Invincible Heroes of Storm Lords

Chapter 12 The Elite Monster Package you ordered is now available!

In the game setting, in addition to the general classification of five colors and five orders, there are several special role templates.

For example, regular arms templates, elite-level boss templates, and hero-level templates, etc.

The reason why players crush the same-level arms is because the players are all hero-level templates.

The elite-level boss template is more special, and the strength range fluctuates greatly. The lower limit is much higher than the conventional arms template, and the upper limit is even more terrifying than the hero-level template.

Therefore, any elite monster should not be underestimated!

What's more, this is the elite monster leader of golden three-star quality?

Behind it, seven or eight giant hounds with terrifying breath, red and black fur, and demon-like swarms swarmed up, grinning and pounced on the five people.

Seeing this, Douglas couldn't help but curse in a low voice.

"Fuck, it's really a Tier 3 elite monster, or a golden three-star leader-level BOSS, Mu Kelong, you mouth, have you been consecrated by the devil?"

Ranger Love added humorously.

"As you wish, the Tier 3 Elite Monster BOSS package you ordered has arrived!"

In this regard, Mu Kelong shrugged helplessly and muttered innocently.

"I just mentioned it casually, I didn't expect it to come, I'm really sorry everyone!"


[Mutant Three Cerberus Demons] (Mutation Level 3 Level 39 Elite Monster Leader, Gold Three Star White Ordinary Demon)

Health: 2500

Attack Power: 18

Defense: 12

Damage: (58~178)

Movement speed: 1100 (550) snow weakened by 50%

Skill 1: [Flame Breath] Spit out lava flames from the mouth, attack 3 enemies in front and 3 targets behind at the same time, without counterattack.

Skill 2: Critical strike, 25% chance to cause double damage.


[Three Demon Dogs of Hell] (3-level 38-level beast, 2-star white common-level demon)

Health: 600

Attack Power: 13

Defense: 7

Damage: (38~98)

Movement speed: 800 (400) snow weakened by 50%

Skill 1: [Flame Breath] Spit out lava flames from the mouth, attack 3 enemies in front and 3 targets behind at the same time, without counterattack.


At this moment, all five in the audience took a deep breath—

Forget the elite monster leader of the golden three-star quality, what the hell is a mutation?

The attack of these enemies is too high and the damage is too fierce, not to mention the mutant elite monsters that often double damage, even the small monsters are too terrifying.

I really don't know how to win this battle!

Even Zhu Hao understands that when encountering such an enemy at this stage, there is only one dead end to resist hard!

Even if you can win by hard resistance, it is a tragic victory with most of the casualties. What's the point?

We can only find a way to strategically move forward, deal with the enemy, and fight guerrilla warfare.

The next moment, he bravely stood up and made his own suggestion.

"Don't panic, if we encounter this wave of monsters elsewhere, we may die, but in the snow, I think it is possible to win!"

"The speed of the monster is halved by the snow, and it can't catch up with us, and we have two remotes in our team, this is the key!"

"My blood is fast and I can resist the attack of the old monster. I will attract the firepower of the old monster and seduce as many mobs as possible to chase me."

"You guys fight guerrillas according to my situation of attracting monsters, concentrate your firepower to kill the little monsters as much as possible, and after the little monsters are cleared, finally kill the old monsters!"

Everyone is an old hero of invincible players, they understand the reason, but they are a little panicked for a while.

After Mukron's reminder,

Everyone reacted, and it seems that they can really fight!

The crux of the matter is that the boss' movement speed is still 550 even if it is cut in half.

And the fastest speed among the crowd in the snow is in the early 500s. If you don't divert the old monsters, you really can't run away.

Of course, there is a strange thing in the team, that is the glacier dwarf Mukron.

As a dwarf, born with short legs, his movement speed in snow is only 400 after increasing by 100.

But with the bonus of Snow Speed ​​Boots, his movement speed has become 900?

This is outrageous and very unscientific!

And if you want to distract the boss, or attract the hatred of the boss, you have to deal considerable damage to the boss.

This job, the two long-range teammates Ranger Love and Mage Duke can't do it.

Once they deal damage to the boss and attract the boss's attention, they will definitely die!

The next moment, the glacier dwarf Mukron raised his warhammer and heavy axe and quickly moved outside the camp.

Soon, he found a suitable angle, and suddenly launched the equipment stunt——

【Snow Speed ​​Skating】!

Glide rapidly on ice and snow terrain for up to 150 meters in a straight line, and cause collision damage equal to up to 3 times your own strength value to moving obstacles on the gliding route as pure damage.

(Pure damage ignores target object resistance and magic resistance, and is not attenuated)

Each use consumes 50 magic points and 150 stamina points, and can be used once every 60 seconds.


Under the dull gazes of the other four teammates, a silver spindle-shaped light plate suddenly appeared under the feet of the glacier dwarf Mu Kelong!

Immediately afterwards, he rammed the boss like a Need for Speed ​​when he was supercharged with nitrogen.

Between him and the old monster, there were three hell demon dogs, but they couldn't stop Mukron's actions.





A series of four explosions sounded almost simultaneously, corresponding to—

On the heads of the old monster and the three hell demon dogs, blood-colored damage numbers appeared, neatly arranged in a straight line.





At this moment, Luo Fei Si and others had mixed feelings in their hearts, looking at each other, not knowing what to say, unable to complain.

Everyone has experienced the game many times before starting the server, so they naturally understand what type of equipment Mukron uses.

Isn't he a typical [Savage Clash]?

[Savage Clash] is a necessary tactical skill for strength and endurance melee occupations. Although it is very valuable, it must be equipped for advanced players.

The question is, how long has it been since he started the server, the fourth game day—it’s only four hours in real time, and your kid has used “Savage Crash”?

Or the snow version of "Special Brutal Crash"!

The damage is still so high, it's sour!

You are only a level 4 reserve militia now, how about a level 0 quasi-combat professional?

Showing off your skills in public, are you polite?

You are so banging, aren't you afraid that the game administrator will know! ! !

At this time, the old monster and the three hell demon dogs who were hit by the collision were crazy, and they had no brains to chase the hateful dwarf who fled dozens of meters away.

The four people in the camp came back to their senses and realized that there were only five hell demons left in their opponents, and suddenly felt that the pressure was less than half.

Despite this, the 38-level Hell Demon Dog's attack power of 13 and terrifying damage of 38 to 98 are still terrifying.

Among the four, Douglas has the most blood and the highest defense, but it is only 870 blood, 5 defense and 18 physical resistance.

If he was casually sprayed with lava flames by the hell demon dog, it would not be sour. It is possible that more than 100 points of health would be gone, and if the hell demon dog attacked, it would be a waste if it was sprayed.

In fact, after a series of clearing monsters during the day, the two melee professions, Rophis and Douglas, still had about half of their blood left.

Even after nightfall, they rested for a while by the campfire, but they didn't have time to recover much health.

Fortunately, during the day, the mage Duke didn't use much magic. Now the mana is full, and all the arrows of the Ranger Love have been recovered. This fierce battle still has to be fought.


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