Invincible Protagonist Terminator System

Chapter 100: Proposing mission goals in a roundabout way

Zhai Ning raised his head, his expression still cold and indifferent, "Transfer student?"

Lin Yong nodded, "Yes."

Zhai Ning looked up at Lin Yong, "Hello, my name is Zhai Ning, we have met."

Then he lowered his head and continued to read English.

Lin Yong smiled. I didn't realize that Zhai Ning had such a fun side.

Lin Yong continued, "I want to get to know you because I heard that you will also be a scientist in the future. I will study theoretical physics in the future, and my goal is to win the Nobel Prize in Physics."

Lin Yong felt a little numb when he said these words. If it weren't for the purpose of catering to Zhai Ning and gaining Zhai Ning's favor, he wouldn't have said these words that seemed to be grandiose words and dreams.

Sure enough, Zhai Ning raised his head and his eyes lit up, "You want to become a physicist?"

Lin Yong nodded seriously, "Yes."

Zhai Ning started talking, "I haven't thought about what major I want to study. Biology, physics, chemistry, I'm interested in them all."

Lin Yong spoke, "I think physics is the most interesting. Among Aristotle's works is "Physics". Physics was born very early, and I think physics carries with it the exploration of the nature of the world. ,fascinating."

Zhai Ning's eyes brightened, "Isn't chemistry also about uncovering the essence of the world? There is also biology, which is also very interesting to uncover the mysteries of life."

Lin Yong continued, "Both chemistry and biology are a little narrow. Moreover, whether it is chemistry or biology, many theories are based on physics. Have you read Henri Bergson's "Creative Evolution", "Materials and Memory"?"

Zhai Ning shook his head.

Lin Yong said with a smile, "Anli Bergson is a French biologist who won the Nobel Prize. Whether it is his "The Theory of Creation Evolution" or "Materials and Memory", they all reveal one thing, that is , first, what the world is like, and then what living things are like.”

"So, it is absolutely not wrong to say that physics is a science that reveals the nature of the world and is the foundation of other disciplines."

Zhai Ning's eyes were bright and there was an excited look on her face. She looked like a little girl who saw candies, cakes, and dolls.

Lin Yong smiled.

You know that this girl is full of curiosity about the world, you know that this girl is full of exploring ideas about the unknown of the world.

Such a girl should become a figure like Madame Curie, instead of being deprived of her learning ability by Han Weilin and becoming a mediocre woman and a shopping guide in a shopping mall.

At this moment, Han Weilin walked in.

I happened to see Zhai Ning and Lin Yong chatting happily, and suddenly there was a hint of dissatisfaction on their faces.

Then it was strange, because Zhai Ning was a very cold person. Apart from studying and participating in some literary and artistic activities, he didn't interact with anyone at all.

The ones who interacted with her a lot were two girls.

One is named Yin Xue and the other is named Dong Shu.

Both of them are also quiet girls who don't cause trouble.

I have never seen Zhai Ning laughing and chatting with any boy.

Is it because of this person that she rejected herself? Han Weilin thought to himself, feeling that he had found the truth.

He looked at Lin Yong carefully.

Not wearing a school uniform, just a pair of jeans and a shirt.

The jeans and shirts should all be from the same brand, and the workmanship is pretty good.

Especially the appearance, it is really perfect.

Even if Han Weilin has always been arrogant and thinks he is handsome and handsome, he has to admit that Lin Yong is really handsome and has perfect facial features.

Han Weilin became even more angry and glared at Zhai Ning and Lin Yong.

Zhai Ning and Lin Yong both saw it.

But, will Lin Yong care? Lin Yong naturally wouldn't care.

Zhai Ning glanced at Han Weilin coldly, then turned to talk to Lin Yong.

Zhai Ning looked at Lin Yong, "Then do you think I should also study physics?"

Lin Yong shook his head, "I don't know. Studying physics, getting to the forefront, involves many issues in philosophy, which is much more troublesome than other subjects. If you want to learn physics, you need to read more philosophy books."

Zhai Ning frowned slightly, "It's a bit troublesome, but it sounds interesting."

Lin Yong continued, "If you are willing, I can recommend some philosophy books to you to get started. I have read some philosophy books."

Zhai Ning smiled and nodded, "Okay, recommend it to me quickly."

Lin Yong said, "First of all, we need to understand the history of philosophy. Look at Russell's "History of Western Philosophy". There is also Hollingwood's "Natural Concepts", which reveals the development and schools of natural science in various eras."

Zhai Ning looked at Lin Yong and showed a sly smile, "You should have these books, right? Lend them to me."

Lin Yong smiled and said, "What are you thinking about? The high school entrance examination is coming soon. After the exam, I will lend you books during the summer vacation."

"Okay." Zhai Ning nodded.

Although Han Weilin sat down in his seat, he kept paying attention here and listened to the conversation between Lin Yong and Zhai Ning.

Hearing Zhai Ning and Lin Yong talk about philosophy and physics, a touch of inferiority and dissatisfaction rose in my heart.

Lin Yong then held his head high and said, "My academic performance is very good. If your grades cannot exceed mine, you are not qualified to be friends with me. You are not qualified to discuss philosophy and physics with me. You first improve your grades to I'm tall."

Zhai Ning burst into laughter.

She originally thought she was a very proud person, but she didn't expect to meet someone even prouder than her today.

Zhai Ning said with a smile, "How good are your grades?"

Lin Yong spoke, "You must get at least 550 points in the exam to be qualified to be friends with me."

The high school entrance examination in Guangxi Province is Chinese 150, Mathematics 150, English 150, Physics 90, and Chemistry 60.

The total score is 600 points. Physics and Chemistry are combined volumes.

Each subject is 120 minutes, which is two hours.

550 points is really high.

Lin Yong remembered that Han Weilin scored 420 points in this graduation exam.

In other words, Zhai Ning must score 546 points in order to avoid Han Weilin's capture.

Therefore, Lin Yong put forward the goal of 550 points.

Zhai Ning frowned slightly, "In the last mock test, I scored 528, and I was already ranked third in the grade. That time, I was ranked number one in the grade, but I only scored 538. It's a bit difficult to pass 550."

Lin Yong raised his head arrogantly again, "This time, I am planning to score about 560 points. You don't even have 550 points, how can you be friends with me?"

Zhai Ning looked at Lin Yong and his expression calmed down.

This person came into her life like a bolt of lightning, but within just a few minutes of chatting, she felt as if they had known each other for a lifetime.

She, Zhai Ning, will be a scientist in the future.

They are people who use their own brains and abilities to make contributions and promote the progress of human science and technology.

How can you be scared by someone?

How could you not dare to accept someone's challenge?

Zhai Ning looked at Lin Yong and showed a proud and indifferent smile...

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