Invincible Heroes of Storm Lords

Chapter 182 Raid the Great Rift Valley!

Such a gorgeous formation of troops directly blinded Mu Kelong's eyes.

"So many high-level air forces are simply invincible!"

After his arrival, General Rommel nodded slightly to Mukron and gave a military salute.

"Your Excellency Hegel, thank you for your help. The Golden Dragon Empire will always remember your achievements."

"Now, please guide us to the location of the barbarian base. We will fight quickly and destroy the target as soon as possible."

Mu Kelong returned a military salute and nodded, without saying a word of nonsense.

"Okay, please come with me-"

In an instant, a pair of golden bone wings spread out on the back of his shoulders. After fluttering twice, they quickly rose from the ground and flew southwest.

Behind him, Rommel's eyes flashed with surprise.

But he was soon relieved--

If he didn't have any special skills, it would be impossible for Mu Kelong to pass through the secret realm of the ghost valley first, and then find the secret base of the barbarian empire, and make so many great contributions.

So the corners of his mouth rose slightly, adding another point to his appreciation for Mu Kelong.

Soon, Rommel's Sky Knights followed Mukron to the sky over the Great Rift Valley.

At this time, the Air Force Sentinels on the outskirts of the secret Barbarian base found them!

Soon, at least a thousand Golden-winged Thunderbird Sky Knights rose up from the Great Rift Valley base and roared!

The golden-winged ptarmigan is a unique large-scale alien species that lives in the Gobi desert of the Southern Wilderness World.

Their feathers are golden, and they can control lightning, so they are called golden-winged thunderbirds. They reach at least the fifth-order strength when they are adults. They feed on tigers, leopards and wolves, and are very fierce.

And on the backs of the golden-winged thunderbirds in front of them, there are also fifth-order half-orc hunters holding battle axes and carrying giant bows.

The combination of two fifth-order powerhouses created the unique golden-winged thunderbird sky knight in the barbarian empire army, and the comprehensive strength reached sixth-order!

But this time, they encountered a well-prepared enemy.

In an instant,

The wind was blowing, and the king of the sky, the golden-winged thunderbird, was blown up and down by the sudden hurricane, unable to stabilize his body with all his strength.

Even the orc hunters on their backs lost their focus at this moment.

It turned out that at the moment when the two armies met, 2,000 Druyin who had transformed into Storm Ravens joined forces to display the Hurricane Barrier in order to suppress their opponents.

Immediately afterwards, the three thousand-headed Hippogryphs with sharp teeth and sharp beaks, with feathers as hard as iron, rushed up and surrounded the golden-winged thunderbird sky knights frantically biting.

In the hurricane enchantment, these hippogryphs were not only not punished by the storm, but were faster and more flexible!

Hippogryph is a naturally born alien beast. It is said that the original Hippogryph was a hybrid of a certain dark-type dragon beast and a giant owl named Iron Feather Owl. It has a fifth-order after adulthood. strength.

Hippogryphs do not have any magic, their weapons are their iron feathers and steel teeth, and the brute force of a comparable dragon.

They are rebellious and fearless, and in the sky, hippogryphs even dare to fight dragons hand-to-hand.

The two are the same fifth-order Menggu, under normal circumstances, the individual strength of the golden-winged ptarmigan is stronger than that of the hippogryph.

Because the Garuda is faster and can release lightning for long-range magic attacks, the fighting method is more flexible than the Hippogryph.

But the current situation of the golden-winged thunderbirds is not very good. They are suppressed by the hurricane barrier released collectively by 2,000 Storm Raven Druyin, and they are besieged by more than double the number of hippogryphs...

At this moment, they can be said to be so bitter that they can't spit out, and the battle situation is extremely miserable.

But the golden-winged ptarmigan is a fifth-order beast after all, and its vitality is extremely tenacious. It is impossible to kill them quickly by the bite of the hippogryph.

In order to speed up the fight, General Rommel waved his hand.

Four thousand silver pegasus sky knights drew bows and arrows in the distance, instantly emitting thousands of silver streamers.

They concentrated their firepower and quickly killed those enemies entangled by Hippogryphs in the Hurricane Barrier!

The fourth-order silver Pegasus assists are not counted, even the five hundred seventh-order Chimera double-headed Peng and three hundred eighth-order emerald dragons also accelerated into the hurricane enchantment.

They bully the weak with the strong, and the fifth-order golden-winged thunderbirds have little room for resistance in this desperate battle situation.

Mu Kelong flapped the pair of bones on both sides of his shoulders, and floated in midair alongside the sky knight Nina riding on the golden flying horse, silently watching the shocking scene in front of him.

At this moment, except for the 2,000 Storm Raven Druyin who maintained the hurricane magic enchantment, and the three generals Mukelon, Nina, and Rommel, who did not personally kill the enemy.

The tens of thousands of airmen brought by General Rommel rushed towards them almost in a swarm.

In just a few breaths, hundreds of golden-winged thunderbirds, together with the fifth-order half-orc hunters on their backs, fell down, and were torn into pieces by the ferocious Hippogryphs. Flesh was even mercilessly swallowed by the Hippogryph...

The sixth-order Golden-winged Thunderbird Sky Knights are actually very powerful and precious special units. Even in the military establishment of the Barbarian Empire, there are not too many Golden-winged Thunderbird Sky Knights.

In the current Great Rift Valley base, there are only 1,200 Golden-winged Thunderbird Sky Knights who can fly.

Therefore, although there are still a large number of ground troops in the barbarian base below, they cannot help the golden-winged Thunderbird Sky Knights in the sky.

Even the seventh-order Cyclops could only watch helplessly as the golden-winged thunderbird sky knights in the sky fell one by one and fell into boxes, but there was nothing they could do.

Seemingly aware that the loss of air supremacy was doomed, the commander in the barbarian base issued a frenzied military order in anger.

In an instant, hundreds of giant machines in the Great Rift Valley base started at the same time, firing salvos of artillery fire at the sky shrouded in the fog of war—


Whoosh whoosh!

Bang bang bang!

At this moment, countless crossbow arrows, boulders, and iron bullets rose into the air, bringing with them countless roaring flames, illuminating the sky above the Great Rift Valley!

Although General Rommel had expected this, he still did not expect that the artillery fire in the barbarian base would come so quickly and so hot!

Amidst the thunder and lightning, most of the Golden Dragon Empire's air force was covered by artillery fire from the ground, and it was too late to escape.

Even the seventh-order Chimera Double-headed Peng and the eighth-order Emerald Yalong were still disgraced by the artillery fire launched by the giant war machine.

Hundreds of hapless hippogryphs and silver pegasus sky knights exploded directly on the spot, turning into blood flowers all over the sky.

Even Druyin, who transformed into the Storm Raven, was bombarded and killed more than 50 people on the spot.

It was not until this moment that Mu Kelong realized the power of this world war machine.

No wonder the defense line of the Golden Dragon Empire, which is known as "Never Ending", can't stop the barbarian army's artillery fire. Who can stand it!

Just now, at least a dozen ballistas blasted towards the location of Mukron and Nina along with the flames.

But before he could react, General Rommel, who was not far ahead, swung his long sword in his hand, and the arrows, shells and flames within a hundred meters around him instantly vanished into ashes and turned into dust.

From an angle that Mucolon couldn't see, the corner of General Rommel's mouth rose again, as if he had found a satisfactory answer.

It turned out that this time the special action plan went too smoothly.

Not long after the joint bounty between the two countries was released, the secret core base of the Barbarian Empire was found by Mukron.

Immediately afterwards, the golden Pegasus necklace, the key treasure that can transport the soldiers thousands of miles away, happened to be on Mu Kelong——

One chance is fine, but two, or even multiple, small-probability events happen to the same person in a short period of time, which has to lead to suspicion.

It's not that General Rommel suspects that Mukelon is a spy, but that he has always been meticulous and has a habit of thinking deeply about everything.

Just now, at least a thousand Golden-winged Thunderbird Sky Knights of the Barbarian Empire were successfully annihilated.

Then, the base under the Great Rift Valley was exposed to an extremely fierce artillery attack, which completely lifted General Rommel's doubts.

Whether it is the high-level air force with more than 1,000 sixth-order ranks in the sky, or the hundreds of giant machines in the ground, it has been confirmed that they are all real and absolutely cannot be faked!

This was the reason why he was relieved to see some of his soldiers die, but a smile appeared on his face.

Judging from the range and power of the previous wave of artillery fire, the war machines in this Great Rift Valley base are quite terrifying in both quantity and quality.

If these war machines were transported to the barbarian army outside Ammanscus, the consequences would be unimaginable!

At this moment, a strong murderous intent burst out in General Rommel's eyes!

Tonight, at all costs, we will destroy this large-scale engineering equipment manufacturing base!

Next, General Rommel, standing out of thin air, suddenly turned around and said something to Nina and Mukron behind him.

"Nina, your task tonight is to protect the golden Pegasus necklace and ensure the retreat of our army - so, you should not participate in the following battles!"

"Lord Hegel, please take care of Nina for me and protect her safety!"

Mukron fluttered his wings twice to bring himself closer to Nina, and then answered solemnly.

"General Rommel, please rest assured, I will protect Miss Nina!"


General Rommel nodded, pointed down the sword in his hand, and ordered in awe.

"Sky Knight Legion, charge with me!"

Mukron thought that the barbarian base that had lost air dominance would be taken down soon.

But the result surprised him, because the resistance of the barbarian ground army was extremely resolute, and the air force of the Golden Dragon Empire fell into a hard fight.

In addition to the powerful combat effectiveness of the ground troops and the terrifying lethality of the giant war machines, the commanders in the barbarian base are not ordinary!

This is a giant ogre hero with three heads and six arms, a senior general of the Barbarian Empire military!

What surprised General Rommel was that the strength of the ogre general in front of him was no less than his own, and his fighting skills were superb...

Even, his power is still higher than his own, he is an epic high-level unparalleled general!

To be fair, such a terrifying giant ogre general should be well-known in the barbarian army!

But the strange thing is that before tonight, General Rommel had never heard of the name of this giant ogre powerhouse in front of him.

Even the military intelligence department of the Golden Dragon Empire didn't even know that there was such a person on the opposite side!

After returning, be sure to let the officials of the intelligence department thoroughly investigate the identity of the other party!

The battle lasted for nearly three hours before it gradually came to an end.

After paying a heavy price of casualties, the special operations column of the Sky Knight Legion of the Golden Dragon Empire finally wiped out the defenders of the Great Rift Valley Base.

Except for the giant ogre general who had been borrowing nameless before tonight!

By this time, General Rommel had done his best, but he only fought with the opponent to lose both.

Fortunately, the other defenders in the base have basically been wiped out by General Rommel's subordinates.

The victory of this raid was destined to belong to the Golden Dragon Empire.

Of course, if you want to truly kill an epic high-ranking powerful being, even if General Rommel has an advantage in numbers, he cannot guarantee success.

And facing an enemy of this level, no matter how many soldiers below the seventh-order rare level, they would not be able to get involved.

However, with the exception of ranged units.

However, when the low-level ranged units' attack level is much higher than their target, the hit rate and base damage will be greatly reduced.

General Rommel is a 12th-order epic powerhouse, and the ogre general opposite him is as strong as him, at least in the 12th-order.

The long-range soldiers under General Rommel, although there are still several thousand people left.

But whether it was the silver light arrow shot by the fourth-order silver pegasus, or the wind-based magic sent by the sixth-order storm crow Drewyin, the effect of hitting the ogre general with three heads and six arms.

More than 90% of the attacks are MISS, and the hit rate is less than 10%. Even if they hit, the damage value is mostly single digits.

As for the fifth-order hippogryph beasts, with sharp teeth and sharp mouths, they simply cannot enter the battle circle of the two epic-level high-level powerhouses.

In addition, for the existence of ranks like General Rommel and General Ogre, the total amount of health and the recovery speed of their own health are terrifying. For them, a small amount of low-level long-range damage has the same effect as scratching it. .

However, General Rommel's subordinates are not only these soldiers.

[Chimera Double-Headed Peng], a super slaughtering bird that reaches at least the seventh-order strength of the rare level after adulthood.

They are huge, with blue-purple feathers all over their bodies, and they are born with two heads.

The acid sprayed from the Chimera Double-headed Peng's left head can corrode the enemy's skin and reduce the enemy's defense.

The venom sprayed from the mouth of the head on the right can not only poison the enemy, but also reduce the attack speed and movement speed of the enemy.

[Emerald Yalong], a subspecies dragon genus derived from the legendary forest jade dragon (green giant dragon).

Although the Emerald Yalong does not belong to the true dragon genus, it is also a high-level flying dragon.

They are huge in size. When they are adults, they are more than 20 meters long, and their wingspan can even reach more than 30 meters. They have at least the strength of the eighth-order.

Emerald Wurm can exhale a green liquid dragon breath, causing fatal damage to the enemy.

In addition, this dragon's breath is not only highly poisonous, but also enhances other types of toxins and most negative magical states on the enemy target.

For example, the emerald dragon's green dragon breath can be combined with the acid and venom of the Chimera double-headed Peng to enhance its toxicity and negative effects.

Because it is a high-level rare and powerful flying unit, the casualty ratio of Chimera Double-headed Roc and Emerald Yalong is relatively much smaller.

At the end of the war, there were still more than three hundred Chimera double-headed Pengs of the seventh rank and more than two hundred emerald dragons of the eighth rank on the battlefield!

This adds up to a total of more than 500, and nearly 600 rare flying units have become the last bargaining chip to help General Rommel and crush the ogre general.

The rare level is only one level away from the epic level, so the ogre general who is stronger than the twelfth level cannot effectively resist the damage caused by the Chimera Double-headed Peng and the Emerald Yalong.


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