When he said this, the great elder rushed to the front, and he was about to reach Ren Tianqi.

At this moment, Ren Tianqi suddenly drew his sword, and then cut it out.


A bright and blinding sword light came from the sky.

Everyone only felt that their eyes were white, and then they felt cold, as if Na Sen Leng Jianyi had cut off all their hair.

This kind of bitter sword intent naturally shocked the audience.

When the sword light dissipated, everyone looked up again, and saw the great elder standing in place, and then a blood line appeared from his forehead and stretched straight down, thoroughly piercing his entire body.


After a muffled sound, the entire body of the great elder split into two.

The blood splattered, and it fell.

Everyone stared blankly, and it was still a bit difficult to accept the scene in front of them.

Ren Tianqi's face showed a fanatical color, and she re-wrapped the sword respectfully and put her back behind her, then looked around the audience and said coldly.

"Now tell me, would you like to serve me as your Lord?"

Everyone in the Ren family looked at each other, and they all saw the fright in each other's eyes.

Then after a moment of silence, someone walked out slowly, bowed to his knees, and said, "Subordinates are willing!"

Someone took the lead, and the rest did not hesitate anymore, rushing forward to swear allegiance.

In the end, everyone in the Ren family fell to their knees, and Ren Tianqi looked at these people and finally nodded.

"Very good! Since then, I will be in charge of the Ren family!"


Ren Tianqi went to Ren's house alone and killed the Great Elder with a single sword. The news of the successful recovery of Ren's house spread once again.

"Hi! How can Ren Tianqi have such terrifying swordsmanship?"

"Don't ask, it must be given to him by someone behind him!"

"Who is this person? What does he want to do?"

"I don't know, because everyone who has seen that scene is dead!"

In these horrified discussions.

Luo Jian was not to be outdone here, he was also one man with one sword, but in a single day, he overturned several big families such as the Pan family and Mo family.

No matter how much battle the opponent puts out, what hidden giant masters are dispatched, they are not Luo Jian Yijian's opponents.

And losing the strong, the remaining miscellaneous soldiers are much easier to deal with.

So soon, Luo Jian's side was like a snowball, and the power grew stronger.

In this situation, Ren Tianqi was not to be outdone. After using thunder to wash away the evil dregs in the entire Ren family, Ren Tianqi immediately began to fight the Quartet.

This time he absorbed the previous lesson and never said a word of nonsense.

As long as you refuse to obey, it is cut out with one sword.

Therefore, he soon came up from behind, faintly surpassing Luo Jian.

As a result, the wealthy people in the depths of the ghost world caused a **** storm because of Luo Jian and Ren Tianqi.

In this situation, those wealthy families who had been ridiculing and clamoring wildly before, saying that they would never surrender, began to liven up their minds.

Very [800 novel www.800book.vip] fast.

Someone took the initiative to surrender in order to survive.

Just when the whole ghost world was trembling.

In the Luo family mansion.

Xue Anzheng smiled and watched the happily thinking and thinking about playing with Wei Haocang.

Speaking of this, it was the first time these two little girls came out of the Fubao Xiaolou after entering the ghost world.

Therefore, these two little girls, who are about to be suffocated, are almost flying with excitement at this moment.

But this is not simply because they came out to let go, and more importantly, the two of them got a novel "big toy".

That is to say, Wei Haocang, who was obedient to miss Nianyan, was smiling.

Although this Wei Haocang was stupid, he didn't mean to dislike him in the slightest, but quickly became a good friend with him.

of course.

This all-you-can-talk is usually two little girls chatting, and Wei Haocang listened with a smirk.

More importantly, Wei Haocang could actually understand the meaning of the two little girls, and he was obedient to his words, even a little bit happy.

For example, now...

"Hey big guy! It's up to you to catch us two now! But don't peek at it!" Think about it seriously.

"Hey, no... don't peek!" Wei Haocang obediently covered his face with his hands, and let out a simple smirk.

"Niannian, you count him, otherwise he won't know how to count!"

"Okay! One, two, three..." Niannian yelled as she and her sister crept up to Wei Haocang's back.


After shouting out this number, Wei Haocang put down his hand covering his eyes and looked at the yard somewhat blankly. No trace of the two little girls was found. He grabbed the back of his head with his hand, and turned around to look at the back after he smiled. .

But as he turned around, the two little girls, like two clever little cats, moved along with them, never leaving behind him.

So Wei Haocang turned several times, but he couldn't find the two little girls. This made him a little irritable, and finally bowed his head dejectedly.

"Lose... lose!"

When he said the word, Thinking and Niannian suddenly popped out from behind Wei Haocang.

"Ha! Big guy you lost again!" Thinking about it, said with a smug look on his waist.

"Yeah! Big man, you are so stupid, the two of us are hiding behind you, you didn't notice it!" Niannian said.

Although he lost, when Wei Haocang saw the two little girls, he couldn't help but danced with joy, and gave out bursts of giggles, and then squatted down very skillfully, kneeling on the ground.

Thinking and Niannian sat unceremoniously on Wei Haocang's back, and then Wei Haocang began to circle the yard like a horse.

Miss Miss Nian gave out a cheerful laugh~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Wei Haocang also followed with a giggle.

Xue An looked a little weird when he watched such a scene. It was not until after a long time that he leaned on the chair and let out a sigh of relief.

"Husband, who is this stupid child?" An Yan also walked out of Fu Bao Xiaolou at this time, and Hu Ying also came out together.

As for Zhang Xiaoyu, she has lost a bit in the fight against the landlord recently. She has been hiding in the room for several days and has not shown up. She has the reputation of taking care of Master Xiaosha's dragon egg.

Xue An smiled faintly, "Is this kid...you will know about it in the future!"

An Yan nodded without understanding, and didn't ask any more questions.

It was Hu Ying. When she saw Wei Haocang who was kneeling and crawling on the ground with a smirk, she didn't care much at first, but when she took a closer look, she was stunned.

Then her face became extremely weird, and a ray of doubt about life flashed in her eyes, and she whispered softly: "This... how is this possible?

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