Lin Jin's news was conveyed in an instant, and countless legions began to mobilize throughout the Holy Empire.

A large number of middle- and high-level undead from the Way of Eternal Night, the Guozhan Islands, the Dwarf Hundred Thousand Mountains, and even the Hasima Empire all stepped into the portal and came directly to the Holy Empire.

Lin Jin's current military strength is extremely strong, and he has no idea how strong the undead army is.

Now, the powerful power he had accumulated finally began to take action.


Forest Dungeon

This has become the headquarters of the dark elves. This dungeon has been greatly expanded due to the cultivation of countless cavemen.

In the most gorgeous city in the center, all the dark elf queens gathered together in an instant.

The dark elves have been recuperating since they withdrew from the battlefield. With Lin Jin's support, their strength is also growing rapidly.

"After the order is passed, dungeons everywhere are ready to take action. Our target this time is the devil!"

Queen Brianna said in a deep voice.

After hearing this, the faces of all the dark elves became serious.

All the dark elf queens also knew that they were working for Lin Jin, and the reason why Lin Jin kept helping them was because they needed Their strength.

It can be said that they have been prepared for a long time.

Now, the time is ripe.

Soon, all the dark elf queens retreated, and they all began to gather troops from various dungeons.

Every dungeon Among them, a large number of legions also began to gather.

Groups of dark elf warriors, a large number of tauren, harpy witches, cold-blooded cavalry regiments, manticore lions and even black dragons all gathered together. The massive legion also Everyone left the dungeon and started marching to various places.

At this time, all the players were also excited

"Hahaha, after joining the dark elves for so long, I am finally excited when the war comes!"

"Yes, it’s really boring if I don’t do anything on this day!"

"It seems that I don’t know who King Yongye wants to attack!"

"No matter what, the battle is over! Now in the entire Holy Continent, who else can stop us!"

A large number of players have already joined the dark elves, or have transformed themselves into dark elves, and they have been waiting for the war.

Only war can give them greater benefits, and only war can give them greater benefits. , can arouse their passion.

Now, the war they have been waiting for is coming.

Moreover, the Holy Empire has been destroyed, and Lin Jin's power is too strong.

Once the war breaks out, they will have an absolute advantage.

This is even more exciting!

Players all like to hang out with big guys, and Lin Jin is the best!


This is true for the dark elves, not to mention the orcs!

Lin Jin has given too many favors to the orcs, which makes all the orcs grateful.

Because of this, they all wanted to eliminate all enemies for Lin Jin in return for Lin Jin's attention.

The blood of the orcs also flows with the blood of battle.

When he heard the war order, Gorshak also immediately assembled the legions.

"Brothers, the war is coming. Under the leadership of Lord Yongye, we will launch a war with the devil!"

In the center of the tribe, Gorshak stood on a high platform and announced loudly.

In front of him, there was a sea of ​​orcs. Each orc was extremely burly, like an iron tower.


When they heard Gorshak's words, all the orcs showed surging fighting spirit in their eyes. The roars were like muffled thunder, resounding throughout the world. Many orcs hammered their bodies with their fists, as if To vent his fighting spirit

"All tribes must immediately gather their troops and launch an attack on the devil! This time, all demons will be crushed!"

Goshak was also extremely excited, but he already seemed much calmer, but he saw him raising the giant ax in his right hand and shouting in a thick voice


There was another roar, and all the orc chiefs and orc heroes dispersed.

The news quickly swept through all the orc tribes!

Immediately afterwards, countless orc legions quickly gathered and marched.

Goblins, gnolls, centaurs , orc warriors, black panther warriors, orc chiefs, thunderbirds and finally the angry cyclops, a large number of legions all gathered together and then marched towards their respective goals.

Lin Jin planned to attack the demon from the beginning, so he Any slightly stronger demon army is also under control, and all of them are monitoring their actions.

Even wherever they stay, they are all under Lin Jin's surveillance.

Now this action is naturally also They are all actions with a conspiracy.

It is clear where each tribe is attacking the demons.

"After waiting for so long, the war has finally begun, and the swords of labor and management are already thirsty!"

"The anxious devil is so arrogant that he is finally going to attack them!"

"King Eternal Night is going to take action against the demons. He is going to conquer all the demons and the Holy Principality at once!"

"It's exciting, the one who steps on the horse is the card! Now not only all the orc tribes have moved, but even the dark elves in the dungeon have moved. With our power, we can't make arrangements for them clearly!"

"This is much more violent than the little fight we had before. It’s so exciting! It’s so exciting!"

All the players are also communicating with each other.

Many of them, as players of the Holy Empire, have been bullied too much. After changing jobs to orcs, they rested and recuperated, doing tasks steadily, and held it in for a long time.

Now that they had finally waited for this unprecedented war, they all became excited.

Player guilds also gathered together.

"Sun Hunter Guild, it seems that we will fight side by side this time. I didn’t expect that we can still cooperate. I didn’t do some things well in the past. I’m sorry."

"Damn, there is something wrong with me. Besides, we are competing fairly, so it doesn’t matter! Now that you have joined the orcs, we are all brothers, so don’t mention the past! Let's work together and bring down these demons! When the time comes, we will go to the Hasima Empire and the Elf Forest. There will be a lot of territory!"

The two guild presidents walked side by side, but it felt like they had settled their differences.

The atmosphere among the orcs was very harmonious, and now that there is no conflict of interest between the two parties, the relationship between them has naturally become much more harmonious.

Now the national war has ended Open, let alone this huge Holy Empire, there are countless battlefields on the national front alone.

This scene also happened in many orc guilds. Each guild settled their differences and went to the battlefield hand in hand.

War, Sometimes the relationship between people can be better connected.

The love of comrades fighting side by side will also unite the players.

Especially, their current goals are still the same!_Read the novel without underline Please download Feilu

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