Lin Yong still practiced all night.

I got up at half past eight, washed up, heated up yesterday's leftover stew in the kitchen, ate five steamed buns, opened the door, and waited for the workers to come.

Sure enough, at 9:30, workers came to the door.

There were two workers. One was very short, less than 1.6 meters tall, but his muscles were bulging and he looked very strong.

Another worker has an ordinary face and a tall figure.

The two of them drove a broken bread, stopped the car, and called the boss when they saw Lin Yong.

Lin Yong let them in and took a look.

The two workers were also very surprised. What on earth could make such a hole in the ground? It didn't look like a drill.

However, neither of them asked.

After looking at it, the little man spoke, "Boss, this big slab of rosin jade costs two hundred and forty-five dollars a piece. What you need to exchange in this store is four dollars. Manual calculation is one hundred and fifty, one thousand one hundred and thirty." . Thirty is taken away and counted as one thousand and one. Do you think I should change it?"

Lin Yong nodded, "It's suitable, let's change it."

Lin Yong also knew that when the marble floor was laid for the store, it cost more than 240 yuan per piece.

Now in the past few years, it is not artificial, it is natural marble, and the price has not increased much.

It seems that business has been difficult in recent years.

The labor cost is more than 100, which is not expensive at all.

These two workers, two people, drove here and spent a lot of money just on gas.

It seems that Fang Yu has found a good person.

The two workers went to the car again and brought in four large marble slabs that were similar to the floor of a bar.

The two of them brought drills, hammers, tools, etc. and started to smash down the four damaged floors.

Talking while smashing.

The little man said, "It was really scary just now. I took a look and saw that the man fell from the stairs and his head was deformed."

The big man said, "I heard that in the same place, a person fell to death last week. The Dadu Hui is also very evil. Two people fell to death in two consecutive weeks."

The little man glanced at Lin Yong, watching Lin Yong sorting out the wine cabinet, and whispered, "I just heard someone say that those two people raped a girl some time ago, but there is no evidence, and their family also has some tricks, so No judgment.”

"I heard that the girl jumped from the Dadu Tower at that time. Do you think it was the girl's soul that seduced those two people?"

The big man shrank his neck, "Don't say that, it's scary."

Lin Yong was very powerful and had sharp ears and eyesight. Although the conversation between the two men was low, as well as the sounds of their work, Lin Yong could still clearly hear them.

Lin Yong smiled: It is not easy to become a fierce ghost.

Although these two people died strangely, it was probably not the girl who turned into a vicious ghost.

Moreover, Lin Yong went to the supermarket to buy things a few days ago and passed by Daduhui.

Daduhui is glowing with red light as a whole. If there is something serious at work, the color cannot be so clear.

Therefore, Lin Yong didn't pay attention at all to the conversation between the two.

Then, the two started chatting while working.

It's probably about who the boss values ​​​​now, business is not doing well right now, where they went a few days ago, how difficult it is for the employer to deal with, and so on.

The two of them were talking and their hands were not slow at all.

It was ready in half an hour.

Lin Yong looked at it and couldn't tell that the replaced floor was no different from the original floor.

Lin Yong readily gave Qianyi.

After waiting for the two workers to leave, Lin Yong started cooking for the four little slackers.

After the meal was ready, they got up and ran downstairs to look at the new marble floor and agreed.

After eating, the four girls discussed going shopping.

Lin Yong's head got big.

When girls get together, do they just go shopping and buy things?

After deliberation, Dongli Yanran suggested doing some cleaning. The house had not been cleaned for a long time.

The four girls agreed.

Fang Yu said that Lin Yong got up early in the morning to let the workers change the floor and cook for them, so there was no need to work and Lin Yong was allowed to rest.

Lin Yong smiled.

What he hates the most is cleaning the housework. Naturally, he is happy if he doesn't have to do it.

The girls were armed.

Even little Luo Luo put on an apron and a headscarf, looking like he was having a big fight.

What made Lin Yong dumbfounded was that the aprons of the four girls all had a naive bear on them.

They were bought together.

Although the color is different.

Fang Yu's is blue, little zombie's is pink, little Luo Luo's is orange, and Dongli Yanran's is green.

Seeing that they were busy, Lin Yong was also dizzy. He took a deck chair, left the bar, and placed it under the maple tree.

I took another small table and brewed a pot of chrysanthemum tea.

In this season, chrysanthemum tea is the most suitable for the occasion and the most comfortable to drink.

It clears away heat and fire, clears the liver and improves eyesight, moistens the intestines and detoxifies.

Lin Yong also took a book and prepared to read it.

This time I read Spinoza's "On the Improvement of Intellect".

This book is a philosophy book.

Most philosophy books are obscure and difficult to understand.

Many of Spinoza's books are even more obscure.

And this book, among Spinoza's books, is relatively easy to understand.

However, Lin Yong also had a hard time watching.

Lin Yong couldn't say he was looking at it, but rather chewing it.

One hand holds a book and the other a pen.

When you see important places, mark them down.

If you have any questions, you will also write your questions in the corners.

This book is not thick, but Lin Yong has been reading it for a long time.

The girl's chirping voice came from the second floor.

The windows are all open.

They were cleaning Lin Yong's bedroom, and the sound came out very clearly.

The afternoon sun shines through the gaps in the maple leaves, bit by bit, and there is a philosopher's book in his hand and a pot of chrysanthemum tea.

Lin Yong felt that there could never be a more leisurely, warm, and comfortable afternoon than this.

Lin Yong smiled, part of his mind was attracted by the book, another part was attracted by the girl's voice, and another part flew far and wide along the sunlight that filtered through the gap.

It's been a long time since my father passed away, and I haven't relaxed like this.

At this moment, several figures blocked the sunlight above Lin Yong's head.

"Are you the big shot?" came a voice with a bit of disdain.

In an instant, the girl's voice became ethereal.

Lin Yong looked up displeased and saw Gu Haitao, a rich man in his twenties. There is also a secretary-like person wearing a Chinese tunic suit and glasses.

Lin Yong looked at Gu Haitao, "What's the matter?"

Gu Haitao was a little restrained and was about to speak.

The rich man looked a little dissatisfied, "I'm talking to you, why are you ignoring me?"

Lin Yong's eyes were indifferent, he lowered his head and decided to continue reading.

The secretary spoke, "Let me tell you..."

Lin Yong still didn't look up.

And those three people all looked a little embarrassed.

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