Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 680: Star of Life

The formation of a demon-like demon is far beyond the response range of the monks present. Almost instantaneously, the powerful men fled and fled away.

Although it is much easier for them to face threats together, but before the absolute strength gap, they can only choose to escape!

The powerful men drove Shenhong one after another and fled quickly around. For almost ten seconds, only Lin Lang was left on the field.

Lin Lang did not leave.

He just stared calmly at the faceless demon in front of him. Perhaps he hadn't even thought about it before, there was a demon in his heart.

This man was a few years ago, he encountered that supreme will on the broken continent, even if he was the immortal realm of the heyday, he could not resist.

At that time, the foundation of his heavenly path was crushed directly, Lin Lang could not resist at all, the foundation of heavenly path was destroyed, and all efforts were turned into an empty piece of paper.

It is in this unconsciously.

This person has become Lin Lang's demon.

"I'd like to see, what exactly are you?" Lin Lang flashed cold eyes, took out the evil bone sword, and stared at the heart demon completely composed of will in front of him.

It is not yet fully formed.

But even so, its strength has been comparable to that of immortals, and its strength has continued to rise over time.

In a blink of an eye, thirty seconds passed.

The faceless demon dissipated and did not take shape. Obviously, it is also a time limit, and it has completely dissipated before the entity can be condensed.

Lin Lang breathed a little sigh of relief, seeing that the place where the faceless demon was originally born, did not appear any strange for a long time. The dark clouds in the distance also dispersed.

Obviously, his demon was much stronger than the others, but it was only because of the thirty-second time limit that it did not take shape.

But this time the weirdness finally came to an end.

Lin Lang shook his head, looking for a direction to gallop forward. Mozun once told him the location of Lingzhi Xianzhi, and also told him the location information of the person to be killed.

"There is no human in the magical world of magic. Is it true that Mozun asked me to hunt?" Lin Lang thought secretly, but quickly denied this guess.

At the time of the strange arrival, there is a limit in the world. How can it exist for so long, so that the demon can always remember it.

However, what is certain is that Mozun is obviously very afraid of this ‘human’, but he really ca n’t fall into the magical state of the heart, otherwise he wo n’t find Lin Lang ’s head.

Lin Lang wasn't interested in helping Mozun, but he really wanted to see what kind of guy he was trying to get rid of.


The range of the magical fantasy is very large, and Lin Lang has gone out a hundred miles away without ever seeing a figure.

Until a moment, he stayed on an abandoned star.

The stars are small and less than three kilometers in diameter. The land on the stars is cracked. Looking at the whole planet, it looks like this. There is no vitality and no weeds.

Lin Lang walked up the abandoned stars, and within ten minutes he had already walked around the whole star.

Suddenly, a palm-sized ant caught his attention in a crack in the soil.

It's a rock ant.

It is the size of a slap, and it is a kind of weak little beast that devotes itself to gnawing rocks. Its sharp teeth can gnaw iron and iron.

"According to Mozun, there are countless stars in the magical state of the heart, but the large logarithms are all dead stars, and no life exists. And the stars that have life have a great chance to give birth to soul-like drugs."

Lin Lang recalled Mozun's description of the magical heart. Could not help but get excited, pinned a **** of knowledge on the stone ants.

The stone ant didn't even notice it, and he was still awkwardly arching a rock. This ant has completely different living habits from the usual ants. Generally, ants use their upper jaws to pick up food or carry food in groups.

But stone ants are different.

And they can carry things that are 100 times larger than their own, such as the one in front of them, which is only the size of a palm, but pushes a two-meter-diameter rolling stone with their own power.

A small point pushing such a large rock, the ground made a rumbling sound, which is really interesting. This litter ant has been drilling about 100 meters into the ground.

Suddenly open eyes.

Deep in the ground has been hollowed out by them, and a rock palace has been built. Although it is not as gorgeous as the human world, it has also begun to take shape. The center of the palace is also set up with a jade-colored jade.

"It's like the throne of humanity."

Lin Lang smiled. He had no interest in this palace. He was interested in whether there would be drugs in the neighborhood.

It was just a search, except for the worker ants that kept coming and going, and did not find a magical spirit.

"It shouldn't be, as long as there is life in the magical world of magic, elixir will be born." Lin Lang's heart suddenly raised a guess.

Will this small star be built by the eclipse ant colony? This is not their old nest? With the power of the stone ants, I was afraid that the star in front of me could be evacuated in three or two days.

Along with this speculation, Lin Lang pinned his consciousness on another lith ant.

Don't look at the small gadgets, but they are extremely fast when they are not carrying rocks, with six legs moving neatly and walking in the stars like wind.

Soon after, Lin Lang followed the lith ant.

Finally found their nest.

Their old nest is much larger than the previous stars, and it is also much more prosperous. From the brown earth, weeds can be seen sparsely, and there are dense ants.

Lin Lang bloomed his spiritual strength, and soon swept the entire star, not to mention, he really found a panacea.

It's just that there are a large number of stone ant guards near the elixir, like a loyal army. In the center, there is a red sharp-headed flattened ant lying on the couch, with six slender hairy legs humped to the ground.

And he is much larger than other litter ants, about the size of a human child. It is always near the guardian elixir.

When Lin Lang was close to the stars, he soon caught the attention of the Stone Ant King. It stood up, made a loud noise, and the ant colony was immediately ordered, and each turned around to look back at Lin Lang's position.

But wait for them to react.

Lin Lang had already arrived, and he glanced at the Stone Ant King. The latter seems to have lived near the spirit drug all the year round, has already given birth to consciousness, and possesses the power comparable to the peak human immortal.

Nothing more to say.

There is a spirit drug needed by Lin Lang, and he will not go to war with a group of spirit beasts.


The etch king shrieked, the sound waves were extremely harsh, but he was transmitting information to the lith ants of the entire planet at the same time.

The lith ants on the entire planet moved at the same time and rushed towards Lin Lang. Lin Lang raised his hand and swept away, cutting a sword in front of him, sweeping away all the stone ants in front of him.

Thousands of corpses fell downwards.

It's just that these stone-etching ants are completely fearless and completely loyal to the order of the ant king. They cut off a batch of new ones and filled them up. It is annoying that they can't kill any number of them.

However, this quantitative advantage has no advantage for Lin Lang. He walked forward, setting up numerous winds around him, and the wild winds turned into countless wind blades, crushing the approaching stone ants.

Lin Lang went forward all the way, and the stone-eclipse ants kept falling from the sky, and no less than 100,000 had died in the past dozens of seconds. Finally, he succeeded in coming to the stone ant king.

This stone eclipse ant king is indeed sure, with the strength comparable to the peak human immortal, the fangs and teeth, and the power is infinite, even some immortal realm immortals may not be able to easily kill it.

But for Lin Lang.

But it couldn't be easier!

After more than ten strokes, Lin Lang suppressed the stone ant king, stepped on the body of the stone ant king under his feet, and took off the elixir in front of him.

This is a face-sized purple flower with a total of seventeen petals. Each petal has a clear pattern, and the roots below it are like jade, supporting the entire flower.

"It turned out to be the flower of Aster japonica, and it is no wonder that it can be accompanied by the stone ant king." Lin Lang nodded.

Aster stem flower is a fifth-order elixir. It has extraordinary effects on repairing the soul and increasing the intensity of the soul. It is indeed an elixir that Lin Lang urgently needs.

Although the stalk flower of Aster japonica is inferior to Lingzhi Xianzhi in terms of grade and efficacy, it also has rare effects.

At the moment Lin Lang took the stalk flower of Aster japonica into the space, the stone ants on the entire star turned into ashes, and even the mighty stone ant king screamed, and then his body began to fall apart.

In a moment it became a pile of dust on the ground.

Lin Lang obviously did not expect this to happen, and was a little surprised. Soon after, he walked around the entire planet and found that the entire star had turned into a dead star.

The ground was obviously thicker.

That was the ashes of countless etched ants.

"what happened?"

Lin Lang frowned. He hadn't seen such strange things, however. The stone-earth ants apparently had entities in his perception, not an illusion.

But this scene is a bit beyond imagination.

If all that is in front of me is fantasy, it is impossible. If we say that these stone ants are all bred from the flowers of Aster jade, as the flowers of Aster jade are taken away by Lin Lang, the stone ants are extinct.

But it also doesn't make sense. The flower of the amethyst jade is only a fifth-order elixir and will not have such an effect.

"It seems that there are a lot of mysteries in this magical illusion that I don't understand." Lin Lang thought to himself. In fact, Lin Lang already had a speculation in his mind, but it needs a lot of facts to verify it.

And this first condition is to find a Ling Zhi Xian Zhi.

According to the description of Mozun, Lin Lang has learned of several places where Lingzhi Xianzhi may grow. Lin Lang drove the rainbow and walked quickly in the stars.

Lin Lang also found several places in the position described by the demon, but most of them turned into a dead star. From the scale of the ruins, we can see that there was civilization on the stars, but the elixir was taken away. There is no grass on the stars, and there is no more scenery in the past.

According to many traces, although it can be confirmed that Lingzhi Xianzhi has indeed been born in these places, the news of Mozun may be old. Even if Lingzhi Xianzhi was born, it has been picked up by other monks.

Wait until you reach the last position.

Lin Lang stopped and paused, because this star is no longer a dead star, but a vibrant life star.

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