Invincible Heroes of Storm Lords

Chapter 145 You may not be human, but am I a real dog?

Heroes of the Storm Lord Chapter 145 You may not be human, but am I a real dog?

At this moment, the only active skill that Mu Kelong can use is [Rage Rage], but the power of this skill is linked to his health.

And after 60 seconds of recovery, he only had 2008 health points left.

Rush up hard, punch to the flesh?

Obviously looking for death!

You can only take a step, watch a step, and cross the river by feeling the stones.

If the enemy doesn't move, then I don't move...

However, it turns out that Mukron was just a daydream.

In an instant, a group of shadows shrouded Mu Kelong's frontal vision, and the hill-like war puppet raised his right leg, his toes turned into steel blades, and he swept over a thousand troops.

The toe here turned into a steel blade is not a description, but the opponent's toe really turned into a steel blade!

In the blink of an eye, Mu Kelong didn't say a word, and subconsciously shrank his head, bent over, and rolled forward to a lazy donkey, like a ball of meat burrowed under the steel blade.

The war puppet clearly used old moves, but abruptly stopped the previous wave of offensive in an instant, and the blade of his right foot was pinned down vertically to the ground.

At the same time, he raised his left foot, his calf was instantly stretched by two meters, and the tip of his toe turned into the tip of a spear.

Mu Kelong was frightened by the change between the opponent's rabbit and the eagle and fell into a cold sweat. He instinctively put his weapons on the ground with both hands, and avoided a sliding shovel from the side.

Next, this war puppet showed Mu Kelong what it means to be proficient in eighteen weapons.

Any part of the war puppet can be instantly transformed into a suitable steel weapon whenever needed.

What knives, spears, swords and halberds, what axe and fork...

Even the opponent's neck can be instantly stretched into a silk chain, and the head can be shot out like a meteor to smash people!

Moreover, the response speed of the other party is very amazing, and they can often make unexpected moves and moves in the unbelievable.

In just five or six seconds, Mu Kelong was hit several times by the war puppet.

Mu Kelong can live or die, thanks to the sparring of the first six opponents.

Especially the defensive skills of the tower shield guardian made Mu Kelong use the weapon in his hand as a shield at critical moments, blocking the fatal blow.

However, the power of this war puppet is very strong, and the offensive is fierce. Even if Mu Kelong blocks the opponent's attack, he will still be injured and bleed.

However, Mu Kelong, who had been tested in the arena, was keenly aware that something was wrong between life and death.

The moves and movements of this war puppet seem to be too standard, just like a program pre-set by a computer!

It should be known that normal people are in different times, different places, and different environments. Even if they perform the same move, there will be subtle differences in the degree of force and the angle of action.

But there is no such situation with the war puppet, its movements are too standard!

As long as Mu Kelong makes the same action in a similar scene, the opponent's reaction will be the same!

It's like a machine without independent thinking that operates exactly according to a predetermined program.

Seeing that the opponent is ready to punch, it must be the first to hit the ball.

Seeing that the opponent is ready to throw scissors, it must be the first to punch!

On the surface, this is perfectly fine, and even great.

Because its every move, every style, every action is just to restrain the opponent.

However, Mu Kelong saw vitality in it!

Now Mu Kelong has less than 300 health points left, even if he successfully blocks the opponent's attack, he will surely die.

In this case, it is delusional to say that we can win.

But the key to surviving is that Mukron doesn't get hit every time!

As long as you find the right opportunity and copy those scenes where you have completely avoided the opponent's attack, you can survive!

For every second of delay, Mukron's health will recover a little, and his fault tolerance rate will increase by a millimeter...

even so,

Mu Kelong still felt that he was dancing on the tip of the knife, and there was a sea of ​​death under the tip of the knife. If there was the slightest mistake, he would die instantly and the game would be over.

Next, he raised his spirits and tried his best to create a series of "programs" that could continuously evade the opponent's attack, and he also ensured that his actions were the same as the opponent's, meticulous and unchanging...

As time passed, Mukron's health recovered little by little.

During this process, he was occasionally hit by the war puppet due to mistakes and caused damage, but with more and more health and a higher and higher fault tolerance rate, he always survived tenaciously...

Live like a dog!

Although his efforts are very embarrassed, he is not even as good as a Reservoir Dog, but he is like a "strong pig", and his overall blood line actually shows a volatile upward trend...

300, 400, 500...

As the life-saving "program" becomes more and more perfect, and the frequency of action mistakes becomes less and less, his blood line is like a high-performance stock in a bull market, rising steadily!

1000, 2000, 3000...

Even, he has already survived the most dangerous first three minutes, and can transform into a giant.

However, he did not act rashly.

Once the giant transformation is transformed, his blood line will certainly rise a lot in an instant, and the recovery speed of his health value will also skyrocket...

However, as his size increases and his strength increases, his role in the opponent's eyes will also change, so the previously applied routines are likely to be ineffective!

For example, now he is a passer-by in the eyes of the opponent, and the threat coefficient is low, so he does not need to overclock.

If he becomes a giant, he is likely to become Giant B in the eyes of his opponents, with a high threat factor and needs to be overclocked and overloaded to defeat - in this way, he is likely to risk a sudden rollover!

Even Mu Kelong believes that even after he becomes a giant, he will probably just be a war puppet head-on.

As it is now, living like a dog is actually quite good.

Slowly lift the blood line up, and it is not too late to try to counterattack after full blood!

Finally, after I don't know how long, I kept trying to roll around on the ground, with a sliding shovel on the left and a drift on the right, the embarrassed Mu Kelong finally returned to full health.

He used to be like a dog, but now he seems to be able to stand up and be a man!

At this moment, he also thought so, and did so...

Ten seconds later, with only half blood left, he started to dog again~

After he was full of blood again, he couldn't bear it anymore, he just stood up and became huge!

Then, after being handsome for only a minute, he withered down and shrank back into a dog...

However, in the death test again and again, the light in his eyes became brighter and brighter——

The routine of this war puppet has been almost touched by him!

How to fight in normal state, how to fight after Juhua's transformation, he already has a belly draft in his heart!

Time passed bit by bit, the spirit was always highly concentrated, and Mu Kelong, whose brain was running at full speed, did not have any extra thoughts to feel the passage of time.

But the players of the Mukron Legion who were in the outside world began to have doubts.

"Why did Hei Da still not come out of the trial for so long?"

"It's been three days since we lost contact!"

"Aldous seems to be out long ago!"

Aldous replied embarrassedly: "Don't say anything, I didn't pass the first level, and I even died twice."

"The highest one only got 886 points, and I didn't even reach the minimum evaluation threshold of 1,000 points. The 1,000 points of meritoriousness was lost!"

"There is only one word to describe my situation - miserable!"

"If I could describe it in two words, it would be - embarrassing!"

"Although Hei Da is short, it is thick against high blood and more resistant to grass than me. It is normal for him to last longer..."

Immediately, some players deliberately coaxed: "I thought you were serious at first, but I didn't expect you, the second generation of mine with big eyebrows and big eyes, to drive in public!"


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