It was not surprising to Ymir that Uranus was actually a living creature.

Pluto was the strongest warship built by the Water City 800 years ago, and Poseidon was the blood power that circulated in the body of the mermaid princess.

So it was not strange that Uranus was a living monster.

Doflamingo did not know much about Uranus, he just said this,

"It is said that the name of the Celestial Dragons comes from the existence of Uranus."

The answer is a little obvious if you put it this way. Combined with the Celestial Dragons' emblem called the Hoofprint of the Nine-Sky Flying Dragon, then the Celestial King's true form is a Celestial Dragon?

Doflamingo couldn't answer. He had never seen the Celestial King. The only thing he knew was what his father told him.

However, Doflamingo told Ymir that eleven years ago, a big thing happened in Marijoa. At that time, the whole of Marijoa was in chaos, and the previous generation of the Five Elders even stepped down because of it.

It was in this chaos that his father got a glimpse of the Celestial King's true face.

Eleven years ago?

Hearing Doflamingo say this, Ymir reacted instantly. Isn't this the time when the Battle of the Canyon of Gods took place? It was the battle when Rocks collapsed!


If the chaos in Marijoa and the big changes in the Celestial Dragons' upper echelons were caused by... If it is about the Canyon of the Gods incident, then Rocks' purpose is very interesting.

He must know something, it is impossible that he would fight to the death just to attack the Celestial Dragons.

What is he doing this for?

What is in the Canyon of the Gods, and what happened there that day?

This must be a very interesting story.

When you have time, you can go back and ask Kaido, he might know something.

After the conversation with Dover, the ship of the strongest pirate group slowly moved forward on the sea. During the voyage, Ymir vigilantly scanned it with his observation Haki many times. If Dragon caught up, it would be troublesome.

However, it seems that Mr. Dragon is really not so loyal to the government, and he has never shown up.

That's right, this guy is destined to be the government's mortal enemy, even when he is still Now that he is in CP0, he will not be a loyal lackey of the government.

I am really looking forward to the story of this guy breaking up with the government.

However, without Dragon causing trouble, Ymir can't sit still, because there are still people who come to cause trouble for him.


Unlike the trembling Judge, this man could no longer suppress his surging desire for research after a day of leisurely rest, which made Ymir very annoyed.

Being annoyed by him, Ymir could only give him some blood helplessly.

This process was a bit difficult. The same was true for Ymir's iron skin and bones. He used his domineering aura and the breath of all things to break through his skin, and took a test tube of blood and handed it to Vegapunk.

Vegapunk was about to leave happily, but Ymir stopped him.

Since you want to do the examination, you don't have to just... I have to do it alone. Imir gathered all the crew members together and gave the employees regular physical examinations. This is what a qualified boss should do.

Of course, the others were just incidental. Imir was only interested in Mr. Teach.

Although Imir had a hunch that he could eat another devil fruit, he was still uncertain.

But Mr. Teach was the man who clearly ate two devil fruits in the original work!

His body is indeed special.

If possible, Imir hopes that Vegapunk can replicate this specialness.

A week passed by in a swaying manner.

Somewhere in the New World, on the floating island where the navy battle led by Imir and Zefa broke out before.

Three figures have already stood on the empty floating island, and there is a huge package in front of them.

The identities of two of the three people are clear at a glance. Ninety-nine percent of people in this world are familiar with their names.

Their names are Sengoku and Garp.

Admiral Sengoku and Hero Garp!

Two guides of the navy who lead the navy forward in this chaotic era!

The other one is wearing a white robe and a strange mask. If nothing unexpected happens, basically no one in this world knows him.

But everyone who knows him will be extremely wary of this man's existence!

"I didn't expect you to be there too."

At least General Zhan Guo was surprised by the appearance of the man codenamed Zero."It seems that the Five Elders have reached the extreme of their disgust for that brat."

"No one can provoke the government and live safely on this sea."

Zero's voice was as gloomy and hoarse as ever.

Codenamed Zero, he is the most mysterious top strongman in the world, the supreme commander of the CP system, and the strongest shield to protect the Celestial Dragons.

Directly under the jurisdiction of the Five Elders, even ordinary Celestial Dragons cannot control him. He is a man whose power and strength have reached the peak.

After hearing what Zero said, Admiral Sengoku nodded in agreement,"Yes, justice is not so cheap."

Vice Admiral Garp on the side pouted unhappily. The reason why he was unwilling to be promoted to admiral was largely because he did not want to deal with the Celestial Dragons. CP0 is undoubtedly the biggest minion of the Celestial Dragons.

Admiral Sengoku looked up at the sky. The sun had already set."Why hasn't that kid come yet? Did he run away?"


Zero suddenly looked up,"He's here!"

Zhan Guo looked up and looked in the direction of Zero.

At the end of the sky, a black line was approaching rapidly.

As the distance shortened, Zhan Guo saw clearly that the kid named Imir was using the Moon Step to stay in the air. He was holding a woman in one hand and holding a rope in the other hand. There were more than a dozen people tied to the rope, and his old comrade, Mr. Zefa, was also on it.

"What a daring fellow!"

Zhan Guo also had to marvel at Imir's courage. He knew that the ambush here would definitely kill him, but he still came.

After a while, Imir had landed on the floating island with a bunch of zongzi, and faced the three people opposite.

"Oh! It's really a dream lineup! General Sengoku, hero Garp!"

Ymir held Tianyue in one hand, stepped on Zephyr's chest on the ground, looked at the trio opposite him and exclaimed, then looked at Zero who was hiding his head and showing his tail,

"Being able to stand shoulder to shoulder with Admiral Sengoku and Vice Admiral Garp, this CP0, if I'm not mistaken, you are the supreme commander of CP0, the legendary strongest shield, right?"

Sengoku Garp was furious. Of course they were angry about the behavior of humiliating their old comrade in front of them.

Zero said without comment,"Then the transaction can begin."

He pulled open the package behind him, and a brilliant light spread out!

The hill-like gold nuggets were melted together, which seemed to have an extraordinary visual impact.

There were ten boxes on the gold nuggets, and the contents were probably the devil fruits.


Imir smiled slightly, pulled Tianyueshi to the top of the golden mountain, opened the box and saw ten devil fruits placed here, no more and no less.

"Then the deal is done!"

Ymir smiled slightly, and threw the navy soldiers strung together in front of the three people.

After confirming their survival, Zero raised his head.

"Ymir, the man who angered the government, is he ready to die?"


The sea surface shook violently. Four large ships splashed out from the surroundings, and hundreds of heavy guns aimed at the floating island!

The breeze and photons gathered at the same time. Behind Sengoku Garp, the figures of Dragon and Borsalino appeared at the same time!

"Wow! Is this the final kill?"

Ymir laughed.

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