Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1371: 1 sword sweeps the world

At that time, Wen Mu Ling had some problems in her memory because of repeated blows. For the first time, she could not remember who she was.

But she did not suffer any danger, on the contrary, during that time, she lived very well and happily!

Because the place she is in is a very strange place.

Speaking of this, Wen Mu Ling's face showed a look of nostalgia, and she whispered: "I never thought that there is such a place in the world. The ghosts and humans live in harmony, and everyone is dedicated to their own little life. Work hard!"

"Even many ghost girls like to find the scholar of the human race, and they have made a famous story!"

Speaking of this, Wen Muling glanced at Xue An and said softly: "Sir, do you believe what I said?"

Xue An's face showed a very strange look, and then nodded, "Believe!"

Wen Mu Ling smiled, and then went on to tell: "Later, my memory began to gradually recover. Although life there was very comfortable and comfortable, but in order to find Lord Mingjun and revenge for my senior brothers and sisters, I began to look for The way to leave that place!"

"In the end, I met someone!" Wen Mu Ling's eyes showed respect, "Although I have only seen the back, but I also know that she must be a stunning woman! She told me that she was from that azimuth plane. The person in charge, she also saved me!"

"At the time, I was very grateful to her! But she said that she only came to the rescue because she couldn't understand the ways of the giants in the Central Ghost World, and admired Master Mingjun's personality!"

"Later, at my repeated request, she sent me to the edge of the ghost world! She told me when I was leaving that I chose this road myself. She could not help much, so she could only help I sent it here!"

After talking about these things, Wen Muling looked at Xue An nervously.

Xue An pondered for a moment, and finally chuckled, "It's kind of interesting! Can you still contact this plane?"

Wen Muling hesitated a little, and finally gritted her teeth and took out a small bronze mirror from her arms.

"The adult told me that if you want to find her, you can go back through this bronze mirror!"

Xue An took the bronze mirror and gently stroked the tadpole-like runes on it, silently.

"My lord, what do you plan to do next?" Wen Mu Ling asked softly.

Xue An smiled, then raised his head and returned the bronze mirror to Wen Mu Ling, "Anyway, the person who saved you will know a lot! So what I have to do now is to find her first!"

Wen Mu Ling became a little nervous, "But...will this hinder my benefactor..."

It can be seen that Wen Muling respects this unknown savior.

"Don't worry, I just want to ask her some questions, and it won't reveal her whereabouts! And..."

Xue An didn't finish the words behind, but gave Wen Muling a deep look.

It's just that Wen Mu Ling has been dazzled by ecstasy at this moment, so she didn't notice anything unusual at all.

"But my lord, you have killed the Ren family and the Tan family now. If you leave like this, if they come to this plane, will they harm the people here?" Wen Muling is worried. Said.

Xue An smiled slightly, "I already thought of what you said. Before I killed the two of them, I had blocked all news with my spirit and disguised the information that they were still alive. Before I left, I This plane will also be temporarily sealed off! Worry-free!"

Wen Muling nodded, "My lord, when shall we leave?"

Xue An looked at the sky and said lightly: "I'll meet a friend first, and you can arrange the people here too!"

"Yes!" Wen Muling nodded, and when she raised her head again, there was no trace of Xue An in front of her.

She couldn't help but was stunned, along with A Qing, and Song Jingyue who had survived by chance, and others.

Naturally, they couldn't hear the conversation between Xue An and Wen Muling just now, but found that Xue An, who was still standing there just now, suddenly disappeared, and they couldn't help but feel a little confused.

At the same time, Wen Mu Ling took a deep breath to calm herself, and then waved at the distant A Qing and others.

"Come here! I have something to tell you!"

Just when Wen Mu Ling arranged these men.

On an official road, Jin Jue, who was leading the Ghost Clan youth and his only disciple, strode forward, suddenly stopped.

"Master! What's wrong with you?" The Ghost Race boy was a little surprised, but before he could finish his words, his attention was attracted by the boy in white clothes standing not far away.

Out of the instinct of the ghost race, he felt an extremely dangerous feeling from the white-clothed boy.

It was as if standing in front of him was not a boy, but a hungry tyrannosaurus.

This made him tremble, and a thought suddenly rose in his heart.

There was clearly no one in front of him, so when did he appear?

At this moment, Jin Jue was calm and clasped his hands together, "Donor, we meet again!"

Xue An said leisurely: "Yes! See you again!"

After that, his gaze swept over the ghost young man, wherever he passed, the ghost young man felt his whole body tremble and almost collapsed.

"Is this your new apprentice?" Xue An asked slowly.


Xue An nodded, "Not bad!"

Jin Jue smiled, "The donor is also good!"

"Huh?" Xue An said in surprise: "You think it's good too?"

"Are you surprised?" Jin Jue remained calm.

"A little surprised, because according to common sense, shouldn't you confess your guilt and feel that I have done too much?" Xue Anyou said.

"It might have been before, but now I think that many things can only be solved with blood!" Jin Jue solemnly said.

"Tsk tusk, this is not like what you should say!" Xue An smiled.

Jin Jue also I didn't expect that the donor would have such a great power, how energetic and energetic the donor would be! "

As soon as the words came out, the ghost clan youth finally understood what was going on, and instantly felt his scalp numb, and his heart was even more shocked.

Was that shocking blow just now done by this young man in white clothes?

Xue Anpo looked at Jin Jue curiously, "I haven't seen you in a few days, the master seems to have changed a lot!"

Jin Jue folded his hands together and said, "The Buddha's three thousand methods, which can benefit sentient beings, I will choose which one! What's more, killing the wicked is benevolent thoughts. Even the Buddha has an angry King Kong statue. Blindly compassionate will only harm more people! "

Xue An applauded softly and exclaimed: "That's good!"

Jin Jue was neither overbearing nor overbearing, "Is the donor leaving?"

Xue An nodded, then squeezed his eyes at Jin Jue, "I just want to ask you, what do you want me to say to you in other planes?"

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