Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2290: Float

As soon as Huang Xiaolong raised his hand, he interrupted: "Now, inform the island owner to let him and the protection of Poseidon Island come to see me."

Wu Chengkun stunned and ate.

Huang Xiaolong raised his hand and put Wu Chengkun's eyebrows in the hole. Wu Chengkun turned back and squatted on the ground, motionless.

The masters of the sea **** island looked at the body of Wu Chengkun, and they were shocked and frightened.

"You, inform you of the island of Poseidon Island, let him and the protection of the sea **** island come to see me." Huang Xiaolong pointed to the Takamatsuhara.

Takamatsuhara trembled, his face was gray, and he was scared, but in the end, he nodded and said, "Yes, His Royal Highness."

However, Huang Xiaolong asked Gao Songyuan to inform the king of Poseidon Island when he was not to reveal his identity. He said that they are now imprisoned in Bohai Ling Island and let Wang Yuan and others bring the holy notes to personally redeemed.

To redeem one person, you must have 500,000 holy notes.

One hundred people, that is fifty million!

Gao Songyuan went to Wang Yuan to follow the letter of Huang Xiaolong.

"His House of the Son, look, we?" Takamatsu looked at Huang Xiaolong uneasy.

Huang Xiaolong told Liu Zhidao: "Put them down and imprison them into the Dungeon City Dungeon."

Liu Zhi and others respectfully should be.

Takamatsuhara and other sea **** islands have changed their faces.

"His Holiness, we." Takamatsu had to open his mouth, but Liu Zhi went to the front to interrupt him, sealed his whole body strength, and then pushed Gao Songyuan and others all away.

Just when Liu Zhi and other masters of Hailing Island held Gao Songyuan and others into the Dungeon City Dungeon, Wang Yuan, the owner of Poseidon Island, which is far beyond 100 million miles, looked at the letter of Takamatsuhara and stayed. Staying, a look of horror.

"Is the island master, you are this?" On the hall, the guardian Chen Yizhen saw Wang Yuan's look and could not help but ask.

Wang Yuan threw the letter to the guardian Chen Yizhen, and Chen Yizhen saw it, but it was also awkward: "This, this will not be fake?"

Like Wang Yuan, the first reaction should not be true.

The other guards on the main hall were also passed down one by one, and they all looked wrong.

"What happened to Gao Songyuan's one hundred and three people? Liu Zhi, who is on Hailing Island, imprisoned them? Let us take more than 50 million to redeem people?!" Xu Zijia looked at the letter and felt ridiculous and laughed. "Does this Takamatsu daring is getting fatter now? Dare to take us to joke?"

Speaking of this, Xu Zijia said to the side of the law-protection Shao Xinpeng: "Heart brother, this Takamatsu is your person, do you usually overindulge it?"

The protector Shao Xinpeng was a wrinkle and shook his head: "Gao Songyuan is impossible, and it will not open such a joke."

Another law nodded: "I also think Takamatsu is unlikely to make such a joke!"

The hall guards the law.

Wang Yuan stood up from the throne and took a small step, his eyes blinking: "If it is true, there must be people behind Liu Zhi."

According to the information they had previously searched on Liu Zhi and Qiu Ling Ling Island, there are no more than 20 supreme masters in Wuhai Lingdao. Wu Chengkun, Gao Songyuan and others are 100 people who are supreme and can easily eliminate the Bohai Sea. Lingdao.

Now, Takamatsu actually said that they were captured by Liu Zhi and imprisoned!

“Will it be Sand Island?” Xu Zijia, who protects the law, sinks.

Although Haishen Island controls one side of the sea, its strength is not weak, but there are also many strong enemies. One of them is Shadao. The sand island is not far from the sea area controlled by Poseidon. The two islands often have conflicts and contradictions.

Therefore, this Xu Zica suspects that Shadao controls Liu Zhi to be against Haishen Island.

"Shadao!" Chen Yizhen, a law-abiding lawyer, mentioned Shadao. His eyes were hateful and stunned: "If the person behind Liu Zhi is really a sand island, hey!"

In a conflict with Shadao, his pro-disciple died in the hands of a master in Shadao.

"No matter whether the person behind Liu Zhi is not a sand island, since Gao Songyuan is now imprisoned in Bohai City, we are sure to save it." Wang Yuan, the main **** of Haishen Island, said.

"The meaning of the island owner is that we really took more than 50 million to redeem people?" Xu Zijia asked.

Wang Yuan sneered: "More than 50 million? Nature! However, I would like to see if this Liu Zhi and the people behind it really have such a big appetite, can you eat more than 50 million!"

However, before departure, under the cautiousness, Wang Yuan still let the forces of Poseidon Island once again investigate the truth of the sea.

Soon, the results of the investigation and control came out, and Wang Yuan was shocked.

"The master behind Liu Zhi is a young man who dominates the early tenth peak?" Wang Yuan could not believe it.

"Yes, the island owner, just which family of the ancestral family is this, has not been found yet." Xu Zijia smiled.

"Haha, it turned out to be just a small master." Chen Yizhen smiled and said: "It seems that this kid should be a minority of a family? It can be seen that this kid's family and Zongmen should not be strong." ""

Wang Yuan nodded, and then made a series of instructions to the public protection law, began to summon the sea **** island masters.

A few hours later, Wang Yuan and Poseidon Island masters took a spaceship and began to travel to Bohai Ling Island.

The letter that Huang Xiaolong gave Gao Songyuan to Wang Yuan was only to let Wang Yuan and Haishen Island protect the law. However, this time Wang Yuan was not only in contact with the Poseidon Island, but also the secret 5,000 Supreme Masters.

Five thousand Supreme Masters are almost all the supreme masters of Poseidon.

Although the other side is only a master of the situation, but dare to provoke the sea **** island, there must be some flaws, so Wang Yuan carefully, led the master of the sea **** island to come out.

Although there is no supreme high-order in the sea **** island, there are many masters in the supreme world. In the holy places, even if there are many top-level supreme sects, there are no 5,000 supreme masters.

Like the nine-day gate of the Bilu dynasty, the Burning Valley, the Beidou Jianzong, there are only a few dozen supreme, some small supreme sects, and even only a few supreme.

Five thousand Supreme Masters, even if they are only the first level, are enough to make many dynasties smell.


"His Royal Highness, Wang Yuan, they have already set off, and now they are coming to our Hailing Island." Shortly after Wang Yuan’s departure, Liu Zhi reported to Huang Xiaolong.

"On the way to protect Wang Yuan and Haishen Island?" Huang Xiaolong nodded and asked at random.

Liu Zhi shook his head: "Although only the protection of Wang Yuan and Poseidon Island came over on the surface, according to the investigation, there are still many masters of Poseidon Island who are following in secret, and many of them, the master of Poseidon Island should be out of the nest. ”

A sacred guardian, Tian Tianxing, smiled at Huang Xiaolong: "If Wang Yuan knows, your intention is to let them go to the sea **** island masters. I don't know what Wang Yuan would think?"

Because, Huang Xiaolong’s original intention is to try to make Haishen Island a net!

"At the time, please ask four seniors to help out." Huang Xiaolong laughed.

The four guardians smiled and said: "Well, Li Wenyuan let us follow the Yellow Emperor's Highness and protect the safety of His Holiness, and we will not stand by."

Everyone smiled.

A few days later.

When the sea of ​​Linghai Island was calm, a spaceship appeared over the sea of ​​Linghai, and the Wangyuan and Poseidon Island protection laws came out of the spaceship.

"蜃海城." Wang Yuan looked at the refurbished Bohai City in front of him, his eyes flashing.

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