Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2549: Who blocked me, who died!

No one noticed this speed figure. This speed figure is a little silent, as if it is integrated with the world and the surrounding space. There is no fluctuation, no movement.

And everyone's mind is concentrated on the four high-level sacred lives, did not pay attention to this figure.

Just when this figure came quickly, the holy light of the Cambrian Star Pool exploded again, and it was a high-level sacred life! The fifth high-order sacred life!

"Of course, there are five high-ranking sacred lives! This!" Even the saint-like patriarch Bai Moyang was stunned.

In the past, there was a high-level sacred life that would burn the incense and worship Buddha. This time it was good, two, three, four, and four were not over yet, and now a fifth article!


"Five!" The smashing in the excitement is a feeling of excitement in the scalp to open.

Five high-level sacred lives, if he can fully integrate, then break through the ancestor, who is his opponent in the sacred world?

This is not his arrogance.

Before the holy world, enlightenment is important, and the Holy Spirit and the Eucharist are equally important, but after the Holy Land, the Holy Spirit is more important, and the second is the Holy Ghost. As for the Holy Spirit and the Eucharist, it is weak.

The higher the integration of the Holy Spirit, the more the Holy Life is merged, the stronger the Holy Spirit is! In other words, the talent after the Holy Spirit will be stronger!

When he breaks through the ancestor, his soul will be stronger.

Although no one in the history of the sacred world has a soul, it can fuse more than two sacred lives. However, after reading a certain book of the ancients, know that as long as the spirit is strong enough, you can fuse more than two sacred lives!

And the more powerful the soul, the more you can fuse and the higher the order.

Therefore, in these years, he has been tempering his soul, trying to make his spirit strong, and this method, he did not tell anyone, even his master did not know.

In the smashing excitement, the sacred light of the Void is blown up again, six, seven!

So suddenly there were two high-level sacred lives!

And almost two at the same time!

This makes everyone look dull.

"Seven high-ranking sacred lives? This, will not be an illusion?" The saint-speaking saint Shen Jiewen eats.

Just when he doubts whether it is an illusion, the void once again shoots light, eight, nine! There are two high-level sacred lives at the same time!

Before and after, a total of nine high-level sacred lives, so suspended in the void, the light of the Holy Life, the light of the king!

Silent, Xue Lingyun, Tan Juan, Ji Xinyi, everyone can't believe.

Three low-order, six middle, nine high-level? !

Huang Xiaolong, who came from the sky, saw that there were nine high-ranking sacred lifes in the Hanwu Xingtan void.

Nine high-level!

Grandma is a cow! Huang Xiaolong could not help but recite the mantra of the Golden Horn calf.

These nine high-level sacred lives will not be prepared for him by the heart of the source? There is a sudden thought in Huang Xiaolong’s heart.

Others can't do it, but he is not impossible. The disciples of the late nine-and-a-half-year-old peaks are all souls, but he has the holy soul! And it is the three holy souls!

After six robberies, seven robberies, eight robberies, and nine robberies, Huang Xiaolong’s three holy souls, in the end, to what extent, Huang Xiaolong could not know, but it is definitely more than a lot of sacrificial masters. Strong soul!

Excited, Huang Xiaolong could not help but speed up. Soon, Huang Xiaolong approached the sacred enchantment.

"It's Huang Xiaolong!"

"How did Huang Xiaolong come! Shouldn't he still be in the prison?"

At this time, finally the Lord of the Gates discovered Huang Xiaolong and was shocked.

Suddenly, there was a strong commotion.

Silent, Xue Lingyun, Tan Juan, Ji Xinyi, Bai Moyang, Jin Nu, Broken Xuan, Shen Jiewen, all masters, all disciples, including the smashing in the sacred jiejie, Lin Xiaoying is a glimpse.

Originally, smashing is imagining, and when he merged with many high-level sacred lives, he became the first person in the future sacred world, replacing the title and position of Huang Xiaolong, but now suddenly sees Huang Xiaolong appearing, can not help but stay, then his face is Completely gloomy.

"Damn! Isn't the Holy Day still trapped in the Rosen Devil's Prison of the Rebecca River? Just after the news came, now Qiao Jinyang and God are still fighting, how can Huang Xiaolong appear here?!" Cried in my heart.

The appearance of Huang Xiaolong completely disrupted his plans and fantasies.

"No! You can't let Huang Xiaolong enter the sacred enchantment! You can't let him in!" He broke his heart.

He secretly made a glimpse of many of the masters of the Holy Land Alliance.

Those masters will come over in an instant.

However, there is no need for the masters of the Holy Land Alliance to shoot, only to see the sharp edge of a master in the Demon Palace, suddenly assassinated behind Huang Xiaolong.

The master of the demon palace is very close to Huang Xiaolong, and it is a four-fold holy place, and the speed is extremely fast. It is almost impossible for everyone to react.

"Huang Xiaolong, want to enter the sacred enchantment, dream, you can't be in your next life!" The demon palace master screamed: "The evil is not your lord, and your subordinates now avenge your hatred!"

At this time, the sharp blade in his hand had already stabbed a few meters away from the back of Huang Xiaolong.

The sacred sacred inheritance of the sacred gods, the evil died in the hands of Huang Xiaolong, the masters of the evil demon palaces do not hate Huang Xiaolong into the bones, want to kill Huang Xiaolong and then quickly.

The master of the four evil demon palaces in the Holy Land has been extremely supportive of evil and extraordinary loyalty to the evil.

Let's die!

Lin Xiaoying saw that the evil demon palace master blade stabbed the back of Huang Xiaolong, and the face changed greatly. This thorn, if it is stabbed, Huang Xiaolong’s body must be destroyed. When it is time, don’t say anything about the integration of the Holy Life.

Breaking through is an accident, and my heart is overjoyed.

It’s really a **** to help me too!

Seeing that Huang Xiaolong was going to be ruined by the evil demon palace master, suddenly, Huang Xiaolong’s body flew out of a palace! Cangwu Road Palace!


The evil spirits of the demon palace smashed the top of the Cangwu Dao Palace, causing a burst of light, and his sharp blade was broken into several sections!

The other party stayed.

At this time, Huang Xiaolong turned his head and suddenly slammed out: "Give me a roll!"

a punch!

I saw that the sorcerer of the four evil demon palace masters screamed, and was instantly bombarded by Huang Xiaolong! Direct bombing!

The golden blood is flowing and swaying.

Everyone looked at this shocking scene, a four-sacred master of the sacred scene was hit by a fist, and was bombarded by the peak of the late nine holy times.

After the other party blasted, Huang Xiaolong’s body blade flew out, and instantly cut the holy soul that escaped from the other side into two halves! The blade of the sky has drawn a radiant radiance in the void.

"Who is blocking me, who is dead!" Huang Xiaolong glanced coldly at the shocking people.

Who blocked me, who died!

This sentence, murderous, domineering, so that the original sacred alliance of the Holy Land has many people who could not help but scared a cold.

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