Invincible Heroes of Storm Lords

Chapter 95: The Underground Castle (3) The Mysterious Curse

The Triskro area in Old Cave's mouth was the name in ancient times, and now it is divided into three counties, namely [East Triskro County], [West Triskro County] and [North Triskro County].

These three counties are roughly located in the central and western regions of the current cemetery camp's sphere of influence, and they are considered the surrounding areas of the core dominion of the Necromancer Empire, which has ruled this area for tens of thousands of years.

As the saying goes, there is no room for others to sleep soundly on the side of the couch - it can be seen that the dynasty established by [Dark Emperor] Li Orleans I should be in a very ancient period.

What Mu Kelong didn't know was that when he left the nomadic camp to find the abandoned black crystal mine, the smiling old Cave suddenly changed his appearance.

He flipped the purse with fifty gold coins in his hand, looked in the direction where Mu Kelong left, and the corners of his mouth were slightly upturned, showing a sneer...

The Mukron Corps is very fast, and it takes less than ten minutes to reach a distance of several kilometers. According to the description of Old Cave, Mukron successfully found an abandoned mine on the south side of a low mountain.

A few careful scouts with strong reconnaissance ability found a lot of messy footprints on the ruins of this open-pit mine. Although most of them were covered by heavy snow, they could still see some clues.

"Boss, the old man didn't lie, these footprints are probably left by zombies."

Mukron nodded and let Love, who has been converted to a dark ranger, lead his reconnaissance team to open the way in front, and he led the large force to walk behind.

Love and the other scouts followed these looming zombie footprints, and soon found a wide mine entrance. Judging from the traces left on the ground, most of the footprints outside came from this mine. from.

After entering the mine, the scout team led by Love quickly encountered several zombies.

As a scout in the Mukron Corps, the strength of the reconnaissance team is quite sturdy, and a few zombies are not even a side dish in front of Love and them.

Draw, aim, shoot—

Dark Ranger Love's set of three continuous clouds and flowing water, the three-edged steel arrow specially made by the Angel Empire military penetrated the heart of the zombie like lightning, causing more than 700 points of damage, killing a zombie directly.

Immediately afterwards, the effect of the projection occurred——

After the triangular steel arrow penetrated the first zombie, it punched out a wrist-sized hole in its heart, castrated backward and shot the head of another zombie.


These poor zombies only have 325 health points. Even though the lethality of the arrows after transmission is reduced by half, they still failed to survive and were brutally killed by the enemy!

The other scouts around Love were not to be outdone. Some pulled bows and arrows like Love, while others rushed to fight the zombies, but the results were no exception. All the zombies were instantly killed!

At this stage, the basic lethality of players equipped with weapons is above 200. Although the agile professions such as Ranger and Assassin are not as powerful as the main force, their attack power is only in their early 10s. Under the bonus of strategic attack power, their total attack power still reached a terrifying 30 points.

With more than 30 attack power and more than 200 basic damage, hitting a zombie with less than 10 defense power is just like abusing vegetables. As long as it hits, it will be instantly killed.

With the deepening of the exploration process of the mine, the number of zombies encountered by the Mukron Legion has also increased, and even plague zombies have begun to appear, but even the largest wave of zombies is only a dozen or less than twenty. , the players of the reconnaissance group can be suppressed by turning their palms up.

Soon, the scouts came to the end of the mine.

In an instant, endless darkness poured out from the ground, completely engulfing their bodies.

After ten seconds, when Mu Kelong arrived with a large army,

The figure of a group of eight scouts to scout has been lost.

In the next instant, a mass of darkness that was neither smoke nor fog nor light filled everyone's field of vision—

"Hint: You are cursed!"

"A mysterious force has drawn you into a dark space. Whether you can live to see the sun outside depends on your strength and luck!"

In this regard, Mu Kelong and the players in the legion are not only not afraid, but also excited and excited as if they were beaten with blood.

At this time, since the eight scouts, including Mukron and Love, all entered the same dark space because of the curse, the communication between them was restored.

Love: "Boss, we have been involved in the secret space by mysterious forces. There are many skeleton soldiers and a large number of various zombies..."

"Fuck, there are skeleton archers, I can't afford it, I can't afford it... I'll hide!"

"Dark Warrior? Boss help!"

The place where you enter your eyes is full of darkness and darkness, but Mu Kelong and others have not completely lost their vision. This feeling is very strange, as if pure darkness can also give birth to light!

The first time he entered this mysterious dark space, Mu Kelong saw that he and the others were in a huge square, surrounded by all kinds of skeleton soldiers and zombies.

Everyone's position after entering here is random. In other words, Mu Kelong's team was forcibly dispersed by the mysterious force-even the soldiers directly under Mu Kelong's command were scattered.

Fortunately, as a strategic professional, the legion commander - Mukron has a special legion perspective, and he can learn the specific location of his soldiers through the commander's map.

Of course, such a legion has a limited viewing range. At this stage, it can only radiate a range with a radius of 230 meters, which is exactly the value of his strategic occupation level multiplied by ten times.

Targets beyond this range, whether it is a mercenary player in the legion or his own direct soldiers, are not within the control range.

Fortunately, the vast majority of players and his own soldiers are within this range-even the reconnaissance group that entered the dark space in the early stage has six people within this range.

The next moment, Mukron's deafening cry rang out on the Legion channel.

"Everyone, move closer to the circular area in the center of the square, coordinates: 868, 747, 25!"

At the same time, Mukron began to pick up his own soldiers.

There seem to be countless skeletons in this dark space, and the large ones that enter the eyes are the soul fires in the eye sockets of the skeleton heads-these skeleton soul fires are just like the fireflies in the night, densely packed...

In addition, wherever there are skeletons, there must be zombies - as if this is the realm of death, it makes people shudder.

The vast majority of Mukron's soldiers are weak long-range units, such as the Snow Goblin Bloodrage Mage and the Glacier Goblin Blast, which are very easy to die.

Compared with the first two, the black yao gargoyle can resist a little, and it can also be transformed into the black yao form to master the flying ability, so there is no need to worry about it for a while.

The only thing that Mu Kelong didn't need to worry about was the five Mugul wild hunters. As 4th-level 40th-level golden-quality extraordinary-level special troops, they were not so vulnerable with 900 HP.


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