Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1072: Obsession Transformation

   Chu Xiaoyun was stunned.

   And An Yan on the side couldn't help asking at this moment: "Husband, who is the one who did all this?"

   "I don't know, but the answer should be in this ancient cave!"

   After that, Xue An turned his head and smiled at An Yan, "Yan'er, you are waiting here, I will go in and take a look!"

   An Yan said solemnly: "Okay! Husband, be careful!"

   Xue An nodded, then raised his foot and took a step, turning into a streamer, and flew into the huge seabed hole.

   After crossing that layer of seal, Xue An felt that his eyes suddenly went dark, and the pressure suddenly increased.

   is like the surrounding air has turned into glue, full of resistance.

   Xue An did not stop, but accelerated and rushed directly.


   As if rushing through an invisible barrier, Xue An felt that his eyes suddenly opened up, and then he couldn't help but sigh.

   What kind of world is this.

   The sky exudes eternal earthy yellow light.

   The earth is fragmented and extremely barren, with no green spots.

   There is no wind, no sound, nothing.

  There are only the huge corpses on the ground.

   I don't know how long it has been. Some of these corpses have become dead bones, but even so, they still carry a kind of inherent majesty.

   Xue An was silent while walking.

   Because of the extreme sight, these corpses are densely packed, and there is no end in sight. It is almost like a forest of bones.

   And these corpses, each of them may have been a powerful person before his death.

   But at this moment, all are buried here.

   Xue An stopped, raised his head and quietly looked at a headless corpse that had been turned into withered bones but was still standing.

   This corpse is as high as a hundred feet, and it is considered the largest in this bone forest.

   And even though it has been dead for so long, the power emanating from the skeleton is still moving.

   Based on this, this skeleton was at least a real immortal level, or even a half-step Da Luo level powerhouse.

   is such a powerful god, but even his head has been chopped off by life.

   And Xue An could see that the person who did it only took one blow.

  This shows that the person who did it cut off the head of this **** in one move, and even shattered his godhead and soul.

   This will create this effect.

   And not only this corpse, but the other corpses have extremely terrifying wounds, which also shows the fierceness of the war.

   Xue An's complexion gradually became serious.

   Because of the number of gods buried in this place, he was shocked.

   And it seems that these gods died in a battle.

   Then, why did these high-level gods fight so desperately?

   Xue An was wondering in his heart.

at this time.

   An old and tired voice reached his ears.

"You're here?"

   Xue An turned around and said coldly: "Who?"

   chuckled a few times, "Don't worry, I am not malicious, in fact I have been paying attention to you since you came in!"

   Xue An's eyes were getting colder, revealing the slightest killing intent.

   After entering this area, Xue An has been fully alert, and Shennian has been searching this space constantly, but he has not found anything unusual.

   But this voice said that he was paying attention to himself from the beginning.

   If it is true, then it can only show that the other party has deep attainments in concealment, and even concealed himself.

   Xue An couldn't help but not raise his vigilance.

   This voice seemed to recognize Xue An’s thoughts, and he couldn’t help but chuckle: “Don’t be so alert, in fact I am a very special existence, so it’s normal for you to not perceive it!

   said, I saw a bit of brilliance appeared on every bone in this bone forest, and then gathered in one place, condensing into a virtual image of an old man.

   Xue An was stunned, and then a little suddenly said: "Deformation of obsession?"

   The old man was even more surprised than Xue An, "Young man, do you even know this? Yes, I am indeed transformed by the obsession of these countless fallen gods!"

   Xue An's eyes flickered slightly, and he didn't know what he was thinking, but he relaxed his guard.

   Because of this obsession, it really does not hurt anyone.

  Because he can't interfere with anything.

   To put it bluntly, he is only transformed by certain strong emotions, without being causal, naturally it will not have any influence on the surrounding things.

   And when Xue An removed the barrier of divine consciousness that enveloped him.

   The old man gave a startled sound, and then exclaimed in great surprise: "You...are you Chinese?"

   Xue An's heart was shaken, and he nodded, "Yes! I am Chinese!"

"Great! Waiting for so long, I thought it would be vain, but I didn't expect that when the seal was gradually broken, I would meet a Chinese young man who was so amazing and brilliant! It's worth it! It's worth it!" The old man said incoherently excitedly.

   Xue An at this moment, despite the suspicions in his heart, still did not disturb the old man to vent his inner excitement.

It wasn't until a long time that the old man gradually recovered his calmness, and then he fell back and smiled apologetically at Xue I am really sorry, so many years of waiting alone made me feel a little bit lonely. It's hard to control it! "

   Xue An was noncommittal, but just pointed at the boundless corpse, "Can you tell me, what is going on?"

   The old man smiled, then sat on a long thigh bone, "Young man, even if you don't ask, I will tell you!"

   "Do you know why these corpses died?"

   Xue An did not speak, but listened quietly.

The old man sighed, "Thousands of years ago, these corpses were all powerhouses of the Protoss, but a great battle caused them all to fall, and even the corpses were sealed, and the root of everything came from one Disagreement!"

   "Difference..." Xue An whispered a few words softly.

   "Yes! And this disagreement originates from your Chinese!"

   Xue An's heart was shaken, and he said eagerly: "You mean it is related to the Chinese catastrophe ten thousand years ago?"

   The old man was taken aback, and then sighed sadly, "Chinese catastrophe... surely everything happened unavoidably?"

   Then the old man nodded solemnly, "Yes, it is related to the catastrophe of your Chinese people!"

   Xue An's eyes were getting colder, but he still took a deep breath, and said, "Junior...I wish to hear more!"

   At this point, Xue An has taken the initiative to lower his identity.

   The old man didn’t care about it at all. He just smiled softly and wryly said: "A thousand years ago, the Protoss was tyrannical, and it was divided into several camps! Everything was fine, until... an order came!"

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