.

The ghost tribe who reported the news trembled and almost dropped the fire crystal in his hand to the ground. He could not help but stammered: "My lord, the Lord Meng did not accept your gift. She just said your kindness, she took it. , But I don’t want things!"

With that, the ghost clan carefully handed the fire crystal up.

But at this moment, Rong Yang shook hands suddenly.


This priceless fire crystal was bombarded into powder, and the ghost clan who reported the letter almost screamed, and then was made ashamed and embarrassed by the fire crystal powder.

Then this Rong Yang suddenly stood up, pacing back and forth in the hall full of anger.

As he walked, he tried his best to suppress the anger in his heart, and whispered softly: "I got the good intentions? Ha ha, you still can't forget that person!"

When talking about the three characters of this person, Rong Yang's eyes were very complicated.

There is admiration, there is awe, but more is still jealous.

"Shenhuoguizun! Haha, haven't appeared for so many years, did you fall with that unlucky Mingjun? Or did you hide in a corner and dare not show up?" Rong Yang suddenly hated.

And just when Rongyang was almost mad, Xue An and Wei Qingxiao's group finally flew across the territory of hundreds of millions of miles and arrived at the boundary controlled by the Wei family.

When seeing this high-grade ghost car passing above the sky, the hundreds of millions of people in the territory all looked up, their faces full of awe.

But Wei Qing's smile became more and more serious.

Because the more you came along, the more weird she felt.

In the past, if a strong man guarding the Wei family's territory saw his ghost coming, he would have greeted him at the door thousands of miles in advance.

But this time, people went upstairs wherever they went. There was no one at all.

How is this going?

Why is the defense suddenly so empty?

Isn't the Wei family afraid of other families taking this opportunity to invade the territory?

Wei Qing laughed and couldn't understand it. He could only look solemnly, driving the ghost to move on.

at last.

After traveling for three more days, they finally came to the place where the Wei family's main sect was.

This is not a city, but it is better than a city.

Because the Wei family mansion occupies a large area and scale, it seems to have exceeded the imagination of ordinary people.

The area alone has surpassed the previous ten thousand ghost city deep in the ghost world.

But the scary thing is that all the people living here are the children of the Wei family.

This scale is enough to make people astounding.

At least An Yan was shocked.

She had never seen such a pavilion that covered the sky and covered the sun before!

But Xue An didn't even blink his eyelids, because for him, this mansion was barely enough to see.

Hu Ying snorted slightly, "Nouveau riche!"

She was also qualified to comment on the Wei family in the presence.

Because I am used to seeing the buildings of the Qingqiu Fox Country that have been passed down for tens of thousands of years, looking at this mansion, Huying naturally has no good impression.

Wei Qingxiao ignored these, all her attention stayed on the square that was used to park ghost cars in front of the mansion.

But seeing the usually empty square, at this moment, it is busy, so busy.

The Wei family residence is also much more lively than usual.

And Wei Qingxiao saw many strong men who should have guarded Wei's territory.

What are these people going to do?

at the same time.

The servants who were in charge of reception in front of Wei's house also saw the ghost ship that Wei Qing laughed. They were taken aback for a moment, and then a strange look appeared on their faces.

Not only them, but many people who witnessed this scene also have strange faces.

At this moment, a group of people flew out of the Wei family's mansion and directly greeted the ghost.

The head is a young woman in luxurious clothes.

When she saw her, Wei Qing's smile sank.

At this moment, I saw this woman standing in front of the ghost, and smiled before saying, "Sister is back! Why didn't you get out of the car?"

Yan Yan laughed, full of sisterhood.

If you don't understand the situation, you would really think that this is a pair of sisters who are more in love than Jin Jian.

But only Wei Qingxiao knew how similar she was to this woman.

Wei Yingying, the second lady of the Wei family.

In terms of age and power, she is second only to her.

Because of this, the two have been fighting openly and secretly since they became sensible, but Wei Yingying was overwhelmed by Wei Qingxiao from beginning to end.

But what happened this time?

Why would she take the initiative to come forward to greet herself?

This question bubbled in Wei Qingxiao's heart.

But she couldn't help going out, otherwise, wouldn't she be stopped by this Wei Yingying?

So she took a deep breath, then opened the ghost car and walked out.

Wei Yingying took a deep look at Wei Qingxiao, especially after noticing her peerless face, a haze that was not easily detectable flashed in her eyes, but all of this disappeared without a trace.

It was replaced by a big smile.

She walked up quickly and pulled Wei Qingxiao's sleeve affectionately, "Sister, you are finally back! I miss you!"

This kind of attitude is very harmonious and beautiful to outsiders.

But it made Wei Qing laugh all over his body.

But she still calmed down and stared at Wei Yingying coldly, then lowered her voice and asked ~www.wuxiaspot.com~Wei Yingying, what the **** do you want to do? "

The smile on Wei Yingying's face stiffened, but soon returned to normal, and she smiled and said, "Sister, what are you talking about! As a younger sister, it is not normal to come to welcome the return of sister? ?"

Wei Qingxiao couldn't see any valuable information from Wei Yingying's face, but she still sneered.

"Wei Yingying, I advise you to be honest, if you want to use your head, be careful that I can't eat it!"

The threat in this sentence was so obvious that the smile on Wei Yingying's face could not be sustained.

But at this moment, Xue An among the ghosts said calmly: "Yan'er, you take Ying'er back to the Fubao Xiaolou!"

An Yan nodded, she also didn't want to deal with these ghosts, so she dragged the curious Hu Ying back to Fu Bao Xiaolou.

Then Xue An pulled Wei Haocang with a blank face and smiled faintly.

"Let's go! I'll take you home!"

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