Invincible Heroes of Storm Lords

Chapter 72: Ten Thousand Miles Expedition (10) Human Debt

At the moment when the slap sounded, a certain dwarf began to panic!

If you don't handle this wave well, your character will be cool...

The most important thing for people in the world is to show loyalty and forcibly break up the group for personal interests. Who will play with you in the future?

The problem is that this stage is a critical period for the major game forces to compete. All the strategic treasures that can increase the dominance have been taken away by the big forces at a high price, and it is impossible for Mu Kelong to receive them in a short period of time!

In desperation, Mu Kelong immediately contacted his old friend Luo Feisi and asked Heluo Hero Association for help through him.

"Rofis, long story short, I advanced because of the arms, and then the domination exploded!"

"Now there is an urgent need for strategic treasures that can increase at least 15 points of dominance to start a regiment, otherwise the regiment will be disbanded on its own in five minutes..."

"If Heluo Heroes can pull me, lend me or rent me a strategic treasure with added dominance, I am willing to help Heluo Heroes fight a team battle unconditionally in the future!"

In less than three minutes, Rofess sent Mukron a strategic treasure through the free trading platform.

"This is President Wu's personal treasure. I will lend it to you for a few days for free. In addition, President Wu asked me to tell you that Huang Shao has won over a large group of bounty hunters and players are going to mess with you. Boss Mu, you can play leisurely, don't get caught. It doesn't look good when people explode chrysanthemums!"

Mu Kelong glanced at the strategic treasure handed over by the other party and was taken aback, but in the next instant he chose to sign for it without hesitation.

"Brother, please don't worry about you and President Wu. I understand the reasoning of sailing carefully to the Wannian Ship.

"OK, but you still have to be careful, there may be ghosts in your legion."

"Well, I know, it's not possible, it's definitely there, I've been guarding it! Now I have a direct long-range army with a population of hundreds of people under my command, and a few inner ghosts can't make any trouble."


In the process of chatting with Luo Fei Si, Mu Kelong put on a handsome blue cape, and his dominance increased by 40 points in an instant.

Such a strategic treasure of Niubi is borrowed and borrowed, and no one will call one for IOUs. Serve it!

[The Brilliant Cloak of the Blue Dragon Knights] (blue gilt quality, three-star rare strategic treasure)

Strategic attributes: Blue Dragon Clan Favor +3, Blue Dragon Knights Favor +10, Dominance +40, Attack +5, Defense +5.

Combat Attributes:

1. The five basic attributes of strength, endurance, agility, magic, and wisdom +10

2. Physical evasion level +15

3. Magic evasion level +15

4. Movement speed +150

5. Equipment Special: [Iron Cavalry Assault] (special)

Summons the illusory projection of the Blue Dragon Knights, conducts a battle formation charge-style assault in the designated direction, and causes an assault damage to the target along the way as physical damage.

It can only be summoned once a day and consumes 200 mana and 200 stamina.


At the moment when he put on the cape, Mukron felt that his character was as stable as a wild horse.

The next moment, he asked Ranger Love to pull himself into the legion and become the commander of this legion again.

Most of the players were still doing quests in the trial space provided by the Alpine fortress. They didn't know what happened to Mu Kelong. When they saw the system prompting Mu Kelong to come back, many idle players immediately began to make fun of them. stand up.

"System prompt: The player hero [Mukron Hegel] has joined the legion. Since he is the only strategic professional in the legion, he will automatically become the legion commander."

"Yo, Hei Da is back? Too fast means that the kidneys are not good~ I recommend a magic medicine - [Six Emperors End]..."

"Hahahaha, the people upstairs are so funny!"

"Do you want to take off your pants to prove your strength?"


"Hei Da, why don't you say anything? The camera is already in place,

Live broadcasts are ready to begin anytime. "

"You bad guys, make Hei Da shy!"



Facing the humorous jokes of the players, Mu Kelong cheeky pretended not to see or hear.

Having solved the problem of dominance, he began to turn his attention to other parts of himself.

This time in the high mountain fort, he has gained a lot. In addition to successfully transferring special hidden occupations [Thunder Berserker] and [Junior Blacksmith] to level 30, the strategic occupation [Intermediate Commander] has been upgraded to three levels in a row, and the arms are advanced. other than rewards.

He also gained a strategic occupation skill upgrade point, and can freely upgrade any level of strategic skills he has mastered.

At this stage, he has mastered two strategic professional skills, namely [Golden Guidance] and [Guerrilla Tactics].

These two skills are both at the primary stage now, one is the enhanced version of the golden skill, and the other is the hidden skill that can only be mastered through special channels. Which of the two should be upgraded to the intermediate stage?

This is a rather confusing question.

If you consider the firepower configuration, there is no doubt that the increase of the [Golden Guidance] will be higher!

After all, truth is only within the range of cannons, and channeling is the only skill that increases the range of long-range attacks among all strategic career skills.

But if you consider survivability and mobility, then upgrading [Guerrilla Tactics] is also a very good choice!

After all, with sufficient firepower at this stage, improving survivability and battlefield mobility may have a higher fault tolerance rate.

Considering the rarity of [Guerrilla Tactics] and the difficulty of upgrading this skill in the future, Mukron decided to use this precious skill point to upgrade [Guerrilla Tactics].

But at the last moment, Mu Kelong suddenly gave up the decision to add skill points.

Because he suddenly thought that his 10,000-mile expedition had just begun, and he might encounter various troubles in the future. Maybe this flexible free skill point could save the battlefield situation?

If you are blocked and need to rush to attack, then click [Golden Guidance] to extend the coverage of long-range firepower and let the enemy reap a wave of surprises.

If you can't escape the chasing soldiers and need to speed up, then click on [Guerrilla Tactics], maybe you can escape by relying on the intermediate stage of this skill.

After weighing the pros and cons, he decided to keep it and use it as a killer or a life-saving straw.


I have to say that the knight's cloak lent to him by the president of the Heluo Hero Association played a big role at this critical moment!

Not only does it provide 40 points of Dominance, allowing all his direct soldiers and 145 players to be edited, but also greatly increases his strategic attributes and combat attributes.

In this regard, Mu Kelong can only sigh silently——

Poverty limits my vision, and I can't understand the world of game tycoons!

As the last player finished the trial mission, everyone in the Alpine Fortress felt the sudden change in the scene before them, and they were instantly transferred to a completely unfamiliar place.

The dutiful Ranger Love opened the map and loudly reported the current coordinates on the Legion channel.

"[Imeniroba] Southern Wilderness (17653, 4876, 577)..."

"Imeniroba - this is a big city in the hinterland of the element camp, and it is at least 3,000 kilometers away from the coordinates where we entered the snow mountain before!"

Assassin Laurel, who likes to raise the bar, immediately said loudly: "It's more than 3,000 kilometers, at least 4,500 kilometers. If you don't believe me, I can bet you with Utred's head!"

The stalker Uhtred subconsciously said, "You two bet, what's the matter with my head???"

There was a burst of joyful laughter in the Legion channel.


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