Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1243: Demons are rampant in a small town

   The look on the old man’s face was as if he had seen a ghost, he was shaking like chaff, "You...are you staying here all night?"

   Xue An smiled faintly, "Yes!"

   The old man's complexion changed, he took a deep look at Xue An, then took out a bamboo whistle from his arms and blew it vigorously.

   The whistle was sharp, spreading everywhere.

  In an instant, from behind the city gate, the crowd rushed out like a tide, everyone holding sticks and forks in their hands, and then they all gathered together, looking at Xue An with horror and fear.

   Xue An was startled slightly, and when he saw that these people were all in ragged clothes and look like dishes, he couldn't help but sighed, then smiled.

   "What? Can't even a passer-by be taken in here?"

   The crowd is still silent.

   At this moment, only a weak and old voice came from the city.

   "Let him in, he is not a demon!"

   After saying this, there were several coughs faintly, as if such a simple sentence had already made the voice owner unable to bear it.

   There was a slight commotion among the crowd, but the voice was obviously very prestigious, and everyone's faces showed a relieved expression, and then they separated on the two sides and stepped aside.

   Xue An smiled, and then stepped inside.

   After passing through the city gate, one can see rows of low and dilapidated houses. Unexpectedly, although the street is not very spacious, it is very clean.

   At this moment, the whole town has been alarmed. When Xue An walked across the street, a lot of heads appeared in the houses or alleys on both sides of the road.

   Many people looked at Xue An with curious eyes.

  Especially many children watched with excitement. One even pointed at Xue An and shouted in a childish voice: "Mother, this brother walks so beautifully!"

   Xue An turned his head when he heard the words, and saw a girl who was only eight or nine years old looking at him.

   Xue An smiled at her slightly.

   The girl was taken aback, but before she had any reaction, she was dragged into the room by a woman in shabby clothes, and then she heard the sound of scolding and crying from the child.

   Xue An touched his nose in embarrassment, and then continued to walk forward.

   The town is not big, and it's only a few hundred meters from one end to the other.

   After waiting for a round, Xue An discovered that all businesses in this small town were dying, not to mention the inn, there was not even a place to eat on the street.

   Only a small vermilion building stands in the middle of the town, but it seems to be in disrepair for a long time, and it is even a little skewed, as if it would fall over at any time.

   At this moment, I saw that the door of the vermilion building was pushed open, and then a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy walked out of it.

   This young man is dressed in coarse cloth. His figure is thin and delicate, and his appearance can be called delicate, but there is an unspeakable arrogance between his brows and eyes.

   But at this moment, the young man's face was covered with a faint worry, then he raised his head and said coldly at Xue An: "Outsiders, please come in, my grandfather wants to see you!"

   After that, the boy turned around and left without any hesitation.

   Xue An didn't care at all, but happily followed the young man into this vermilion small building.

   As soon as he entered the door, a strong herbal scent came on his face.

   The light in the room was extremely dark, and the windows were tightly sealed, and even a trace of light could not penetrate.

In the huge hall, only an oil lamp on the table emits a dim light, which can barely make people see the surrounding layout.

   On the bed next to the table, an elderly man was sitting against the wall, breathing quickly and painfully.

   His lungs are like a broken bellows that is about to fall apart. Every breath is so hard, and with a lot of noise, it sounds so harsh.

   But even so, the old man's eyes are still extremely bright, and even in this dark room they are similar to two spirit beads.

   Especially after seeing Xue An walk in, the brilliance in the eyes of the old man is more glorious, his eyes are like a blade, and he is looking at Xue An bit by bit.

   In this regard, Xue An only smiled slightly, stood calmly, and faced the old man's gaze without any intention of avoiding it.

   This kind of reaction caused the old man to be slightly taken aback.

  Because he knows how sharp his eyes are, let alone ordinary people, even masters of martial arts, when he is caught off guard, his mind will be shaken.

   But the white-clothed boy didn't have any expression, and he took it all calmly.

   Could it be that he is a master of martial arts? But the appearance is not like it!

   Or is it a successor of Taoism?

   But there is no Dao Fa fluctuation on his body.

   And in the old man's divine mind, Xue An is just like an ordinary young man, without any surprises.

   This stunned the old man, or it may be because he was too surprised, the old man suddenly began to cough violently.

   This kind of cough is not the same as an ordinary person's cough, and the sound is so violent that it seems to cough out one's lungs.

   The young man rushed up almost instantly, and then familiarly knocked the old man on the back.

   But even so, a long time passed before the old man's coughing gradually stopped, and then he began to gasp violently.

   A look of sadness appeared in the boy's eyes, "Grandpa..."

   The old man waved his hand to signal that he was okay, then raised his head again to look at Xue An.

   "Young man, did you stay in the tea shed outside the city last night?"

   Xue An nodded.

   The old man's complexion changed, "Then how did you come here?"

   Xue An smiled, "Naturally follow the official road!"

   Xue An's words changed the youth's complexion.

  The old man took a deep look at Xue An, "Then how long are you going to live here?"

   "That's not may leave in a day or two, or it may take three to five months!" Xue An said lightly.

   The old man was silent for a while, and then nodded, "Alright! Since I am a passing guest, I won't be able to tolerate it here, Yushu, take this young man down to arrange a place to live!"

   The boy was a little bit stunned, but in the end he still responded in a low voice, "Yes!"

   After all, this boy named Yushu came forward and said coldly: "Come with me!"

   After saying this, he turned his head and left, and his words seemed to be full of hostility towards Xue An.

   Xue An didn't take it seriously, but just bowed his hand at the old man, "If this is the case, then I'm bothering you!"

After    said, he followed the jade book with a smile.

   Although the town is small, there are many vacancies.

   Not far from this vermilion small building, it is an abandoned house.

   Yushu opened the door and led Xue An into it.

   The room was deserted and deserted, except for the simple tables, chairs and beds.

   "This is where you live, you can take care of the meal yourself!" the boy said coldly.

   Xue An is not picky, but nodded with a smile, "Thank you!"

   But at this moment, the young man suddenly deceived him and stood directly at a distance of less than one meter from Xue An, and then stared at Xue An firmly, and said in a cold voice.

   "I don't care where you are sacred, but now that you have come to my Sealed Demon Town, you must abide by the rules here. My grandfather is like this, and my grandfather is not here, so it is the same. You... understand?

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