Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 134: Hidden World Fairy Gate

   This is a temple hidden in the mountains beyond the Great Wall.

   The mountain road is extremely steep and difficult to navigate, and there are many man-made obstacles on the road to the mountain, so it has not been known to the outside world.

   But only real masters will know that this not-so-majestic temple is the Kuchan Temple with a long history in the hidden fairy gate.

   At this time, in the Kuchan Temple, a monk with naked torso, exposed bronze skin, muscle knots like dragons and snakes, is practicing.

   His method of cultivation is simple and rude, which is to carry huge stones from the lower slopes outside the temple into the temple.

   This huge boulder, the shortest one is as tall as a person, it is all blue granite, and each one has to weigh a ton.

   Ordinary people don't say back, even four or five pushes, they are not necessarily shaken.

   But in this monk's body, it seems that there is no difference at all, walking like flying on the hillside road.

   Finally, all the stones are backed up.

   There was no sweat on the monk's face.

   This kind of physical strength is simply terrifying.

   "Brother, Master asked you to go." A young monk said respectfully.

   The monk nodded, put on his coat, and walked into the Buddhist room at the back.

   In the meditation room, a burly monk with a beard is sitting cross-legged.


   The fat monk slowly opened his eyes, and his eyes shot out.

   "Hui Nian."

   "The disciple is here!"

   "Last Fairy Gate Conference, how many places did you win?"

   "Back to Master, twelfth!" Hui Nian said solemnly.

   "What about this time?" the fat monk asked.

   "The disciple only won the first prize this time!" Hui Nian said confidently.

   The fat monk laughed loudly, shaking the roof tiles.

   "Okay! The disciples of Kuchan Temple should have this kind of heart, but the teacher just got a news that Lingnan sword immortal Yu Yuanyi is dead!"

   The explosive news didn't make Hui Nian move in the slightest.

   "Life and death are common things. He is called the Sword Immortal, but he doesn't necessarily mean that he is really immortal!" Hui Nian said lightly.

   The fat monk chuckled, "I’m telling you this news for my teacher. I just want to tell you that this Immortal Gate Conference will be very interesting. The person who killed Yu Yuanyi is an unknown master."

   "The disciples understand that the cultivable is not afraid, whether it is a master or a mediocre, in my eyes, it is nothing more than that!" Hui Nian bowed her head and looked calm.

   But a powerful momentum came out.

   The fat monk showed a gratified smile on his face, "Have you been in the fairyland?"

   "Return to Master, I just broke through last month!"

   "Good!" The fat monk suddenly stood up.

   "Our Kuchan Temple has stayed here for a long time. Many people have forgotten our existence. This time, let them see what is the real fairy gate!"

   Hui Nian lowered her head and said nothing, but an unexplained look flashed in her eyes.

   In country H, thousands of miles away, a similar conversation is also going on.

   "Jin Sang, the news that I just received, Lingnan Jianxian is dead!" a man with a solemn expression kneeled in the main seat and said in a deep voice.

   Sitting on his knees with his drooping hands is a tall man with a handsome face.

   If there are people from country H, you can definitely recognize this man.

  Because he is the most shining star in the martial arts scene of the H country, and he is known as a genius who will not be born in a century, Jin Chengsuo.

   Hearing his father’s unpredictable tone, Jin Chengsuo said indifferently: "My father, Lingnan Jianxian died when he died. After all, he is already a figure in the previous generation. Why should he be afraid?"

His father Jin Chengyi sighed, "Jin Sang, your current cultivation base is pretty good. In the last Immortal Gate Conference, you also won the fourteenth place, but this Yu Yuanyi is really no ordinary person! The person who killed him must be even more difficult!"

   Jin Chengsuo smiled slightly, "Father, no matter who the opponent is, I will use our masterful magical skills to defeat him! Don't worry!"

   Jin Sung-il looked at his confident son and nodded.

   But there was a beautiful back in Jin Chengsuo's mind.

   The woman who impressed him so deeply in the last Fairy Gate Conference, will she still appear this time?

   At the same time, in a very secret valley.

   The only female nun sect in the hidden world immortal gate, the pavilion master Le Wushuang of Wangyue Pavilion also received the news.

   Her complexion is a bit solemn.

   The Fairy Gate Conference will be held soon.

   such a thing happened suddenly.

   Naturally, things have changed a lot.

   After pondering for a moment, Le Wushuang said: "Go and call Shu Yinger."


   Wangyue Pavilion's big disciple, Shu Ying'er arrived.


  Le Wushuang looked at the woman below with a pretty face but a slightly sulky look, and said solemnly: "The Fairy Gate Conference is about to be held, how are you preparing?"

   "Back to Master, I have been cultivating very diligently recently, but I feel diligent again." Shu Ying'er said quite contentedly.

  Le Wushuang nodded in satisfaction, "Well, it's still up to you this time. Remember to be careful, because this year's Fairy Gate Conference should not be that simple!"

   Shu Yinger smiled with joy, "Yes!"

   After that, UU reading Shu Yinger slowly withdrew.

   When I got out of the hall, a few juniors leaned in and said very diligently.

   "Master sister, are you going to participate in the Fairy Gate Conference again this time?"

   Shu Yinger nodded proudly.

   "Then take us there! It's really bored to stay in the pavilion!" These juniors began to beg.

   Shu Yinger sneered: "Do you think this is going to play? The lowest level is the cultivation base of heaven and human, who of you has?"

   In a word, all these women closed their mouths.

   But after a while, someone whispered: "Then why did the last Fairy Gate Conference actually take that person?"


   Shu Yinger slapped the speaker out.

   "You didn't hear what I said? If anyone mentions the trash in front of me in the future, I will take your skin off!" Shu Yinger said gloomily.

   "Yes!" All these women were silent, afraid to speak.

   Waiting for Shu Yinger to walk away.

   These talents whispered somewhat dissatisfied.

   "Huh, what a snob, when the man first entered our pavilion, she saw that the master was very important to him, and she kept walking around the house all day long, but now she is a bite of waste!"

   "Who said no, didn't you see that all the bracelets she was wearing belonged to that person?"

   "Hehe! To blame, I can only blame the poor life and the unparalleled qualifications, but in the end he couldn't practice."

   Just as these women were discussing, a woman with a broom in her hand lowered her head and slowly walked across the square in front of the main hall.

   These people looked at each other, then smiled disdainfully, and then dispersed.

   The woman slowly swept the ground, her slightly tangled hair fell down, covering her face.

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