Invincible God of War

Chapter 1669: Zulong War Soul!

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As soon as this supernatural power appeared, the Emperor's body shivered.

"what happened to you?"

Liumu noticed its anomaly and suspiciously said.


Youhuang was deaf and stared at the fire dragon, her eyes full of fear.


The next moment.

Accompanied by a tremendous sound of dragon chanting, a giant dragon engulfed in divine fire rushed out of the body.

Longwei is magnificent and shocks all directions!

"this is……"

Liu Mu and others were suspicious.

This dragon is also a fire dragon.

However, the exaggerated dragon power is several times more terrifying than the fire dragon itself.


Qin Feiyang's Zijin Dragon Soul in Qihai also opened his eyes, and two divine lights came out.

Follow closely.

A more surprising scene appeared.

Zijin Dragon Soul swept out of Qi Sea, suspended above Qin Feiyang's head, and looked at the giant dragon across the air.

"what's the situation?"

The sudden change made Qin Feiyang unprepared.

For the first time, Zijin Dragon Soul appeared by himself.

What is the dragon opposite? Actually interested Zijin Dragon Soul?

"You actually ... opened the Zulong War Soul!"


A voice sounded.

It was the sound of the python.

Qin Feiyang and others immediately looked at it, and saw that the python looked up at the dragon, and his huge pupil was full of horror.

"Ancestral Dragon Soul?"

Willow frowned.

"Yes, that is Zulong War Soul!"

You Huang said in a deep voice.

"What is Zulong?"

Cui Li asked.

"Zulong is the first dragon born in the world."

"Whether it is Golden Dragon, Fire Dragon, Earth Dragon, Water Dragon, Ice Dragon, Black Dragon, White Dragon, Silver Dragon, Purple Golden Dragon, etc., the first one born is called Zulong."

"It means that these ancestors are the ancestors of all kinds of dragons."

"Shenlong's Shenlong, when faced with Zulong, no matter how strong it is, there will be an oppression from the soul."


"The appearance of Zulong will also have a huge sense of oppression for our snakes, just like me and python now."

"This is an instinctive fear."

Youhuang Road.

"It turns out this way."

Liu Mu suddenly realized.

Qin Feiyang looked up at Zijin Dragon Soul. It turned out that he had encountered Zulong before he became interested in Zijin Dragon Soul.

"This fire dragon is not simple, actually opened the Zulong War Soul."

"There are rumors that as long as it is the divine dragon that opens the soul of the ancestral dragon, it will eventually become a level of existence with the ancestral dragon."

Youhuang Road.

"How to tell if the other party is Zulong?"

Cui Li asked curiously.

Youhuang said: "Look at its eyebrows, there is a cluster of godfire patterns."

Qin Feiyang and others looked at the eyebrows of Zulong War Soul. In the middle of the eyebrows of War Soul, a slap-like pattern of sacred fire was found, just like the same fire lotus, exuding an amazing charm.

However, the pattern of Shenhuo and the dragon scale of War Soul are the same color.

The fire dragon looked at the python contemptuously and said, "This emperor is the most noble dragon in the world, and you, but only a bedbug, what qualifications are you to ride on the emperor's head all day long to show off your power?"

The python's eyes shivered.

Zulong's breath made it fearful, fearless, and unable to lift the courage to fight at all.

This is the oppression from the soul.

"Little bug, prepare to die!"

Fire Dragon laughed loudly.

Zulong battled the soul and swooped down.

As if the respect of a thousand beasts came, the breath of terror made the python tremble.

I even forgot to resist!

In a thousand bursts of fire, it slammed with a shock and shouted: "How noble is your bloodline? The deity holds the power of the rules, and the only person in heaven and earth is alone, killing you like a dog!"

As the sound of the python came to the ground, a loud noise suddenly exploded on the sky, and a piece of regular force, like a torrent, poured down from the sky.

The terrifying breath is enough to destroy the world!

Fire Dragon's pupils contracted and quickly shouted: "Qin Feiyang, quickly block the power of the rules!"

Qin Feiyang flashed his eyes and said, "Give me Wang Youer first."

Fire Dragon said anxiously: "When the python is killed, the emperor will naturally return her to you."

"Your words are not credible."

Qin Feiyang shook his head.


The fire dragon was furious.

Qin Feiyang said in a deep voice: "Don't give me Wang Youer, I will now take you back to Xuanwu Realm!"

"Do you know what the situation is now?"

"Any woman, is it important to have a guardian?"

The fire dragon was badly corrupted and roared again and again.

But in the current situation, it dare not really offend Qin Feiyang.

Because we have reached this point, we must get rid of the python, otherwise it will cause a big disaster.


As soon as it gritted its teeth, Wang You'er appeared in front of him, and immediately released his magical power to protect Wang You'er.


It breathed a sigh of relief, and a storm suddenly appeared, rolled up Wang Youer, and flew towards Qin Feiyang.

Qin Feiyang stepped up and grabbed Wang You'er. Without a word, he sent it to Xuanwu Realm.


Fire Dragon urged.

Qin Feiyang glanced at the Fire Dragon and immediately took the old castle to meet the power of the rule.

Zhao Tailai and others followed him all the time, and the power of divine power and false gods poured into the ancient castle continuously.

The divine power of the old castle has climbed to a certain extreme.


With a loud noise, the castle and the power of the rule met.

The power of the rules shattered immediately.

"Do not……"

The python shouted in despair.

at the same time!

Zulong War Soul was killed.

The python screamed, and the flesh was torn apart on the spot, blood splashing into the sky.

"Haha ..."

"Unexpectedly, in the end you still died in the hands of the emperor, let the emperor disappear completely!"

Huolong Yangtian laughed wildly.

Wide mouth opened.

This world, immediately violent wind.

Follow closely.

The flesh and blood of the python was actually sucked into the mouth by the fire dragon and swallowed up completely.

This scene, Qin Feiyang could not help but panic.

Although the python's flesh is torn apart, it won't be killed by its cultivation.

and so.

Fire Dragon equals to swallow a **** of war.

When the python died, a force of rules came again on the sky, firmly locking Qin Feiyang and others.

But the power of this rule is not to bomb them, but to send them to the second floor.

Qin Feiyang looked up at the power of the rules, took a deep breath, and looked at the Fire Dragon: "It is the guardian after all, are you not afraid to anger the creator of the beast and the miracle?"

"Master Creator is not at all a miracle."

"And Lord Beast God, who is now studying Cangxue on the third floor, can't take care of things here."

"As for the death of the python ..."

"Admiral Beast God will be held accountable, and the Emperor can tell it that you killed it."

Fire Dragon smiled.

Qin Feiyang said with a sneer: "The **** of war, actually thinking of doing some stolen work, really admirable!"

But in the face of such cynicism, Fire Dragon was not angry at all.

Qin Feiyang frowned: "Why do you want to kill it?"

Fire Dragon said: "Because of it, it took my guardian position."


Qin Feiyang was surprised.

"Before, the emperor was the guardian of miracles."

"But because of something, the python ran to inform the Lord Beast God, and the Lord Beast God angered me, depriving my guardian of his power."

"And ordered the emperor to guard the entrance of Xuanwu Realm."

"This matter makes the emperor very unhappy."

"You should also see that this emperor's strength is much stronger than it."

"But because it replaced the emperor and became the new guardian, who can control the power of the rule, the emperor has never dared to take action on it."

"And this time, it actually faced the emperor's face and said that the emperor is a fool? It can't be angered!"

Fire Dragon smiled.

"So, you can use my hand to remove the python, and then you can get the attention of the little beast again and become the guardian of the miracle."

Qin Feiyang said.


"You are now in control of Xuanwu Realm, you should be able to feel the feeling of controlling the power of the rules!"

"The person who controls the power of the rules is the real god!"

Fire Dragon Road.

At this point, Qin Feiyang did not deny that he took a deep breath and said: "Wang Yuanshan, Nether Palace, and the people of the Tianyang Empire, where are they all?"

"Want to know?"

"Go find it yourself!"

Huolong laughed amusedly, then put away Zulong War Soul, turned and cut through the sky, and disappeared like lightning.

Zhao Tailai stared at the direction of the disappearance of the fire dragon, and the killer flashed in his eyes, saying: "Young Master, why don't you just kill it?"

"The power of the rules is coming soon, how to kill?"

Qin Feiyang shook his head, put away the Zijin Dragon Soul and the ancient castle, and took Zhao Tailai three people and Youhuang into the Xuanwu world.

"Little cousin, what's the result?"

"Why did the Fire Dragon and the Python kill each other?"

Over the vanishing ancient city.

Watching Qin Feiyang appear, Lu Zheng and a group of people immediately went up and asked with confusion.

"The python is dead."

Qin Feiyang said.


Everyone was stunned.

Qin Feiyang briefly explained the situation.

"It turns out there are such grudges, and it's no wonder that Fire Dragon will sneak attack on the python."

"Is power really that important?"

After listening, Lu Hong shook his head and sighed.

"Hong'er, after so many things, you still don't understand? For some people, power is more important than life."

Lu Zhengdao.

"Ah, I really hope we can live in a world without disputes and desires."

Lu Hong sighed deeply.

"This is impossible."

"It's like this basalt world."

"Now, even if he is under the control of his little cousin, he can never create a world without disputes and desires."

"In short, as long as there are people and souls, there must be fighting and death."

"Little cousin, you are right!"

Lu Zheng looked at Qin Feiyang and said.

Qin Feiyang nodded.


There was a scent of fragrance.

Follow closely.

I saw a beautiful shadow, ran out of the crowd, and flew into Qin Feiyang's arms.

It is Wang You'er!

See you.

The others were silently silent.

"Sorry, it is my fault……"

"I always trouble you ..."

"If this time, you really have something long and short, I will hate myself ..."

Wang You'er hugged Qin Feiyang tightly, fearing that a little let go, Qin Feiyang would disappear in front of her eyes, and his face was full of self-blame.

Qin Feiyang raised his arm and wanted to hug Wang You'er, but he didn't know. Should he do this?

Very hesitant.

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