Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1418: Sorry, your eldest son also died...

Luo Gaoyang was taken aback, and a glimmer of hope appeared in his eyes, but the next moment, Luo Jian's words plunged him into the bottomless abyss.

"I always listen to what my mother said, but I won't listen to this, because I just want to hate you, and I want to let you die!" The deep hatred in Luo Jian's words is almost overflowing.

Luo Gaoyang, Luo Qifeng, and many people in the Luo family just wanted to talk.

Xue An waved his hand and Shen Nian sealed their voices.

"Wait a while before killing them!" Xue An said lightly.

"Yes, my lord!" Luo Jian said very respectfully.

The eyes of Luo Gaoyang and others finally showed infinite horror.

The fear of death fell on their heads for the first time.

Only when you really face death, you will understand its terrible.

And just when Luo Jian officially broke with the Luo family.

Ren Tianqi also encountered a similar situation here.

At the beginning, the director of the Ren Jiajia family was still full of joy, thinking that he was hopeful for his survival, and he couldn't help but yelled carelessly: "Second, let us go!"

Ren Tianqi remained unmoved, just hung her head, not knowing what she was thinking.

Ren Xiong frowned slightly, just about to have a seizure, but immediately remembered something, and said in a more gentle tone: "Tianqi! Let go of being a father!"

"Father? Haha!" Ren Tianqi suddenly sneered, then raised her head and stared at Ren Xiong with hatred eyes.

"What qualifications do you have to be my father?"

"You!" Ren Xiong gaped when asked.

But the rest of the Ren family roared at this moment.

"Ren Tianqi, are you crazy? How dare to talk to the Patriarch like this?"

"That's right! You let the Patriarch and me wait soon, even if this matter is forgotten!"

Among these shouts, the smile on Ren Tianqi's face became more and more crazy, and she suddenly yelled.


Everyone in the Ren family who was noisy fell silent in an instant.

Then Ren Tianqi slowly said in an extremely cold voice: "I, Ren Tianqi, in your eyes, is not as good as a dog? Just come and go?"

Everyone in the Ren family gradually paled.

Ren Xiong's eyes also showed a trace of horror, but Xuan even forced a smile and said: "Qi'er, we did ignore you before, but my father promised to change it in the future!"

"Change? Ha ha, no need! It's too late!"

"It's not too late, I..."

Ren Tianqi waved her hand, interrupted Ren Xiong impatiently, and said with great interest: "You know, from the time I remembered to the present, I remember all the things you all did to me! "

"And these humiliations, do you think that an understatement can make up for it?"

Ren Tianqi's words made Ren Xiong's face paler.

at the same time.

Ren Tianqi turned around and said to Xue An respectfully: "My lord, thank you for giving me this opportunity. I am dead now without regret!"

Xue An smiled silently, "Have you decided?"

Ren Tianqi nodded without hesitation, "Yes, it's decided!"

"That's good! Do it now?"


These words made everyone in the Ren family howl together.

Ren Xiong roared hysterically: "Ren Tianqi, you scum of the betrayal family! You wait, when my son Ren Tianyun comes back, you will never let you go!"

Ren Tianqi sneered, unmoved.

But Xue An was startled slightly, and then chuckled: "If you don't tell me, I have forgotten. Some time ago I killed two people in the fringe ghost world, one named Ren Tianyun and the other named Tan Feiwen! It seems to be yours! So you No need to wait for Ren Tianyun to come back!"

"Because he is dead!"

These words made Ren Xiong, who was clamoring wildly, quiet for an instant, but soon, he laughed strangely.

"Boy, you are indeed strong, but do you think you can fool me with just a few words? My son Ren Tianyun has a clear breath..."

Just when he wanted to say that Ren Tianyun did not die in his bloodline perception.

Xue An raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

There was a crisp sound.

Ren Xiong was taken aback for a moment, and the color behind him paled at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Because he was extremely horrified to discover that after Xue An's snapped fingers, his son's blood and breath suddenly disappeared.

"This...what is going on? My son?" Ren Xiong roared.

Xue An smiled faintly, "Didn't I tell you everything? Your son is dead! It's just that I was afraid of your sadness before, so I have been using secret techniques to cover it up! How about, should I thank me?"

"No...impossible!" Ren Xiong let out a terrible cry.

But this is the fact, and it is not changed by manpower at all.

And Xue An was obviously tired of the yelling Ren Xiong, so he turned his head and smiled at Wei Haocang.

"Brother Haocang, let's set off fireworks now!"

Wei Haocang smirked, then raised his hand and shouted at Ren Xiong and others.


At the same time, Xue An's eyes flashed, and the sword light that was in front of the Ren family's throats melted and passed straight through.

Thump Thump!

The dead were planted to the ground.

A heavy blood filled the audience.

People are all looking silly.

Only Ren Tianqi looked happy.

But at this moment, a beautiful figure in the crowd suddenly rushed out and knelt directly in front of Ren Tianqi.

"My husband, save me!"

The one kneeling in front of Ren Tianqi was no one else, but Tan Xiyao, the second daughter of the Tan family.

I saw Tan Xiyao at this moment, her face as white as paper, kneeling on the ground and shivering. There was really a pity for me.

And the husband-in-law sentence just now is even more sincere.

Ren Tianqi looked at her with a sneer, as if expecting that she would definitely appear.

"Husband? Who is your husband?"

Seeing the sneer on Ren Tianqi's face, Tan Xiyao's heart gradually cooled to the heel.

She thought that if she did this, she would definitely impress this Ren Tianqi, but she didn't expect him to even look at herself.

But she couldn't hold back.

Because just now, she heard the Tan Family Patriarch's low exclamation very clearly.

Because after Xue An’s snapped fingers, the people in the Tan family naturally felt Tan Feiwen’s disappearance.

This fact tells Tan Xiyao that if she can pass this barrier safely, then the future Tan family will really become her world.

What's more, in order to survive, she must also do this.

So when he heard Ren Tianqi's words, Tan Xi [Hunhun Novel Network] Yao raised her face and said with a flat smile: "Of course it is you, husband, you forgot, there is no marriage contract between us..."

The last about word was just exported A shoe shadow gradually enlarged in Tan Xiyao's eyes.

Then, under Tan Xiyao's horrified gaze, Ren Tianqi's foot slammed heavily on her charming face.


The kick was so fierce that Tan Xiyao's eyes were almost blown.

Tan Xiyao screamed, and was kicked out by Shengsheng. After landing, a mouthful of blood was spit out on one side of the face, which was mixed with various tooth fragments.

Looking at Tan Xiyao's current appearance, it was truly miserable. Her tall nose had collapsed, and her face was completely kicked.

At this time, the audience was terrified.

Because this kick is too amazing.

Even Tan Xiyao tried to open her swollen eyes and looked at Ren Tianqi blankly, not understanding what was going on.

At this time, Ren Tianqi slowly retracted her foot and said coldly: "I never beat women, but you are an exception!"

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