Invincible Heroes of Storm Lords

Chapter 111 Blood Pond Altar

The lair camp of the harpie [Mario] clan is about 80 kilometers away from the camp of the caveman [Caroli] clan.

In order to prevent the enemy from being alert, the caveman engineering team began to dig tunnels 30 kilometers away from the enemy's nest.

In order to speed up, Roger, the leader of the cavemen in the dark prison, led three thousand warriors of the cavemen tribe in the dark prison as soldiers, and also joined the excavation work.

Players such as Mu Kelong know that cavemen are good at digging burrows, but no one thought that this race was so good at digging burrows!

Unknowingly, more than 6,000 cavemen used a pair of meat claws to forcibly dug out a 30-kilometer-long, over 3-meter-diameter tunnel in the hard underground rock and soil layer, which can accommodate five A super tunnel where people pass side by side!

And it took less than one game day to complete this project, specifically 23.3 hours!


For this reason, Mu Kelong once had the absurd idea, that is, to hire cavemen to help him dig a tunnel to the ground?

However, Roger the caveman in the dark prison quickly dismissed his idea.

"Mr. Hegel, this is actually impossible!"

"Between the underground world and the above world, there is a boundary shell. The boundary shell, also known as the dark steel rock layer, is a special rock layer with a thickness of hundreds of kilometers, or even thousands of kilometers."

"This kind of dark steel rock is harder than steel, and it is not affected by magic. Conventional means can hardly cause damage to dark steel rock..."

Mu Kelong nodded and continued to ask: "So, how did the existing channel for communication between the two worlds come into being?"

Roger the caveman in the dark prison shook his head: "I don't know much about this..."

"Since ancient times, the passage from the underground world to the ground has been in the hands of the black dragon lord. The black dragon lord attaches great importance to the passage between the two realms, and even the location is strictly kept secret. ."

"However, according to the old folks in the clan, these two-world passages were left by the Creator God when he created the world. There are only one hundred and eight in total, including thirty-six major passages and seventy-two small passages."

Mu Kelong immediately understood that the one hundred and eight passages between the two realms were the key communication portals between the underground world and the above-ground world.

Whoever masters these entrances and exits is equivalent to mastering the communication channels between the two worlds. Whether it is a military channel or a commercial channel, its value and importance are beyond imagination.

No wonder even the mighty black dragon lords regard these two-world passages as their own flesh, because the interests involved are too great.

Pushing this and the other, the same is true for the world on earth. All forces on the Titan Continent will definitely keep the passage between the two worlds secret.

Therefore, whether in the underground world or the above world, people who do not have a certain identity and status do not even know the location of the passage between the two realms.

At this moment, Mu Kelong's brows furrowed even more tightly.

"The relationship between the two worlds is so important, the Black Dragon Lord will definitely guard it heavily. Even if he knows the specific location, I'm afraid he won't be able to rush through it. It's a big trouble..."

But he quickly thought of one thing, and that was the way players from the dungeon camp could leave the underground world!

"At this stage, a lot of players from the dungeon camp have appeared on the ground. Their identities are comparable to their own in this camp, and most of them are not qualified to enter the two-world channel."

"Actually, I also established heroes of the dungeon camp during the game experience stage. At that time, I came to the underground world through the main city teleportation formation!"

"So, leaving the underground world through the teleportation array is the most likely way."

"However, the examination of the Two Realms Teleportation Array in the main city of the underground world is equally strict. I still cannot use the Two Realms Teleportation Formation without official permission, no registration, and no special pass!"

"It's a real dilemma, it's a real headache!"

Thinking of this, Mu Kelong shook his head,

Decided to not think too much about it, and can only take one step at a time.


It didn't take long for the huge caveman engineering team to complete the pre-war preparations.

According to the pre-arranged tactics, Mu Kelong lined up to ambush all the escape routes in the harpie [Mario] clan's lair camp.

In the harpie's camp, a beautiful girl with a graceful figure stood in the sky.

She is wearing gorgeous and slightly revealing colorful clothes, wearing gold phoenix bird ornaments, beautiful face, picturesque eyebrows, fair skin as jade, a small waist that can only be grasped, and her legs are slender and slender. A graceful and peerless beauty.

But the blood-colored imprint in the eyebrows, the two pairs of dark red wings with a wingspan of six meters behind them, and the cold and suffocating aura emanating from the whole body, all showed that this girl was an evil and terrifying being.

Below her, there is a circular pool with a diameter of more than ten meters. The water in the pool is as red as blood, and countless bubbles of different sizes rise up from the bottomless bottom of the pool...

After a while, a blood-soaked girl with red fruit soared into the sky from the pool, then stretched her arms, and a pair of blood-colored wings with a wingspan of more than three meters were quickly transformed from her back.

The two-winged girl flew in front of the four-winged girl and gave a respectful salute.

"Aunt Rila, Sophia has also successfully advanced, hee hee..."

The four-winged girl who Sofina calls Aunt Rila is the head of the [Mario] clan, [Rila Mario].

She was originally the leader of the harpy with the peak strength of Tier 3, and she was the first person to enter the Blood Pond Altar to evolve.

After absorbing the most essential magical energy of the Blood Pond Altar, she not only successfully advanced to the fourth rank, but also completed the transformation of her life, becoming a heroic [Blood Wing Banshee].

[Blood Winged Banshee] is a special kind of blood rage magician - [Blood Witch], but not all [Blood Winged Banshees] are [Blood Winged Banshee].

Baimeng Book

Only the strong of the harpie family, after evolving through the evil and strange blood pool altar, can obtain the exclusive professional title of [Blood Winged Banshee], possessing all kinds of incredible magical powers.

If a strong man of other races transforms and evolves through the Blood Pond Altar, he will also obtain a similar blood rage professional title.

Rila Mario touched her niece Sofina's head with a smile on her face.

"Very good, Sophia has become stronger too!"

"But you can't meet people like this. Your mother has prepared new clothes for you. Go home and get dressed."

Sophia blinked, dancing around her aunt with a pair of brand-new blood wings, and then happily flew towards her home.

While Rila was talking to her niece Sophia, another young harpy took off her clothes, stepped into the pool with a look of longing on her face, closed her eyes and slowly walked down the steps, letting the crimson The water in the pool did not cover his body...

At this moment, a darkness that was neither smoke nor fog nor light enveloped everyone!

Rila Mario's face changed dramatically, and an invisible evil spirit radiated from her body quickly.

In an instant, an unusually sharp long howl sounded over the blood pool—

"Enemy attack!"


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