
Looking at the group of paladins blocking the canyon in front of him, Lin Jin narrowed his eyes slightly.

The paladins are the elite troops and ultimate guards of the Holy Griffin Empire. They wear thick silver-white armor and drive powerful horses. They are majestic. Lin Lin.

In addition, they can also dispel the bad magic that the enemy spreads against their own army.

This is the 12th level unit!

Inside the canyon, Lin Jin’s goal is this time.

But if you want to enter the canyon, you must first destroy these 12th level soldiers. Paladins.

Lin Jin glanced around and saw that there were a total of 20 Paladins!

Let alone 20, even if there were 2 Paladins placed here, for ordinary players, it would be like a chasm.

But for Lin Jhin, but it was not impossible.

He immediately began to mobilize his troops, letting the zombies behind him spread out in a fan shape, and let the skeleton archers also surround them.

Everything was ready

"Skeleton Archer, attack!"

Lin Jin's order was conveyed. All the skeleton archers bent their bows and set up arrows. A bone arrow appeared in a covering style and attacked the Paladin.

Ding! You launched an attack on the Paladin and got involved in the battle mode!

Holy Knights are not NPCs, they are soldiers in the wild. They are like projections and have no thoughts and ideas of their own.

Attacking such monsters cannot easily break away from the battle.

Of course, Lin Jin has no intention of leaving the battle..A bone arrow hit the Paladin, but the damage caused was all between 0-1.

Compared to the Paladin's health, this damage is simply not worth mentioning, but this attack is undoubtedly This angered the Paladin.

I saw the horses mounted by the Paladins roaring one after another, then dispersed and rushed towards the surrounding enemies.

"Skeleton soldiers, attack!"

Lin Jin's face was calm, and there was no wave in his eyes.

He can be regarded as a strategic master who has experienced hundreds of battles. This kind of small-scale battle is nothing at all.

The charging speed of the Paladin is getting faster and faster, and the spear in his hand is attached The power of the knight is getting stronger and stronger.

But just when the paladin is about to arrive, each skeleton soldier and skeleton warrior carries a shield and rushes towards the paladin. The skeleton soldier is much faster than the zombies, and they He was the first to rush towards the Paladin, but the moment the two sides came into contact, the skeleton soldiers and skeleton warriors holding shields were smashed to pieces one after another, turning into bones on the ground. The skeletons stood in front of the Paladin, and they really had no attack power at all. No.

Lin Jin naturally knew this, but he had no intention of letting the skeleton soldiers attack. The purpose was just to disperse the enemies even more.

Many skeleton soldiers were smashed and pierced by spears, but more skeleton soldiers were Lin Jin continued to rush forward.

Lin Jin asked the skeleton soldiers on the left to attack the paladin on the far right, and asked the skeleton soldiers on the far right to attack the paladin on the left.

On the battlefield, the paladin could be seen killing the skeleton soldiers in front of him, but More skeleton soldiers passed by and rushed into the distance.

When these paladins saw an enemy entering their attack range, they successfully escaped. Where they could not hold back, they chased after them.

This huge battlefield was already the first one. The Paladins dispersed once, but dispersed for the second time

"Zombies, plague zombies, attack, siege!"

Lin Jin then began to control the zombies and plague zombies that were already waiting on the battlefield.

Now the charge of the Paladins has been interrupted, and the attack has also been interrupted.

As long as the Paladins cannot charge, their destructive power will not be so powerful.

One After killing a large number of skeleton soldiers, the blind paladin also began to be surrounded by level 3 zombies and level 4 plague zombies. The paladin raised his knight's spear and stabbed a plague zombie. The latter's health instantly It fell a lot.

If the paladin was charging, this plague zombie could not withstand even one attack.

The paladin launched an attack, and the surrounding plague zombies and zombies also raised their kitchen knives and chopped them down.

Weakened Strike!

The kitchen knife of the plague zombie was attached with plague toxin. After the attack hit, the paladin was infected with the plague, and his attack power began to decrease.

But soon, the holy light on the paladin's body flashed, and the plague toxin disappeared, and the negative effects There is nothing left.

A halo appears on the Paladin, which makes him immune to negative toxins for a short period of time.

"Terror Knight, charge!"

Lin Jin didn't take it seriously. He just divided the Terror Knights into two teams, with three people in each team, each attacking a Paladin.

Terror Knights, this is the type of troops that Lin Jin needs to retain.

As for these low-level skeletons Soldiers and zombies are just cannon fodder in Lin Jin's eyes.

Tap tap tap!

The Terror Knight rushed over with a big knife, and the undead creatures around him got out of the way. Just when the Terror Knight was about to arrive, the people surrounding the Paladin The plague zombies also got out of the way.

The paladin had just stabbed another zombie. At this time, the horror knight had already arrived in front of the paladin. The two horror knights came to both sides of the paladin, charging with swords in their hands. With the power of his body, he slashed down hard, but another terrifying knight rushed over from the front and slashed down with his sword.


The Holy Knight raised the holy shield in his left hand to resist the attack, and raised his spear with the other hand to stab and launch the attack.

However, his attack seemed so helpless, but the attack of the Terror Knight seemed extremely brave.

The broadsword slash Next, the Paladin had several scars on his body, and his blood volume dropped sharply.

His attack also caused damage to the Terror Knight, but the damage was very limited.

If the Terror Knight has the qualifications of the truth attribute, it is better than the Paladin. With a strong three points, they also control a knowing blow, which has the opportunity to cause double damage.

In a one-on-one situation, the Terror Knight can win.

Now, it is 3v1!

Coupled with Lin Jin's 20% increase in attack on undead creatures, and his strategic attribute increase.

This gave no chance at all.

Although the Paladin was strong, he was easily hacked to death by the Terror Knight.

The other team was only a few minutes slower and also hacked the target Paladin to death.

Two of them were hacked. After the Paladin, the Terror Knight, under Lin Jin's command, continued to rush towards the Paladin.

Under Lin Jin's careful control, these Paladins were all trapped in a tight siege, with no way to escape. They could only keep Slaughtering the cannon fodder, and then waiting for the punishment of the Terror Knight.

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