Invincible Heroes of Storm Lords

Chapter 184 Rumors are self-defeating?

The director of the technical department wrote in the report that when all external power sources were cut off, the "Tiannao Server" was still running at high load.

The reason for deliberately emphasizing "high-load operation" is because the technical department observed an incredible phenomenon through power monitoring instruments.

In the past 30 hours, the "Tiannao Server" consumed a total of 900 billion kilowatt hours of electricity, and the average hourly power reached a terrifying 30 billion kilowatts!

You must know that the maximum power limit value of the strongest known supercomputer cluster system on the Seven Sea Stars is only 300,000 kilowatts!

However, the current power of the "Tiannao Server" is 100,000 times that of it!

Before that, when the "Tiannao Server" was running normally, although the power was far more than any supercomputer cluster system on the Seven Sea Stars, it was only about one million kilowatts.

The upper limit of the design power of the "Tiannao Server" is 3 million kilowatts.

Now, the power of the "Tiannao Server" is 10,000 times overclocked than the designed maximum power limit!


Staring blankly at the technical department test report in his hand, the president of [Medlin Alexander] felt that he was not holding a piece of paper, but an active volcano that could erupt at any time!

At this moment, he really felt a lot of pressure!

Because, he vaguely guessed that the culprit responsible for the large-scale power outages in Western Union countries, that mysterious and skilled "power theft thief", was most likely the "Sky Brain Server" designed and manufactured by himself!

The problem is that the "Tiannao Server" has already been out of control, and it has automatically turned into a closed operation state.

Even the technical department of Bixue Games could not monitor the operation data of the "Tiannao Server", let alone find out the real reason why the "Tiannao Server" was suddenly overclocked and overloaded by 10,000 times.

Therefore, this information must be digested internally, kept strictly confidential, and must not be leaked out!

Otherwise, Bixue Games will face joint sanctions from the Western Union countries and the most severe punishment!

All employees of the technical department of the headquarters are forced to enter the 00724-hour closed work mode, cut off all external communications, and subsidize 10,000 pounds of Western Union every day as overtime pay...

A few hours after the gag order was issued,

[Medlin? Alexander] The president has received an updated report from the director of the technical department.

Fortunately, it is written in this report that the power of the "Tiannao Server" has returned to the normal range and has been reduced to about 2 million kilowatts...

Although it is almost double the average power of about one million kilowatts before the mutation.

However, if it does not exceed the design upper limit of 3 million kilowatts, it cannot be regarded as overclocking, and it belongs to stable operation within a reasonable power range.

At this moment, Mr. President breathed a sigh of relief!


Immediately afterwards, the official website of Bixue Game Company issued a notice, deciding to acquire several of the largest electric power companies in a certain country of Western Union.

The purpose is to protect the company's power supply, prevent the impact of sudden power outages on the game server, and safeguard the legitimate interests of the majority of players.

After more than half a year of development, Bixue Games has become one of the technology companies with the highest market value in Qihaixing, and has huge cash flow in its hands.

On the day of the announcement, Bixue Games completed the acquisition of another 100 billion-level power company.

Soon, more than 30 power plants under the power company began to operate at full capacity, and the power system at the headquarters of Bixue Game Company was restored as soon as possible.

Immediately afterwards, the excess electricity began to restore power to other areas, and the lives of hundreds of millions of people in the country began to return to normal.

Subsequently, the power supply systems of the Western Union countries have been restored one after another, and everything has returned to normal.

However, in just a few dozen hours, Western Union's major power companies have accumulated a total loss of more than one trillion kilowatt-hours of electricity.

Where did the one trillion kilowatt-hours of electricity disappear?

To this end, the Western Union countries set up a joint investigation department, which is responsible for detecting this case.


After the external power supply system was restored, Bixue Games immediately organized a professional game testing team to enter the game cabin and log in to the game as soon as possible.

Two hours later, the test data from all aspects will be aggregated to form a report and sent to the director of the technical department.

Looking at the report in his hand, the director of the technical department fell into contemplation...

This afternoon, the official website of Bixue Games released a notice.

"After the efforts of the engineers, the [Sky Brain Server] has returned to normal operation..."

"In order to give the majority of players a better gaming experience, we have carried out an in-depth maintenance and update of "Heroes of Invincible Race"..."

"The game will officially resume operations at 0:00 tomorrow morning. The main contents of this update are..."

"1. The realism of game image quality and physical sensory ability has been further enhanced, from 99.99% realism to 99.9999%..."

"2. The ratio of game time to the real world has been updated from 24 to 1 to 12 to 1, and the player's game experience has been greatly optimized..."

"3. For the healthy development of the main storyline of the game, maintaining the stability of the heroic world, and opening the true death mode—"

"When the hero-level character established by the player in the game dies, there will be a true death penalty of at least three game days."

"During the death penalty, the hero character is in a ghost state and can play around in the game world, but cannot affect reality, and will not take any damage and die again."

"Reminder: The higher the hero's level, the longer the true death penalty..."

"Warning! - If the hero character controlled by the player triggers some special plot events, there is a small probability of permanent death, and the level 0 hero character must be re-established."

"In order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of players, the gold coins of players outside the game and in the Bixue game pass account will not disappear due to the permanent death of the last hero character."

"Bixue Games has the final right to interpret the changes to the above game content!"

"A brand new gaming experience is about to begin, so stay tuned~"

As soon as this announcement came out, there was a lot of scolding on the in-game forum.

"I expect your sister-"

"Gou Yue's game designer, give me back my youth and my hard-earned money!"

"Bichi! Fakeyou!

! "

"Yiku, Eight Grid Road—"

"Axiba, Smecta is here~"


In the more than a day of this server shutdown, players who have already been addicted to virtual reality games are hungry and thirsty, living like a year.

As a result, everyone looked forward to the stars and the moon, but they never expected that what they were looking forward to was—

"The ratio of game to real time is halved", and "true death, permanent death", these two shocking and terrible news.

Where is this update, it's bad news!

For a time, people were panicked, and the crowd was angry...

Even Zhu Hao, who just moved into the brand new mansion of [Ocean International], felt that the joy in his heart disappeared at this moment and disappeared.

Even, just after washing his hair, he was soaking in the fully automatic jacuzzi playing the claw machine, and suddenly felt a little itchy scalp.

The next moment, he felt that the bath water was too cold, and shuddered—

"My Mu Kelong, shouldn't be so unlucky to encounter a small probability event?"

"Bixue Games, don't mess with me!"

Using both hands and feet, he crawled out of the bathtub, wiped his body clean, and walked quickly to his study.

In the study, there was a large pure black crystal lying quietly in the shape of a space capsule.

This is the ultimate customized version of the game cabin that he bought at the official website direct store for 880,000 Tang Tongbao.

Pay in the morning, arrive at noon, and six masters come to install at the same time, it can be said that the service is home.

As the top game cabin, it can ensure that players can get the best care for their body functions when they lie in it and play, and can maintain their health for 30 days a month without having to leave the cabin frequently.

In addition, this game cabin has a built-in super quantum battery, which can guarantee users 30 days of game time even in the event of a power outage.

At this moment, the worried Zhu Hao was not in the mood to appreciate his new device. He directly controlled the opening of the game hatch with his voice, and then swooped in.

"Open Sesame—"

"Sesame closes!"


Although the game official website and forum can also be browsed with the claw machine, the experience and operation efficiency of the two are completely different from the same planet than the holographic projection brain waves in the game cabin to connect to the Internet.

Soon, he logged into the game forum and began diving to see how other players reacted.

There are still six hours before the game restarts, but there are already hundreds of millions of players online at the same time in the forum.

In the face of complaints and complaints from players, Bixue Games rarely chose to remain silent this time.

The administrators of various sections of the forum not only did not make a tough declaration as usual, but also did not punish some players who "boldly" abused Bixue Games.

Obviously, Bixue Games also knew that the "content and gameplay update" this time was very unkind, and 10,000% of it would cause public anger among players around the world.

Even Zhu Hao noticed that in some sections, some people made bold remarks and broke the shocking inside story.

The post said that the game update this time was not a human operation, but the result of the artificial intelligence generated by the "Sky Brain Server" and the loss of control...

All in all, Bixue Game Company has been coerced by artificial intelligence and become a puppet controlled by the "Heavenly Brain Server".

In addition, if players continue to play the game, it is very likely that they will be controlled by the "Sky Brain Server".

The consequences will be very serious, and it is possible to lose the ability of brain thinking and become a vegetative person... Please choose carefully, rat tail juice!

Shockingly, in the face of such revelations, the official Bixue game company did not make the operation of banning and sealing, but let the rumors fly.

At first, there were indeed many players who doubted this, but seeing that the official did not take any action, many people were convinced that it was a rumor.

Some well-known influencers even took the initiative to refute the rumors, for example, in the past two days, Western Union countries have experienced large-scale power outages, which led to the power outage at the headquarters of Bixue Games.

Then, the technical department of Bixue Games took this opportunity to conduct comprehensive maintenance and adjustment of the game content on the "Tiannao Server". There is no possibility of being kidnapped by artificial intelligence.

In addition, Bixue Game Company did not hesitate to purchase a certain power group at a lightning speed, which is also for the interests of the majority of players and to ensure the stable operation of the game.

For a time, there were different opinions on the Internet, all kinds of nonsense, and words with big brain holes abounded.

Even the speculation that the entire human race will be destroyed due to this has been put forward by many people, which makes people laugh and cry.

In fact, including Zhu Hao, the vast majority of players still believe in Bixue Games, and are eagerly looking forward to the arrival of the game restart time.

After all, this game has become a brand new profession for many people and cannot be easily given up.

Because in this virtual world, you can make money or even a lot of money by lying in the game cabin!

This kind of comfortable working mode of lying down and making money, not to mention 996, even 007 is really fragrant~

A person who is used to lying down and playing games to make money suddenly asks him to go out to work hard, move bricks under the scorching sun, and stay up late every day to code words, that is absolutely unacceptable!


At 0:00:00 in the morning of the next day, more than 190 million players poured into the hero world at almost the same time, once again setting the record for the highest number of simultaneous online players in a single game in the world of Seven Sea Stars.

Ten seconds later, this record became 200 million, and as time went by, the record was surpassed and refreshed...

In the middle of the night, players around the world voted with their brains, killing all rumors in seconds!

The stock price of Bixue Game Company has risen in a straight line, and the lotus is born step by step, which directly triggers the circuit breaker mechanism of the Western Union stock market——

All shareholders of the company, at this moment, collectively won the hemp!

In the game world, after Mu Kelong opened his eyes and looked around, he also felt that he had won!

For him at this stage, as long as he doesn't die, he will win!

I don't know how long it has been since the moment of the shocking change, Mu Kelong only saw that the fog of war had dissipated.

However, the sky appeared to be covered with dark clouds. I couldn't see where the sun was, but I could feel the hot air waves coming from the surrounding.

He was still in the Great Rift Valley, exactly where he was before he fell unconscious.

Unfortunately, when he stood up, except for the Dark King's Cloak hanging on his shoulders, all other equipment and treasures were turned into gray-black powder.

From the golden crown of the wild boar on his head, to the black iron warhammer and blade shield in his hands, to the snow-sprinting boots he wears on his feet, including his beard and hair, all of them vanished into ashes, leaving only the residue.

Although it is a pity, as long as his own people are not dead, and the most core treasure, the cloak of the dark king, is not lost, Mu Kelong can accept it.

His main combat power actually comes from his sturdy attributes and outrageously powerful skills, and his equipment is just the icing on the cake.

The next second, a dark door appeared in front of Mukron, and he dived in one by one.

After a while, he walked out of the Dark Gate wearing a gray, inconspicuous armor.

In the "back garden" secret realm behind the Dark Portal, there should not be too many equipment and treasures for Mukron to wear.

That is the "legacy" left by a full 10,000 elite players in the Heluo Heroes Club.

Not to mention a set of level 30 high-quality equipment, it is easy to collect a hundred sets.

However, these things are not very easy to see, after all, they are the "legacy" of the friendly army.

It doesn't matter if you use it temporarily, but it's better to replace it as soon as possible, so as not to be embarrassed by "acquaintances".

It's better to be low-key, and the luminous effect of equipment such as gold glitter is not necessary, and the gray-black protective color is the best choice.

Soon, Mu Kelong, who was holding two black battle axes, noticed that not far behind him, there was a pile of small hills made of gray-black powder——

To put it bluntly, that thing looks like a small grave!

If I remember correctly, when the accident happened, Nina was riding a golden pegasus and was hanging in the air not far behind her?

The black and gray hill in front of me is not really the place where Miss Nina fell, right?


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